
Where Xbox One was doomed to fail, Xbox Series X is set up to succeed

Fast forward six years since Spencer's Xbox appointment, and his vision hasn't just taken shape: it's morphed into a gaming behemoth.

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potatoseal1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

"morphed into a gaming behemoth"

Right now, Xbox is not a behemoth. Right now, the way they have invested and with how gamepass is set up is NOT SUSTAINABLE. Obviously they're hoping things will change in the future. But it hasn't happened yet.

These opinion pieces act like they've seen the future. Why don't you wait a while before you start calling the 3RD PLACE gaming company... a Behemoth. For all you know this could end in complete disaster.

Fine, hype up their potential future in the games industry, but don't act like they've already arrived on a cloud of success. They haven't.

lumo19861446d ago ShowReplies(7)
glennhkboy1446d ago

"the way they have invested and with how gamepass is set up is NOT SUSTAINABLE" Why is this not sustainable? Haven't Netfix & HBO not only sustain, but very successful, under the same business model? Haven't Netfix & HBO produced many high quality shows using subscription model (of cause there are many not-so-good show as well)? Why can MS do the same?

NEXUS-61446d ago

The last few years should be enough of a red flag. The last few months should also be a red flag.

All this talk about BC and gamepass has been done to death.

They apologised after the 3rd party event, then repeated the same mistakes in their 1st party event.

Anyone that needed to be sold on gamepass and BC - is on board 1000%.

I need to see new games, 1st party games, stuff that takes advantage of the new hardware.

Very strange strategy they're going for.

potatoseal1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

It's just not the same at all. Different variables. Different set of costs involved. Technically everyone and their mother should have subbed to GamePass already, I mean the value is there for the consumer, but they haven't... and I believe it's because the majority of gamers don't want a subscription based service for games. If it's not super touch-of-a-finger, play straight-away type experience, then most people will not bother in my opinion. It needs to be as fast and accessible as Netflix and it's just not. The technology is not there yet.

This is all just my opinion ok. We'll see in the coming years. They need a heap more subs and they need them to stay there, but I just don't see that happening. This is also another reason why I think you'll see the Bethesda games on PS5, but we need to wait on that too.

sprinterboy1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

Agree somewhat fella, but I would say a Netflix original series like stranger things only takes a year to film and release and potentially have 50m plus watching the new series but in game development for a AAA game takes 4/5 years and potentially it could be a flop with maybe only 1m playing the game on gamepass and maybe only a small percentage actually buy the game?
Atm there bleeding money but there in it for the long haul and we will only really know of its a success twds the end of the gen.
MS are hoping they can can tap into the mobile gamer who plays Castle crashers, angry birds, farm ville etc but tbh and its only my opinion but I don't think the casual or hardcore mobile gamer is gonna transition to gamepass? There more interested in 10/30min on the bus/toilet experiences and quick fix than play forza on the toilet for 10mins or play MP gears on the bus?
3rd party games and AAA don't play well on a small screen so maybe games like limbo, ori could do well for the casual mobile gamer but they ain't gonna be subscribing to gamepass for 3rd party games like rdr2 on the bus or park bench or resident evil or halo etc.
For me personally who loves the AAA SP story driven games mainly all I'm gonna do regarding Xbox nxt gen is just subscribe to gamepass over Xmas holidays once a year and binge play 2 or 3 hopefully in 2 years time great AAA games then cancel until the following Xmas rinse and repeat.
Xbox for me nxt gen to play there AAA SP story driven games (hopefully) will cost me no more than about £50 over the course of 6 years? If 50% of say 20m subscribers do exactly that then that billions in lost revenue?
Is that sustainable? Only time will tell

jukins1446d ago

Netflix isn't doing as good as it seems. They are burning through so much of their cash reserves vs revenue income that investors are worried eventually they will fall flat especially with so many new big streaming services. Disney eventually is going to have all ita movies in house on Disney + thats going to be a huge loss to Netflix. Big shows are leaving Netflix to go to home streaming.

