
Sony Can Make a Huge Splash for PS5 Fans By Acquiring One Studio

Responding to Microsoft's Bethesda deal, PS5 fans are calling for Sony to make a counter acquisition, and one studio would make a world of difference.

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Sonyslave31402d ago

From software is already owned lol do people even do their research.

RazzerRedux1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

lol....what? Just because a developer is owned by a parent company doesn't mean it cannot be sold.

The question is whether a) Sony is interested in buying From Software and b) Kadokawa is interested in sellling. Both have to be true for this to even be possible.

porkChop1402d ago

This would be like Take Two selling Rockstar. They aren't going to sell their most prestigious dev.

DiRtY1402d ago

Well there are a couple of more questions than these two. For example: "How much?"

SullysCigar1402d ago

^ Everything has a price, @porkChop

RazzerRedux1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )


Maybe, maybe not, but that isn't the point I made. They could sell if both parties were interested.


Both parties have to agree to be at the table before they can start negotiations.


Nothing stopping from Kadokawa from inviting bids from anyone.

1402d ago
UltraNova1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

Sully gets it, and after MS spending 7.5 frickin billion on a single purchase (Zenimax) all of you should have been able to get it too. It's a matter of how deep is Sony willing to put their hand in their pocket and anything is possible.

That said, Sony doesn't need to respond to anything, they only need to keep making the games everyone wants to play. To that end MS, barring any bad decisions, now has the IPs that everyone wants to play as well. This is to our benefit in the end - the heat is up and consistency to quality will crown the ultimate winner.

This gen is poised to be the most competitive and exciting yet, and I for one can't wait to see how it will turn up!

Marquinho1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

Why in this world would Kadokawa Corporation be willing to sell their golden egg chicken?

That would only happen over a ridiculously overpriced sum of cash... and that doesn't sound likely to happen.

This guy obviously wrote this "article" over wishful thinking and zero research. He doesn't even mention Kadokawa anywhere. lol

If anything, Sony should go for Bluepoint.

umair_s511402d ago

Sony doesn't nearly have the revenue compared to MS. They have to be very conscientious. There is a reason why PS5 is overclocked compared to Series X.

bouzebbal1402d ago

What a dumb subject people are starting to have.. xbox can buy all devs in the world, talent cannot be bought. Sony worst 1st party quality and talent wipes the floor with all we've seen from xbox game studios this gen combined.
Sony bought insomniac, that's better for me than a publisher who has been making flawed games lately..

East76lands1402d ago

There's no need, people shouldn't overreact about the Bethesda takeover, it's a huge statement of intent but as it stands Sony is still the company with the established quality.

Rimeskeem1402d ago

Did Notch not sell Minecraft? His entire career to MS


Army_of_Darkness1401d ago

Not from software. A lot better developers out there like blue point (Sony will buy them if demon souls sells very well), house Marquee (love their twin stick arcade shooters) just imagine what they could do with dev funds by sony! Or even platinum games! They are also awesome!

1401d ago
derek1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

Sony has been too slow at buying obvious talent when they were in a position to do so. They are way to conservative in securing content for their brand. That being said I think the Zenimax purchase is a terrible buy for Microsoft, overpaying for a bunch of ip, whose popularity is in the past and could very well continue to decline. I've said it b4 having a big fat bloated entity like Microsoft involved is bad for gaming. They don't have the patience or commitment to contribute new or fresh ip to the industry and compete creatively. They just want buy their way to dominance like they did with their windows operating system. Ultimately it won't work and they'll eventually abandon the xbox brand, like they've done with mobile etc..

Greatball19871401d ago

Just because a company can be sold doesn't mean that it's for sale lmfaooooo

TakeTori1401d ago

Also, just don't buy From Software, man. They're my favourite Japanese company and I want to continue playing their games on PC.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1401d ago
1402d ago Replies(13)
Bathyj1402d ago

Well there are no stray developers.

Everyone's already owned, including you now.

The_Sage1402d ago

Ouch... Bathyj from the top rope.

