
Digital Foundry: Our first look at the PlayStation 5 user interface - and it could be a game-changer

Cards, Activities and the Control Centre have the potential to change the way we play.

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RazzerRedux1346d ago

"and it could be a game-changer"

You do, in fact, use the interface to change games so....

UnSelf1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

heres an agree

edit: an n4g article about a eurogamer article about a DF article. Jesus Christ

1346d ago
averagejoe261346d ago

There is no N4G article. And DF is Eurogamer.

UnSelf1346d ago

There's an n4g.com

Theres a eurogamer.net

There's a digitalfoundry.net

We can play semantics all day

Ju1346d ago

DF is part of it, but it's not eurogamer. Leadbetter and his team is DF, while eurogamer is a whole network.

Dragonscale1345d ago

So what? Does it really matter fgs.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
RaiderNation1346d ago

LOL well played!

In all honesty, I HATE the term "game-changer" and I think it's one of the most overused terms in video gaming. I'm not sure if the term really applies here either but I do like what we've been shown so far regarding the UI.

Mr_cheese1346d ago

Agree! Same with "take it to the next level"

NXFather1346d ago

I mean only one of us really did it. Not talking about games. Not playing no games.

1345d ago
gamer78041346d ago

Lol nice. Basically a UI should have as much functionality until it gets in the way. Basically stop short of that

RaiderNation1346d ago

That's why I've actually come to really appreciate the Switch's UI. In the beginning I hated how barebones it was but now I actually appreciate it's simplicity.

NecrumOddBoy1346d ago

Razz, is technically correct; the best kind of correct!

ClayRules20121346d ago

LOL. Well said, Razzer!

Digital Foundry...please, just stop!🤦🏼‍♂️

Bathyj1346d ago

Hey, I made this same joke weeks ago. 😜

RazzerRedux1346d ago

lol...I swear I didn't steal it, but I guess I owe you royalties for usage anyway.

Hmmm, got change for a quarter? ;-)

Bathyj1345d ago

Ha. It's fine mate. Everybody gets one.

purple1011346d ago

Hahaa. That's a quality comment if I ever saw one.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
Software_Lover1346d ago

Every week we have “a game changer”.

I wish people would stop being so dramatic with these titles (in all regards)

Saijahn1346d ago

Both consoles are offering things never seen in gaming consoles before so yeah it's groundbreaking stuff going on 🤷🏽‍♂️

AriesBear1346d ago

Not the u.i. really no one cares about it. It's nice to have but no one in the history of gaming has ever said "why did you not buy a PS4? The user interface is just not cute. Yeah no. Remember all these sites get a kickback for praising the consoles. It's just business PR

RaidenBlack1346d ago

The UI may never be a selling point of a game console.
But an unintuitive and crap UI will plague your experience for days and may also cause you to question your purchase decision. The software matters to drive the hardware.

EverydayJoe1346d ago

@Aries in the PS3 era I heard that many times when the Xfans were so wet on the Blades UI.. I think they still are.

crazyCoconuts1346d ago

No on is calling that a game changer, even with exaggeration mode on

SierraGuy1346d ago

LMAO...looks like they copied ps4 dash 🤭.

Finally after all these years.

bajny771346d ago

Can't see any difference.same old clustered screen

Ju1346d ago

Seriously? How is this remotely similar? Those aren't tiles. The dashboard never had any interactive elements, or activities or anything else where you can attach functionality to a game. The only similarity is some colorful rectangular like shapes. But that's where that ends

purple1011346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

That is a copy of PS4! the card rollerdex on top of recently played games.

ok does look better and the icons are bigger than what we've had on PS4 but we have been playing like this for years.

Xbox any got rid of their stupid Windows 10 tiles because although they looked good.. it was a nightmare to use it was like going into a supermarket every time and they've moved your favourite items to a different I'll and you have to search for them. And don't tell me about updated where they moved them on purpose! Grrrr

alb18991346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

For me Quick Resume with multiple games is the best feature of the OS of next generation and PS5 won't have it.