For gamepass to be succesful in the long run its going to take a much bigger selection than 200 or so rotating games. Yea 1st party games will come but so far its halo forza gears. Zenimax titles are years away. And people are still going to want to play the 2ks the madden gtv games that usually won't appear.

kneon1446d ago

The difference is scale. if microsoft could get as many subscribers as netflix then perhaps it could work. but that will never happen

waverider1446d ago

Nope they arent. Netflix got almost 200 millions and still... Microsoft got 15 millions...

WiiU-Dude1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

Agree. Microsoft knows what they are doing to be profitable. My mind is terribly stuck in the traditional way of making a game, sell it for $60 and move on to the next. It is hard for me to believe Gamepass will work, but Microsoft is going all in, they must know something the rest of us don't. They very well could be one step ahead as they are in cloud gaming. We will see what dividends cloud gaming will bring soon enough. Microsoft is evolving. That is often painful for those stuck in tradition. Of course Microsoft has to because they can't beat Sony straight up, nor Nintendo for that matter. To be truthful, Microsoft can do things exactly as they see fit and Sony can keep doing things their way. Who says they both have to conduct business the same. Time will tell which will win...maybe they can co exist and both companies make their profit.

343_Guilty_Spark1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

He's betting on a Trillion dollar company....let that sink in that just spent billions on a entire publisher

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1445d ago
sprinterboy1446d ago

All xbox eggs are in one basket with gamepass, if that fails its another long 6 years for the Xbox division?

Gunstar751446d ago

have you guys forgotten that you can buy every game in gamepass?

nickanasty2061446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

I think we need to wait and see what the new 23 development studios are working on before we can make any remarks like this. Next year or the year after will really set in stone what Microsoft is trying to do. Once you start seeing some of those big first party games release on a regular schedule, this could all change. Don't think they have shown all the tricks in their hat just yet.

1446d ago Replies(2)
Chris121446d ago

You criticise an opinion piece because they act like they have seen the future, and then you openly declare that Gamepass is not sustainable. Don't you realise who stupid you sound?

And as for MS being a behemoth. The definition is not who comes first and third in an industry sector, you can have multiple 'behemoths' in a sector.

Stop trying so hard and questioning Xbox when you have no interest in the product, there is enough to worry about with your preferred console which you constantly ignore. Why is that?

sushimama1446d ago

But right now, in the present, it's losing lots of money and it's not sustainable at the current level, they're also Billions and Billions in the hole. So technically he is correct. You might want to look in that mirror when you call the person in front you stupid.

Listen to you... "But but But, there can be more than one behemoth"

According to some people, in a running race there can be more than one winner too. "You're all winners. Even if you come in last place. You all get a trophy"

The term Behemoth should be saved for a company that has had sustained success at the top of the heap at multiple times. Nintendo and Sony. Xbox has yet to earn that "behemoth" title you speak of.

Chris121446d ago

@ sushimama 'Billions and billions in the hole' - accounts are not your strong point are they? Your dream does not equal reality.

Behemoth refers to size, not who is a winner, so your analogy doesn't work.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

darx1446d ago

How is potoatoseal not running the MS gaming division?

mariopasta1446d ago

It just that person's opinion. Who really cares? No one

1446d ago
TheGreatGazoo301446d ago

You say it's not sustainable based on what? Your financial and business acumen being that much more than Satya's and the rest of executivea at MS?

They went from 10 to 15 million GamePass subscribers in like 6 months.That's 150-200+ million dollars per month. The Xbox division reported record revenue in Q3, so it's seems sustainable.

Gunstar751446d ago

Calm down mate.

Compared to 2013, xbox is looking like a serious competitor.

They have gone from a handful of studios making the same IP's, to around 36 teams across 26 studios and some of the industries best talent making games.

Gamepass also goes from strength to strength.

You have to be a fanboy not to recognise the transformation

King_Noctis1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

"Right now, the way they have invested and with how gamepass is set up is NOT SUSTAINABLE."

Sustainable or not, companies like Netflix and Spotify still exists and they aren't going nowhere. Same thing can be said for Gamepass going forward. So instead of worry about this or that not making enough money, we should just enjoy the service for what it is. Gamepass is a success and nothing would change that as of now.

Godmars2901446d ago

"Microsoft is a Behemoth..."