Jin_Sakai1402d ago

Sony should buy Bluepoint Games for sure. They could also acquire Square Enix. They always work close with Sony.

neutralgamer19921402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

I would love to see Sony be aggressive but they usually buy studios who have worked with sony in some exclusive manner in the past

Bluepoint games are next in my opinion

Some publishers I would love Sony to buy

Capcom due to their history and how many valuable IP's they own

Sega for same reason as capcom even more IP's

Square enix because a decade or so ago Sony bought a bunch of shares when share were struggling to help them out. So I could see approaching them

Now I don't think none of these studios alone will cost Sony 7.5 billion

They could also approach AT&T to buy WB games which was estimated to cost under 5 billion

We saw Sony made a multi billion dollar offer warframe developers parent company

Let's see in any case I think bluepoint are next (rumor has it they want to remake all 3 jak and Dexter games into one large game with improvements)

throne1402d ago

that'd be cool if it happens....I wouldn't want sony to just make some panic buy but I feel sega would be a good fit for them especially coz of their history with yakuza,persona not to mention the new ip judgement is synonymous with playstation all these years

jjacks491402d ago

Bluepoint games makes too much sense. I think something not talked about enough is Sony Bend. I’d argue it’s the weakest of the Sony developers, but it has grown and put out a good game with days gone. It just took forever. I hope Sony bend grew to the size of the other developers under Sony’s umbrella. If Sony bend can make the jump in quality int makes Sony’s first party that much stronger. Even with the acquisition of Bethesda Sony developers take the top two or three spots. Naughty dog.. Sony Santa Montica and we have seen gurillia games developer into a top notch dev team.

What people aren’t talking about is over the next year and half ( if they don’t get delayed which admittedly is a big if) Sony will be releasing a new god of war/ a new horizon/ a new Spider-Man/ all of them are gang busters.

Shikoku1402d ago

@porkchop and no one thought bethesda would sell themselves off either everything has a price

ArthriticPowers1402d ago

That's incorrect. Rumours had been circling for 2yrs

UltraNova1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

Ever since Fallout 76 crashed and burned, then kept crashing and burning, Bethesda's foundation was shook. It was the best time for them to sell. And what a deal they've cut for themselves huh...

Sayai jin1402d ago

It comes down to the companies strategy and cash on hand. Just because some people who are caught up in the so called console war or uoset, now want Sony to buy a studio. If it is not in Sony's Strategy it won't happen and even if it was something they were interested in, it comes down to the number 2 I mentioned. Cash on hand. Sony as a whole has $33 billion. In contrast, Microsft has $137 billion cash on hand. These numbers are for thr companies as a whole.

neutralgamer19921402d ago

Sayai jin

33 is a huge number too and because PlayStation is sony's top earner and bread/butter they could a realistically spend 10 to 15 billion

Because it's in their best interest their PlayStation generates more money because the more money it generates the more profit they will make. On the other hand Microsoft is not dependent on Xbox brand to earn them a profit

I feel like a lot of times people don't understand the priorities of what companies are very different

Sony could one to two big publishers from Japan and that would help them a lot. For example square enix and capcom

attilayavuzer1401d ago


Just a quick note-Sony's financial services division is generally their most profitable. PS has far more revenue, but is really expensive to run. Their financial reports are a little funky to read, but I can't imagine them cannibalizing that many of their divisions to funnel billions into acquisitions for gaming. Makes sense for Microsoft-trying to own the game subscription space-but there's virtually no reason for Sony to buy studios that are going to continue to release on Playstation anyway.

Indo1402d ago

@porkChop and @SullysCigar you guys both right. Sony as far i know, got enough money to make a purchase and not scared to buy a property per say. But it has to be worth it, from personal experience BeThAsDa needed this deal from Microsoft.

1401d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1401d ago
LordoftheCritics1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

Souls games don't even come close to the audience numbers of Bethesda's games. Sony would need to buy a more non niche game type maker.

Also Sony doesn't need From Software, those games are pretty much already on PS devices and Sony seems to have a good relationship with them.