Ju1345d ago

..because it doesn't need it. You can jump into a game in different places faster then the X can resume old games.

1345d ago
RedDevils1345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

That look shit though. Look like bunch of ads cramp together.

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crazyCoconuts1346d ago

@Saijahn I think we all know which console is largely just iterative and which console strives to stand out as next gen with new innovations and features.

darthv721346d ago

Yes... the Series X towers above all. Even in the skyline: https://d2skuhm0vrry40.clou...

Christopher1345d ago

@darth72: Not going to lie, that would be an amazing addition to FlightSim as an inside jest of sorts.

1346d ago
AriesBear1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Lol so true it's ridiculous. My fave part was "when you get stuck in a game you can look at the cards" or just Google it. no one in the history has praised the console because of the UI. people care about the games and innovation not about the navigation screen. It's never sold consoles. It's a UI. Game changer!

SamTheGamer1345d ago

“people care about the games and innovation not about the navigation screen”

Trying to find out games for XBOX

1345d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1345d ago
nickanasty2061346d ago

Now that this is out of the way, would love to get more deep dives into the exclusives coming out. Specifically Godfall, because even though i do have it pre-ordered, i feel like i don't know enough about the game and may very well cancel the pre-order if further deep dives don't impress me.

Stanjara1346d ago

Why didn't you wait for reviews then?
I mean seriously...

nickanasty2061346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Mainly because i can cancel the preorder or just return it. Money doesn't come out of my account until launch day, so i can decide by then as long as review embargos are released before day one. I wanted to have all my stuff in order at Best Buy so i can just do curbside pickup and can avoid going into a crowded store, so pre-ordering was my best bet in doing that. Mainly trying to reduce my exposure to Covid for the most part with the early pre-order move. That's understandable i hope.

Stanjara1346d ago

As I see it you don't know what you are buying.
Also, that game will be 2 moths from release on a discount and will be 8/10.
That is still good, but nothing you'll miss out.

nickanasty2061346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Definitely taking a gamble for sure. My intention is to buy a new next gen game that has co-op and this does. I believe its the only PS exclusive that does coop that is somewhat appealing.

Thunder_G0d_Bane1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Dude don’t pre order games you don’t know much about. You’re caught up in a hype and you need to level out your thoughts.

I plan on getting a ps5 day one with miles morales and for the ps plus collection a bunch of games in there I haven’t played. But that’s about it. All the other games coming out that I’m interested in like cyberpunk I’m getting for my pc and I know what I’m getting. Witcher 3 was my game of the generation.

Oh and it’s worth adding I don’t have any of these things pre ordered lol I’ll get em closer to the time.

nickanasty2061346d ago

Witcher 3 was fantastic. With Godfall, like i said, was looking for a fun next-gen exclusive game on my PS5 that i can play with friends. From my understanding, Godfall is the only game i know of that is next gen and will do Co-op. If i'm wrong, definitely let me know, i just want something i can play with my buddies on day one. I don't have any friends who have had playstation in the past, so generally have only been able to play online on my Xbox or PC with buddies. This time around i have two other buddies who actually got a PS5 pre-order, so i'm looking to hopefully be able to connect with them online in a new game. Usually my Playstation is just the single player warrior console for exclusives, so i'm really looking to find something i can play to connect with my buddies online thats fun and isn't just another generic FPS multiplat game.

purple1011346d ago

I'm getting dirt 5 and ghost of tushima for my ps4pro. (I play 1080p not 4kthough)

Will get ps5 when gran Turismo 7 and ratchet and clank are out. Also by then...Spiderman will be cheap..

Plus I need to save up for a 4k TV etc..

Im looking forward to my last 2 this-gen games.. whilst equally looking forward to next gen games.

So although dirt 5 and Ghost will have a next-gen patch... neither are true next gen

To say I'm excited for both is an understatement.

purple1011346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

Think there working right up to last minute on that one. Also it runs on unreal engine 4.2 not unreal 5. So it's not truly next gen.

But if you want an idea of what it's like to play a pc game on ultra max settings.. this would be it.