Only because they bankrolled DOS, something practically given to them by IBM, into a practical monopoly. Bought into many tech infrastructures making money off those patients and licenses while generally mucking up open market offerings such as Zune and Xbox.

Yes I said Xbox, which would have gone under with RRoD.

Ratty1446d ago

I don't know if I would call the Xbox a behemoth but Microsoft certainly is one. They had huge setbacks with the Xbox One and made really atrociously bad calls at first with the online-only thing. I personally owned an Xbox and a 360 and hated my experience with both. Not to mention my 360 quit on me after a few months of casual use vs my first PS3's 6 years of intense use. Safe to say I don't think I'll ever buy another Xbox ever again. If I get a next-gen console it's a PS5.

That said, right now they're playing all their cards right for a change. Game pass is an investment and whether or not it's sustainable I honestly don't know. But that's the way to do it. You don't try something for a year and call it quits if it doesn't bring back on investment yet. That kind of service is something you work on for years before it starts bringing in money. That's the smart way to do it if you can afford it... and they can. Google is an excellent example of what happens when you don't do it smart. They're doing the exact opposite with Stadia. Any smart person could have seen they'd be losing money for the first couple years but they could have made a lot of profit long-term if they kept throwing money at it.

And I'm not happy about the Bethesda acquisition but was that a smart move on their part? Hell yes. I don't think Sony buying studios is the way to go. Unfortunately, Sony has been acting as if the battle is already won probably because of the PS4's success. Look back at how they were playing their cards when they announced the PS4 vs the PS5. They were always several steps ahead of Microsoft back then. You could see they were keeping an ear to fan feedback back then. But they really turned that around a few years after that unfortunately.

IMO taking past success for granted is one of the worst mistakes you can do in business. But we'll see. At this point I'm not really cheering for one side or the other. Neither has really been talking to me. I don't really care which one comes out on top.

StormSnooper1446d ago

It’s more hyperbole subjective wording from PR. Means nothing, doesn’t inform you one bit, and there is no way to disprove it, because no one can say what a behemoth translates to in this context, so they can make whatever claim they want.

What is interesting is that MS seems to be doing the same exact thing as last gen, except now they are patting themselves on the shoulder.

StarLink1446d ago

Your opinion pieces speaks like if it was fact. Why don't you wait instead of downplaying. For ALL you know this could be a great success...even though it already has started being a success.

Christopher1446d ago

The strength of Xbox is that it's being leveraged by Microsoft to take on Google and Amazon in cloud-related business. It's why I think they were able to offer GamePass early on for $1 conversion and have made the studio purchases they have. Xbox is another attack against companies way larger than Sony.

umair_s511446d ago

It is very safe to say Xbox will do very well this gen. It is Sony who will loose market share to Xbox.

umair_s511446d ago

Truth is Sony fans are hurt that Xbox is stealing their thunder. It's hard to accept loss. The facts are out Xbox are competing and Sony is in for a much harder gen than the last.

pocolocoX1445d ago

Netflix is currently not sustainable. Their stock is dropping. 📈

1444d ago
+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 1444d ago
EasilyTheBest1446d ago

"The best thing MS has done for Playstion fans is put Gamepass on PC.

Now we don't have to buy their console at all. Not only that, we can buy a $70 game for only one month sub to gamepass, finish the game, and unsubscribe for PEANUTS. So thank you to MS for this"

How many ppl have a PS5 plus a powerful PC, it's a stupid argument. Plus if u ain't buying those third party games on PS5 but are getting them on Gamepass it means the publishers are seeing their game do better on Gamepass rather than PS5.
Ridiculous argument.

potatoseal1446d ago

The Nvidia 3070 performs better than the 2080Ti and it's only $499. PC gaming that has more power than consoles has never been this affordable. This is THE BEST TIME to get a PC. It's PS5 and PC for the absolute WIN in this coming generation.

