
Video Game Franchises with the Most Imaginative Weapons

Some Video Game franchises have weapons that are imaginative, unconventional and downright bizarre. This is a good thing. Join us as we investigate nine of the best.

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Skuletor1390d ago

I'm surprised Ratchet & Clank wasn't on the list. Late Saint's Row games, with more imaginative weapons like the Shark gun and the armchair with guns would fit on a part two list as well

NomadsReviews1390d ago

I'm not familiar with Ratchet and Clank (not my sort of game) but I'll add it to the list for part two along with Saint's Row. Thanks for the suggestions :-)

phoenixwing1390d ago

look up resistance fall of man from insomniac as well. there were some interesting weapons for that too

P_Bomb1389d ago (Edited 1389d ago )

Resistance series 100%. Especially the secondary fires. Auger shields, Bullseye tags, Magnum detonator, Rossmore incindiary, then throw a Hedgehog for good measure. By the time I got to R3 they were onto Atomizers and Mutators. Armory speaks for itself.

FreeckyCake1390d ago

Does the unicorn weapon from Red Faction: Armageddon counts?

gleepot1389d ago

Cerebral Bore from Turok 2. Farsight from Perfect Dark.

NomadsReviews1389d ago

Thank you to everyone for your excellent suggestions. They have all been added to the list for part two which should be published by the end of the month :-)


Halo Combat Devolved Coming To Gameboy

Halo is going multiplatform…kind of

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The Next Halo Game Is Being Developed In-House, Contrary To Earlier Reports

The next entry in the Halo franchise is in development in-house at 343 Industries, contrary to earlier reports.

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XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

I see it's good they're developing in-house but question is will it be a good halo game?

RaidenBlack7d ago

Next mainline Halo sequel likely to continue with the in-house slipspace engine (since they invested so much in its development) ...and the Halo 1 Remake likely to be UE5 based one and act as UE based Halo template for future Halo projects

rlow17d ago

Nice to see the truth being reported.

CrimsonWing697d ago

I know this is gonna twist a lot of people's panties, but I'm over Halo. The peak for me was 3 and Reach, after that they've been boring and extremely by the numbers. Infinite was not that great, in my opinion. Was it horrible? Absolutely not. But I'm starting to get the feeling of "if you've played one, you've played them all" ever since 4. My apologies to those I triggered.

anast7d ago

In house AI with independent contractors.

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The Rise of the Metro Series

A look back at 4A Games' admirably consistent post-apocalyptic shooter franchise.

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79d ago