Profchaos1345d ago

Seriously it's the most covered game so far I've only seen a few brief snips front Spiderman im all in on that

Anomander1345d ago

How is Godfall exclusive again? I can play it on my PC?

nickanasty2061345d ago (Edited 1345d ago )

Specifically between the consoles is what i meant to say. But you do put out a good point. PC will probably be a better place to play this. Maybe ill just cancel my preorder for the PS5 version and just get this on PC. Surely it won't be 70 dollars as well.

Anomander1345d ago

I just checked the Epicstore and It's $59.99 for the base game. I am willing to be it goes on sale first as well.

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morganfell1346d ago ShowReplies(1)
SullysCigar1346d ago

No sh!t it's a game changer. So many quality of life enhancements, blistering speed, easy navigation, finally some understanding of progress towards trophies (but it's so much more!), PIP with your friends, speech to text message via the controller mic, the list goes on - really impressed by all this. And it's pretty lol

StormSnooper1346d ago (Edited 1346d ago )

My thoughts exactely. I was pleasantly surprised. The PIP and voice chat through Dualsense blew me away.

crazyCoconuts1346d ago

I think it's great - new UI really hammers home that it's a next gen console, not just a processor/GPU upgrade. I was overly optimistic about the Create button - thought it was likely Dreams would somehow be integrated into the system. Seems like they should do something there - the Dreams investment was massive and it's too amazing a creation to simply let it fade away like any other game does over time...

SullysCigar1346d ago

I'm going to check out all the spooky Dreams games in VR tomorrow night - can't wait!

BlackDoomAx1345d ago

Since dreams has been announced, i told that it would be very smart and almost mandatory to have it integrated with the PS5. Missed opportunity if it won't.

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phoenixwing17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Last week they said it had 30 million pre registrations

Now it's suddenly a flop? I'm thinking it was a slow news day the day they wrote this

Vits6h ago

That is the GACHA cycle. Pretty much every single one gets tons of pre-registrations because of the bonuses you get when you sign up. Then Gacha players will play it for a week or two to see if it's for them. Definitely not a flop for now, but not out of the woods either. Most gachas don't survive for more than a year. And WW has way higher production values than your average GACHA, so it's even more riskier.

Now, for the game itself: I played it for a bit, and it is a game that will definitely please those who complained about GI combat. But for everyone else, it's sort of "meh," particularly due to the lack of charisma in everything.

phoenixwing3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

It's not like it's super realistic graphics. They did overhaul it but I doubt top tier cel shading costs as much as bleeding edge tech for realistic graphics. My only gripe is they kept the Chinese names for things and it makes it harder to remember for english speakers.

Michiel19891h ago

the game is definitely out of the woods, you have no idea how attached 15 yo's get to these higher quality gacha games. You talk about the gacha cycle, but part of the cycle if promoting the game to infinity and making your money back in the first month, that's also part of the cycle sadly.

Xeofate15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

The game made an estimated 26 million in May before it's official release and that number hasn't been updated for June so it's actually way higher.

I'm not sure what is going on with this site and trying to talk down this game but it's obviously hugely sucessful.

Is it just because it's going to be on PlayStation? It's the same sites that are talking up xbox and and talking down PlayStation that are talking this game down.

Sonyslave314h ago(Edited 14h ago)

No lol majority of this game sales is going to come from mobile n pc, like genshin impact.

This game had so much hype going on it crazy, the Geshin Impact killer smh it numbers not all that impressive compare to geshin.

Aint got shet to do with playstation 🤔 plus it launch was terrible fill with issues that Kuro still working on at this moment.

Xeofate7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

What are you talking about? It doesn't need to beat Genshin to be sucessful.

The game has been hugely popular, the sales ranking hasn't even been posted for the full release of the game, yet it's final beta did over 26m in sales.

The game has been a huge sucess for Kuro Games.

jznrpg2h ago

Don’t care for mobile gacha shite

blackblades1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Then why TF are you here cause clearly you care enough to show up 🤡