RgR1402d ago

Considering games sell lots more on playstation I think they have a good relationship with all devs

DEEHULK881402d ago

That wasn't always the case during the 360 generation

Bathyj1402d ago

You should watch from bedrooms to billions. Before Sony platform holders didn't really like 3rd party Devs at all. Gaming would not be where it is now without them. Very interesting show

Unspoken1402d ago

Didn't Sony just buy Insomniac?

Neonridr1401d ago

when you have over 2x the install base, you better hope the game sells more on your platform. That's just simple statistics though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1401d ago
Abnor_Mal1402d ago

"Also Sony doesn't need From Software, those games are pretty much already on PS devices and Sony seems to have a good relationship with them."

Same could be said of Bethesda games being on Xbox, yet here we are commenting what company can Sony buy to "counter" that mega purchase.

enkiduxiv1402d ago

If they could somehow acquire From Software, they could hold news Souls games for ransom. Perhaps they could even strike a deal with MS to allow Elder Scrolls on Playstation in exchange for Bloodborne on GamePass.

1402d ago
badz1491402d ago


LOL somebody is overselling Bethesda big time now that MS owns it. check your fact and you'll see the only major selling games Bethesda has made this gen is Fallout 4 and to some extent FO76. their other games didn't really lit up the chart that much. sorry if that disappoints you.

SullysCigar1402d ago

I enjoyed FO:NV, but Fallout 4 lost something and I couldn't get into it. Obviously 76 was an abomination and one lie after another.

Skyrim's a tricky one; I was very late to the party on purpose, because I knew how mad everyone was that it was such a bug fest. Literally played it 3-4 years after release and it hooked me big time. I didn't expect it. So I went for full completion, put ridiculous hours into it, watching that completion percentage move up through the nineties, and then BAM - quest bug that they never bothered fixing. It was all over their forums and they just didn't bother patching it. I was livid. P!ss poor show on their part.

1402d ago
badz1491402d ago


I didn't make this shit up, OK? just look it up yourself. I never said their games are bad but aside from Fallout and Skyrim, not a single game from Bethesda has light up the sales chart this gen. did you say Doom? Wolfenstein? see these charts:



where's Doom Eternal?? Where is Wolfenstein YB??

it's no secret that Bethesda is kinda struggling to sell their games this gen and their reputation is dwindling fast after the abomination that was FO76!

1402d ago
Profchaos1402d ago

Exactly they do well in gaming circles but that doesn't appeal to the cod crowd

Neonridr1401d ago

@badz149 - why would either of those games be listed in an August chart when neither game were new anymore?

badz1491401d ago


wow you're so quick to call me out you didn't look at the whole chart. those pages I put there also list the top 10 selling software to date for the whole year. Doom Eternal is not up there in 2020 as it released this year and Young Blood was not up there either when it launched last year.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1401d ago
enkiduxiv1402d ago

I don't think they need to acquire a Japanese Studio at all quite honestly. They seem to have a pretty solid advantage in that market already. I would go after some of the promising European indie developers. There are plenty that seem to be just one big hit away from becoming the next CD Projekt Red. Imagine if Bloober expanded for instance and started creating titles with actual game play.

gold_drake1402d ago

u overestimate Bethesda games a little bit there.

Class_Viceroy1402d ago

What do you consider niche? Souls series has sold tens of millions of copies. Souls-like is very much a mainstream brand now.

Fallout 3, 4, 76 and New Vegas have sold roughly 34 million world wide as of March 2020.

Dark Souls series as of May 2020 hit 27 million. Probably add another 5 to 6 million for Sekiro.

While I'm not saying it's as big.....you can't compare Bethesda's entire portfolio to Dark Souls. That's not a fair comparison. But if we do a franchise comparison, you can see Dark Souls is very competitive with the Fallout franchise. With factoring in momentum (thanks Fallout 76), you could argue the Souls franchise IS more valuable than Fallout.

So while it wouldn't put a huge dent into this acquisition, acquiring FromSoftware would possibly chip away at maybe say 10-15% of what Microsoft just did if they made the Souls Franchise exclusive to PS, and whatever other IPs come down the road. Nothing will even be able to compete with Elder Scrolls, but if Sony makes 3-4 good acquisitions they can make a good dent into this arms race.

