
DEN: Singstar Country Review

DEN: "For some reason, this game seemed extremely buggy when I tried to play it on my PS3 – loading screens that took forever, freezing issues, and at times the entire screen inexplicably seemed to shake. None of these issues were present when the game was popped into a PS2, but nevertheless, PS3 owners be warned."

Mr Face Creamer5409d ago

What a spectacular achievement, especially since you guys have only released 27 titles in 5 years.

vhero5408d ago

Wow what a fanboyish comment go take them somewhere else please. This is great news for them and shows its a popular franchise.

fishd5409d ago

HOLY CRAP!that's a lot!

Also R&C surpassed 25 million few weeks ago

GT is at around 53 million

I think Buzz! is also pretty big

nice to see Sony got some big franchise,they are really important

eagle215408d ago

imagine a Michael Jackson Singstar.....easily 5 million+ more sales. :)

Mr Tretton5408d ago

It's weird, you don't think much of these franchises, see nothing about their sales, and yet...

Solans Scott5408d ago

I always knew the series existed but I had no idea that it was so popular!

blackpanther255408d ago

I remember playing it in Best Buy and I thought it was a very good game. Unfortunately, people in my house don't like to sing openly...no matter what so there was no need to buy it.

Wildarmsjecht5408d ago

i can imagine you and yemi singing...its not a pretty sight.

blackpanther255408d ago (Edited 5408d ago )

yeah two black dudes singing a Britney spears song will not work

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411mania: The Release List for the Week of August 3, 2009

411mania talks about this week's game releases. Highlights include MagnaCarta II, Tales of VS., SingStar Queen, and Hearts of Iron III.

On Magna Carta II, 411mania writes: "Even though the title indicates that this is the second MagnaCarta game, it is actually the third in the series, the first being for the PC and the second for the PS2. Unfortunately, Atlus' release of the PS2 sequel a few years ago wasn't very well received - some were impressed with the visuals and a lot of people liked the story, but many found the combat system off and most agreed that the voicework was bad. Luckily, MagnaCarta II features a whole new cast of characters, a new storyline, and a different fighting system, so knowledge of the previous games are not necessary."

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Myst5529d ago

Aww it's just the import version of Magna Carta II I thought they would have brought it out here already :(.


GamesRadar: The one-star rated singers of SingStar

GamesRadar writes: "There's an overwhelming number of user videos on SingStar's SingStore and trying to watch them all would be stupidly impractical. So it kind of makes sense that, when browsing the karaoke clips, most people head stright for the videos that have earned top billing with a five-star rating."

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PirateThom5547d ago

My version of Beautiful Day is better. I have Bono glasses.

MK24ever5547d ago

Someone put those guys out of their misery.

Socomer 19795547d ago

even though i do have a bunch of girls singin with me.
my parties rock.