
Cave's Ketsui Deathtiny on PlayStation 4 is Coming to North America

This week, M2 announced that Cave shooter Ketsui, ported to PS4 as Ketsui Deathtiny, is getting a North American release in the near future.

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1460d ago

The Hidden Wonders of Japanese Xbox 360

Hardcore Gamer: If you transitioned from the Xbox 360 to Xbox One, you may want to consider: importing a NTSC-J Xbox 360.

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See An Expert Shooter Player Blast Through Ketsui

Mages is bringing Cave shooter Ketsui to PlayStation 3. Ketsui: Severing the Bonds of Hell Extra is a port of the Xbox 360 release with X-Mode.

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If You’ve Been Waiting To Play One Of Cave’s Shooters On PS3 Take A Look At This

Check out a new video of Ketsui: Severing the Bonds of Hell Extra, one of Cave’s arcade shooters that is on its way to PlaySation 3.

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Blank4104d ago

YES!!! **** YES!!!! Finally some cave love for ps3!! Sure i got my xbox for shmups but still ps3 needs some love im importing this! I dont care about price its muthaeffing cave!