Gamepass in a money pit. Of course they would prefer to sell a game at full price as opposed to someone ONLY signing up for 1 month for $10, finishing the game, and the unsubscribing. It's basic maths.
Infallible argument.

jukins1446d ago

Most people aren't even paying $10. All I see, and done, is people using tricks of the trades to renew for a $1

Chris121446d ago

A guy on a forum who hates Xbox knows more than all the bean counters and lawyers at Microsoft. You couldn't make it up.

darx1446d ago

Chis12 funny isn’t it!

jukins1446d ago

You mean how Spencer himself says gamepass isnt profitable? Lol I mean IF everyone was paying full price but their not. . .like I said I've abused the $1 trick several times on pc and I rarely even use it

jukins1446d ago

Also funny saying I hate xbox lol. Do we need to examine YOUR comments? Ironic hypocritical typical fanboy lol

Chris121446d ago

My comment was made @potatoseal, who spends every day in Xbox stories despite having no interest in the console. A slight difference to an Xbox fan being in Xbox stories.

boing11446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

Majority of people that play on consoles don't want to play on PC, no matter how powerful it is. It's not about power.

chiefJohn1171446d ago

Junkin so you gave Ms money for something your not even using? Lol that's a Win for MS. They got Money from you for literally nothing

1445d ago
pocolocoX1445d ago

$500 plus $5 a month vs
$500 + $500 plus $70 every 2 months plus PlayStation Plus...

Is it basic math or quick mafths 2+2=4-1=3. Mans not hot.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1445d ago
1446d ago Replies(1)
TheGreatGazoo301446d ago

They don't care if you buy the console. They want you to play Xbox on PC, Android, or the Xbox. Yes, you can join and quit, same as with Netflix, there is a reason investors LOVE subscription models, because most people don't so that. If you're someone that plays on casually from time to time, sure. Anyone that plays a lot, always new games out there and the Bethesda acquisition means even more.

RazzerRedux1446d ago

"How many ppl have a PS5 plus a powerful PC"

Probably a lot more than you think considering there are 1.3 billion PC gamers in the world. Of course, not all have a "powerful" PC. But Steam hardware surveys say half its members have PCs equal to or more powerful than Xbox One X. Not enough data to make any conclusions as to how many intersect with console or PS specifically, but I'd guess that most who own PCs that powerful wouldn't have a need for Xbox and would opt for PS5 instead. I know that's what I do.

"Plus if u ain't buying those third party games on PS5 but are getting them on Gamepass it means the publishers are seeing their game do better on Gamepass rather than PS5."

That's fine for smaller games, but we all know most big third party AAA games are not going to Game Pass day one.

Obscure_Observer1446d ago

"Probably a lot more than you think considering there are 1.3 billion PC gamers in the world."

Source? Yeah, I´m curious to know how many PC gamers are actually ACTIVE PC gamers.

"But Steam hardware surveys say half its members have PCs equal to or more powerful than Xbox One X. "

Also curious to see how many out of "1.3 billion PC gamers in the world." will have a PC as powerful as the Series X on launch.

Hakuoro1445d ago


>Also curious to see how many out of "1.3 billion PC gamers in the world." will have a PC as powerful as the Series X on launch."

You mean the Series S right? Did you already forget that Microsoft made that?

RazzerRedux1445d ago

"Source? Yeah, I´m curious to know how many PC gamers are actually ACTIVE PC gamers."

It is a good question. Of course, same question could be applied to console gamers.


"Also curious to see how many out of "1.3 billion PC gamers in the world." will have a PC as powerful as the Series X on launch."

Even if we assume RTX 2080 or greater and then add in the RTX 3000 series (which is selling very well) and then the RDNA 2 GPUs coming.....we don't typically get hard numbers of component sales so it is hard to say for certain.

boing11446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

I think this setup is more likely to happen. Multiplatform gamers are still a minority, though. Not counting mobiles.

Hakuoro1445d ago


It's not about how many people own a PC and a PlayStation. It's about how many people own a PC and don't need to buy an xbox console. They eliminated the need for the console for all those PC owners.

If that's even 25% of their prior fanbase that's a huge loss of potential sales for the SX.

RedDevils1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

I do. So many of my mates as well. Hell, I don't even see a single reason to buy Xsx anytime, maybe in 5 years time when it dirt cheap so I can play some last gen games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1445d ago
CaptainObvious8781446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

Not just taken shape but morphed into a behemoth?

