
Two Worlds Coming to UK Shores

UK, February 2, 2007 - Bored of stabbing horses in Oblivion? Then you, along with all role-playing game lovers, are for a treat come May, because that's when South Peak's sprawling MMOPRG is being released on PC and Xbox 360 in the UK.

But before you start clashing flagons of mead together in celebration, here's why you should be excited. Two Worlds is a free-roaming RPG that centres around an epic battle between age-old foes, the orcs and humans. And like any role-player worth its salt, you're thrown into the deep end and are free to carve your own story in the game's refreshingly open world.

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malachi236384d ago

It's not a "MMORPG"....IT'S JUST a rpg.

gogators6384d ago

about making the PC version MMORGP, and allowing PC user to have thousands of people online together. But, from what I understood from the article on IGN, that this was only talk. I believe the 360 version is going to have online questing for you and your friends, but only for a limited number of people in each group. That's what has me excited for this to be released sonner rather than later. Would have kept me going past the 260 hour mark on Oblivion if there was co-operative questing.


Whatever Happened To... Two Worlds?

Ethan Butterfield from GameGrin wrote "Has there ever been a point when you’ve looked through your gaming library and wondered, “Huh, whatever happened to this title?"

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2366d ago Replies(1)
MadLad2366d ago

First one was garbage. The second was a janky cheese-fest. And then their follow-up release, Raven's Cry, wasn't even complete at launch; doing so badly they re-released it under a new title more than a year later ... still not complete.

Fluxour2366d ago

We happily forgot about it. Thanks for reminding us -_-

Porcelain_Chicken2366d ago

I'm probably in the minority but I loved the second one! I acknowledge that it wasn't a great game but I enjoyed it thoroughly and even platinumed it >_<

Jinger2366d ago

The first one was pretty bad, but I enjoyed the second despite its flaws. A bit rough around the edges, but it was a pretty decent RPG.

slasaru012365d ago

I liked both. I hope they will come to Xbox BC

Jinger2365d ago

The first one just had too many big glitches. The second was much smoother and had more polish

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Two Worlds – The Best Bad Game Of All Time

"Two Worlds is a weird game. But that’s fine, because that’s why it’s worth talking about.

"It didn’t sit with critics all too well on its release back in 2007, but take a quick look at its GoG page and you’ll find glowing review after glowing review.

"Along with many people, I also like it – even though it's absolutely terrible."

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PerrynAybara3381d ago

I agree. Two Worlds II is a great bad game too!

nicksetzer13380d ago

Yea, two worlds 2 was great. Lots of great mod tools too which were super fun. Nothing about the game was done well, but something about playing it with a few friends was just a fun time. Thought I was the only one.

Bigpappy3380d ago

I really enjoyed both entries. I wish they would attempt another and keep the unprofessional voice actors, but improve the AI so they react to you stealing their stuff and such. The bad English gave the game a unique personality and added a lair of humor not found in other RPG's.

shodan743381d ago

There's something genuinely great about a game that's so bad it's good - probably because it's a rarer thing to find in gaming than, say, movies.

Back in the day I got obsessed with a really weird FPS called PO'ed. It was rubbish in so many ways, but it had more personality and character than pretty much any other shooter I've ever played.

Dasteru3380d ago

Ignoring the cheesy dialog, the PC version of the first Two Worlds was actually a good game. The 360 version was a complete mess though.

Kyosuke_Sanada3380d ago

I'm sorry but nothing beats Deadly Premonition.

TheColbertinator3380d ago

Nah it was terrible. No excuses.

Alpha Protocol was a great bad game

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Not so jolly cooperation: 5 worst co-op games

We all like to play video games with our friends. However, there are many games that will strain a relationship as players struggle to work together. This list commemorates the most frustrating games to play with a friend, or anyone for that matter.

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