
Latest Switch update bans new words, including coronavirus and racially charged terms

The latest Switch update has done a bit more than improved the system’s stability.

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Greatball19871359d ago

Me neither but it is infuhreriating.

Jolska4201359d ago

Can I remedy this by using a dolphin emulator?

GoodGuy091359d ago

I really dont get why coronavirus is such a bad word, I mean I prefer using covid but thats just because its as shorter word.

MadLad1359d ago

Ever notice that the government, and every major news network can cover Corona 24/7, but content creators have a hard time not being demonitized for covering it? And now you can't even say it in certain gaming platforms?


TheColbertinator1359d ago

China has conspired to take down gamers


Rainbow Cotton review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "The asking price for Rainbow Cotton is $19.99 and I think that’s a bit steep for a partial localization, short gameplay, and limited options. It’s probably my least favorite in the series, but I’m happy to have checked it out. I think it’s worth checking out on a sale though. If you do decide on getting the game, be sure to use a controller that supports turbo rapid firing."

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Fortnite’s Magneto Skin Continues a Great Run For The Popular Mutant

Fortnite's latest season brings a Magento skin to the table, and it's just the latest in a great ongoing run for the iconic X-Men character.

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Biomutant Review - Thumb Culture

Biomutant has finally arrived on Switch! Dive into a world of cute mutants and monster-bashing combat. Find out what we thought about it!

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Crazyglues5h ago

This game could have been huge, but sadly it fails big time at just being a lot o fun to play... Which is what it should be because that's how it looks when you first hear about the game.

-But at every turn they fail at fun to play.. What do I mean? Glad you asked -(remember Mario from Nintendo, any Mario, the first time you played it, there was one thing really clear right off the back) -It's super fun to play... Period, no matter what your doing it's fun.

Bungie once said the secret to good game design is take something that is really fun about the game, and extending it to all over the game.

Biomutant could have hit that bar with very little effort. The game has so much going for it. In my opinion the only thing they needed to nail was how it plays / and that's where it fails the most. This is a game that could have sold 23 million copies and instead did 1 million...

anast3h ago

I was really hyped for this game.

Glemt3h ago

I'm still wondering "what do you mean". I've not played the game and am genuinely interested in what your argument is. But your argument boils down to:
Biomutant devs failed at every turn, because Nintendo made their games fun? Because Biomutant fails at "how it plays". Are we talking control scheme? Combat? Exploration? What exactly?

Again, genuinely interested to hear more of your thoughts on this because it seems you know exactly why this game didn't work.