Let's also remember Microsoft is playing from way behind (Like less than half of consoles sold). And MS still has to produce good games. We won't know who wins this generation until 7 years from now.

Bobertt1402d ago (Edited 1402d ago )

Fallout 4 sold 13 million copies and Dark souls 3 sold around 10 million. The problem isn't the audience the problem is From software is only 1 game company. Microsoft bought the parent company of Bethesda and that includes 5 or 6 other game studios like ID software (Doom) and Arkane studios (Dishonored and Deathloop). Buying From software alone wouldn't compare to what Microsoft gained. Buying From Software parent company wouldn't matter either cause they are a media company not just a game developer they have a lot more groups they control that Sony probably wouldn't care about.

Sony could try to buy Konami so they could get Metal gear, Castlevania, Silent Hills, and all their old franchises but Konami is on some bs and probably wouldn't sell it to them because they want to make mobile games. Sony could try to buy Konami's parent company but similarly they got other subsidaries like Konami real estate and a sports club that Sony wouldn't be interested in.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1401d ago
P_Bomb1402d ago

Article nominates From Software. I’d counter that they don’t need From since Demons Souls can already spinoff into sequels without them and Sony also has console exclusivity on masocore cousins Nioh/Nioh 2.

I’d go after the Konami trinity of Silent Hills (PT), Castlevania, Metal Gear. Maybe make a full fledged Contra TPS while you’re there. That’s the most budget free agent checkmate I see. Legend IPs that also happened to be in limbo.

Atom6661402d ago

Agreed. And they wouldn't need Konami itself. Just secure the IP or even just the gaming rights to those IP.

knickstr1402d ago

They could probably do it for a reasonable price too since Konami doesn't really have any interest in gaming anymore.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1402d ago

Konami would be the obvious choice.

Metal Gear and Silent Hill would sell millions of PlayStations.

Good-Smurf1402d ago

I could see them buying their subsidiary KDE game division (not the whole company as they're do more than just making games) they have too many IPs old and new not putting to good use.
Other than their hugely successful Baseball series in Japan they don't do much with their IPs nowadays.
But that's just me they still have other choices line up it just when and who they will acquire.

ssj271402d ago

You forgetting PES which is always suffering from not having enough budget to buy licenses for soccer leagues teams etc. Under sony perhaps they can this way compete against fifa in those fields. Pes and fifa are multi-billion dollar franchises. With yearly releases and full on online microtanstration. PES is a gold mine that konami never took the risk to invest in licensing

SpeedDemon1402d ago

That would be a good fit, some great IP's there and a few that have a good history with PS. It would also help with the negativety that the people currently running the show at Konami have created.

Rocketisleague1401d ago

Konami is worth over 3 billion, lol, Sony couldn't afford that

PhoenixUp1402d ago

One developer alone can’t compare to the weight of a AAA publisher like Bethesda

That being said if Sony does acquire another dev it’s probably be Bluepoint

Atom6661402d ago

Not sure why they haven't moved on Bluepoint yet. Maybe they don't need to, but the price tag is only going up for them.

I'd buy Blupoint, triple their size, and turn out a steady flow of PS1, PS2, and PS3 classic remakes.

-Foxtrot1402d ago

Yeah this is what I would do

Want to resurrect a franchise? Get Blue Point to do a remake of the original games and then a year or so later get another studio to make a brand new sequel.

darthv721402d ago

I think BP has been working on older titles to make a name for themselves in order to break away from being typecast into only making remakes.

Sunny_D1402d ago

I mean sure but they also haven’t really had an amazing game since Skyrim. Doom is good but that also undersold for them so 🤷‍♂️

SullysCigar1402d ago

Dishonored was a bit of a sleeper hit too.

The Wolfenstein titles had some charm, but they've churned out some real turds lately, like Wolfenstein Cyberpilot.

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing21m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno13m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.


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VersusDMC6h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...