Remind me again, how many exclusives is the xsx releasing with? How did the 5 years and 500 mil halo turn out?

Behemoth... what an absolute joke.

I don't know how many times I've said this bc xbox fans keep prematurely counting their chickens, but how about you actually wait until Ms actually produces something of value instead of shallow, hollow promises.

RpgSama1446d ago

The only thing Xbox has for themselves is a bunch of people that don't want to pay for games, people that are only excited to play "free" games on Gamepass, that's all they care about, that's all you read on any gaming site comments.

Kavorklestein1446d ago

I've gotta ask, is it really so bad to be excited about a killer deal that let's you play a lot of games for cheap?

If that ends up being something that changes down the line then ok big deal, but for now the value is incredible and there's nothing wrong with being able to have some fun playing games and saving money doing it .

waverider1446d ago

Thats a major problem. They dont buy the games. Why would they? They already play them on gamepass. Less 15 millions buying games..

chiefJohn1171446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )

No they care about more stuff, it's just game pass is so great everything else in the industrial doesn't come close to it from an entertainment standpoint. You as a gamer should realize that. We play games right? That's the hobby we love. gamepass gives you more access into this hobby that makes our life so peaceful, stress free, exciting. That beats a mega powerful, ultra fast, super expensive console. Beats a new controller with a ton of features. It seem some of you plays sells and brands rather than games

You forgot who you are and where you came from

RpgSama1446d ago (Edited 1446d ago )


I love games, and I want to support the developers that make them, developers big and small, by buying those games, not a trillion dollar company that wants to make everything service based online only, this is a trojan horse, once everybody is on board the online streaming only future, things on console will be no different than the phone market, bunch of casual Freemium games (Freemium because you get them on Gamepass for "free" but then ALL of them will have MT's to recoup money)

chiefJohn1171445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

You say that but go buy a used copy of games. Devs get a cut when they add their title to GP. If I was unsure of a game, playing it on gamepass is much better for the devs than waiting for a cheap used copy where they get 0 dollars from it. So please save that BS for someone else. If GP was bad for developers they wouldn't be adding their games to it now would they? Plus if you love the game you still have the option to buy it. Many came out and said their games sold better after adding it to gamepass. So you can go broke trying to buy 100 games that peak your interest and many of which you won't like. I'd rather look out for myself, save money, all while supporting the developer at the same time all Thanks to gamepass. BTW GP isn't streaming only and never will be so that goes to show you know nothing about the service or how gamers use it so please stop speaking about something you're clueless on

RpgSama1445d ago


I DIDN'T buy a SINGLE used game this entire generation, you don't know me, don't talk about things you don't know, I put my money where my mouth is.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1445d ago
Futureshark1446d ago

Shame the Xbox One was doomed to fail really in the first place.. but hey, that's Phil!

1446d ago Replies(1)
Gardenia1445d ago

It will be an exact copy of the Xbox One X. First months it will sell good, then after when the diehard fans all have the system the sales will go down. Playstation will be the same as the PS4 or even better.

The simple fact is that outside of the US the Xbox is not populair. And it still doesn't have great exclusives either.

badz1491446d ago

Xbox? Behemoth? Muahahaha...somebody is living in the bizzaro world

Gunstar751446d ago

name a console / streaming service with as many IP or teams under its belt?

Then we can debate what adjective is best suited.

This site really does attract some delusional fanboys

CaptainObvious8781446d ago

Name a publisher that mismanages their developers worse that Ms.

Name a single exclusive launching with the xsx.

You're right about delusional fanboys though :)

yomfweeee1446d ago

You think they can just buy their way to the top? They can buy all these studios. They still have to produce results from them, which they haven't. They have a history of running studios into the ground. Halo and Gears have gone downhill under their control.

badz1491446d ago


But can you show us where else is the world the least selling brand is considered a "behemoth"?

Gunstar751446d ago

So, avoid answering questions, but instead ask questions that will best fit your narrative...okaaaaay hahaha.

And to answer your questions (as I'm not a total doosh)

EA and Activision are worse publishers.

I'm not hung up on launch exclusives. That is just ammo for fan wars. This ain't like back in the day when ALL you had to play was whT came at launch.

