
5 Lovecraft Inspired Games to Fill Your October

H.P Lovecraft has had a great influence on modern horror. Lets take a look at games that adapt some of H.P Lovecraft's chilling tales.

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Rangerman12081382d ago

Disappointed to see Bloodborne not on the list.

Eidolon1381d ago (Edited 1381d ago )

It was the one game I loved that I know is Lovecraftian. 4/5 of these games are heavily Story driven/Interactive which might not cater to a majority of gamers.

P_Bomb1382d ago

Never heard of Conarium and Moons of Madness. Added them to my wishlist for a future sale.

VerminSC1381d ago

I always think of bloodborne as a good Halloween lovecraftian game.


The Sinking City Developer Frogwares Gets Full Publishing Rights, Promises New DLC

Frogwares, the developer of Lovecraftian investigative horror adventure The Sinking City, has obtained full publishing rights for its game.

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shinoff2183206d ago

Nice to see this has been finally settled.

henbayward205d ago

Good for them. Sinking City was an odd game for me. Tons of jank and filler, and poorly tacked-on combat and character upgrades, but decent writing and stories that were compelling enough to make me finish the game.
It feels like it wants to be a point-and-click adventure game, but got shoehorned into an open-world RPG.

shinoff2183205d ago

I got la noire vibes from it.

SyntheticForm205d ago (Edited 205d ago )

Good game. Not bad, not great. I'm still waiting for an amazing Cthulu game. Call of Cthulu by Cyanide/Focus Home got the tone and setting right, but just didn't deliver enough in other areas.

One day, eventually.

CBaoth205d ago

we never will now in this current climate. HP Lovecraft is taboo amongst the major players. Shame too cuz all his stories would make killer side quests in an open world adventure about the great old ones.

Nacho_Z205d ago

Rather than DLC a sequel that built on everything that worked and polished the bits that didn't would be ideal. There was a lot to like about the first game and it'd be a great base for a follow up with improved combat etc.

Feels like the game is a bit old for DLC, I can imagine them grafting on it and nobody buying it.


The best spooky roguelikes for Halloween

Tis the season to be spooky, and so Rogueliker has gathered together a collection of roguelikes and roguelites that have fun being scary.

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Horror roguelikes - scare yourself to death this Halloween

We've endured the purest terror in all of gaming in order to bring you this terrifying list of horror roguelikes.

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ChronoJoe268d ago

Inscrpytion should be higher and I think BPM deserves a mention.