This is more like a new graphics card launch amd nobody bangs on about launch titles for those.

MS/XBOX is in a great position compared to 2013 and i don't much care for idiots who deny it to be the case.

Gunstar751446d ago


Sales dont make something the best.

Otherwise Iron Maiden would outsell Rhianna and Pagani would kick Honda into next week

You guys are just childish fanboys and this site is fucking riddled with you.

Stay safe in your echo Chambers kids, because the grown ups in the real world, you know the ones that love games, as opposed to brands, are excited to see what xbox brings this gen.

crazyCoconuts1446d ago

Name a console that Xbox is beating in terms of sales and active users

crazyCoconuts1446d ago

I guess some of us kids have been around enough to know that just because MS buys something doesn't mean it's going to get better. MS has a lot of interesting IP to work with now, but they have to perform some hard work and turn some of these studios around and form new ones to create some awesome studios. They have NOT done that in the past. In fact, somehow, they allowed the MOST IMPORTANT 1st party IP they have, Halo, get into an inexcusably bad state right under Phil's nose without even knowing it. So now multiply the # of studios by a big number. Can they put the work and management into turning things around? I hope so, but they don't have a great track record

Gunstar751445d ago


I've been around for every console launch since the NES and Master System.

I ain't green mate.

You have some valid points and MS have a LOT to prove.

My point is that they have a much much better position than they did 7 years ago.

I cannot fathom why everyone is not in agreement on this point

RedDevils1445d ago

@Gunstar75 Seem like you live under a rock for last 30 years.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1445d ago
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Ads on Xbox Consoles Are Getting Worse

Ads on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles are getting worse. Over time, Microsoft has been getting more and more aggressive with ad placement on the Xbox Series X|S. Invasive ads already clutter and ruin the Xbox Series X|S dashboard, something that has been annoying Xbox fans for a while. We also know that Microsoft is reportedly exploring a tier of Xbox Game Pass that will make players watch ads in order to play games. And this ties into what Microsoft revealed last year, which was that it was looking into ways to include ads in games, something Xbox fans threatened to boycott the brand over. In the face of public backlash, Xbox has done nothing to alleviate concerns of players, it's only doubled down.

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TheNamelessOne4h ago

If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done. That's ridiculous.

thorstein3h ago

They have been for decades.

Or do you mean, explicit ads that interrupt the game?

NFL 2K5 had the "Burger King Halftime Report."

BK paid them to put that in there. It's technically an ad.

TheNamelessOne3h ago

Yeah. I mean ads ads, not really product placements. I don't really mind stuff like that if it fits into the logic of the world. Hell, even Fallout originally wanted Coka-Cola in the game but didn't work out, so they went with Nuka. There's ads on billboards in a lot of racing games. That stuff doesn't bother me.

Yi-Long3h ago

I think if THAT’S your red line then you’re already lost. There shouldn’t be any ads on the console, at all.

Not at boot-up, not on the dash, not in the store, and not in the games.

It’s ridiculous.

Einhander19723h ago

Microsoft's Tim Stuart, Sarah Bond and others have said they want to add x second of ads every x amount of time of game played. (I say x because they have said various times from every 30 minutes to 2 hours and various lengths of ads from 30 seconds to minutes)

Heck they already put ads in their games on Windows.

People need to realize Microsoft has never cared about actual gaming, it's a means to make money and gain control, the more control they have the more obnoxious they can be. That's why they want PlayStation eliminated so badly that they were willing to spend 100 billion to control what games major publishers are putting on the platform, they are the major roadblock to their control.

I have said for years it's not Microsoft keeping PlayStation in check it's PlayStation keeping Microsoft in check.

The only reason why the xbone failed was because PlayStation offered another option. If PlayStation hadn't been there they would have ignored every single complaint and just forced what they wanted.

You only have to look at how unpopular so many decisions with Windows are yet they do them anyway regardless of complaints and as time goes on they force more and more unpopular things. (and the software gets more bloated and buggy)

ChasterMies2h ago

“If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done.”

Some games already have ads, but that’s besides the point. You’ve already accepted ads your Xbox. Microsoft’s job now is to get you to accept more.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2h ago
LG_Fox_Brazil3h ago

Didn't this already cause a lot of debate in the Xbox community a few months ago? They are still moving forward with the idea?

Zombieburger6383h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Imagine having to pay to play online and still getting ads shoved in your face. Consoles are cooked.

Lightning772h ago

So let me get this straight. The writer is getting mad because MS is advertising Games? The very thing that MS sucks at doing which is advertising it's own games and third party? For a second he made it seem like a hot pockets ad would pop up when turning on the console. But it's video games that are popping up and are releasing soon.

Talk about about a none issue. Btw writer where's this "boycott" at? I don't see anyone on socials right now threatening to boycott, its simply all on your head. Especially, Especially if these ad are video games related and games that are releasing soon.

SimpleDad2h ago

Imagine turning your pc on and before log on screen you see MS Word ad across your whole screen.
Hey it fine, right?

Lightning771h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Talk about not knowing how to read good lord. They're advertising games not word or Doritos, or nothing like that.
Tell me which ones worse. Advertising games or something none game related?

Also read the article and you'll see what he's complaining about. Go ahead.

XiNatsuDragnel2m ago


Sounds you're coping bro

2h agoReplies(1)
RhinoGamer882h ago

How are they going to pay Phil's mega salary peeps?!

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Xbox Next Reportedly Consists of Traditional Console + Handheld

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purple1016h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Any innovation, Naaaah, just copy others!!

In all seriousness this does seem the way to go after the popularity of steam deck / Rog Ally etc it seems logical, but again, without innovation, they’ll just be selling to the same customer base and not gaining new ones I predict

Also their customer base seems to get smaller and smaller each gen after the 360

3h agoReplies(4)
Sonic188140m ago(Edited 32m ago)

I believe their handheld is going to flop because of Steam Deck 2, Rog Alley, Nintendo Switch 2 and so on. But I hope I'm wrong

Vits5h ago

That makes a lot of sense. Microsoft is also working hard on their translation layer for Windows, so this handheld might not even be x86-based. This could give them a significant advantage over traditional PC handhelds in terms of size, heat, and battery life.

As for a traditional console, unless they keep costs low and Sony repeats the pricing mistakes of the PS3 with the PS6 – which might happen given their approach to the PS5 "Pro" – I don’t see it making a major impact. The Series consoles are only relevant because the cheaper SKU, the Series S, managed to move enough units to establish a presence. If was left just for the Series X to carry the mantle, the flop would be larger than the Wii U and PS Vita.

smashman9855m ago

You know the 2 TB series X releasing this year is 599 right? Do you honestly believe prices are going to go down next gen? I'd like to see that but I'm not holding my breath either.

Vits13m ago(Edited 12m ago)

Person A says: "As for a traditional console, unless they keep costs low and Sony repeats the pricing mistakes of the PS3 with the PS6 - which might happen given their approach to the PS5 "Pro" - I don’t see it making a major impact."

Person B answer: "So you really believe the next console is going to be cheaper?"

And every teacher that Person B ever had in their life cries because that challenged individual can't even interpret a simple text. I really hope "98" isn’t the year you were born; that would be really sad.

Obscure_Observer5h ago


A new powerful next gen Xbox console plus a dedicated companion handheld console for my gaming on the go, is just what I want.

PrinceOfAnger3h ago

Seriously why doesn't Microsoft make a Handheld that runs Windows and has Steam on it, etc.? This way, the device can succeed and you can make a lot of money from it, especially if it has powerful spec. I've been thinking about buying a portable device for a long time, but I'm waiting for something really powerful!, apart from the Steam deck. and I'm ready to buy it. I can imagine running all of Microsoft's games on it, as well as Sony games, Switch games, a PS3 emulator, and a PS4 emulator with Bloodborne, etc.

LG_Fox_Brazil3h ago

This handheld really has to be something amazing, because I can't see it being able to get space in a market already dominated by Nintendo Switch 1 and 2 and the Steam Deck unless it has something really interesting going for it

3h agoReplies(1)
MetroidFREAK213h ago

It's going to sell even less than the Series platforms so 🥱

3h agoReplies(2)
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