
Series S redefines "next-gen" - and throws down a gauntlet to Sony

Microsoft shows its commitment to disrupting the market as the $299 Series S questions the concept of console generations.

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RazzerRedux1366d ago

"Depending on how Sony responds, Microsoft could end up with both the most expensive and cheapest next-gen consoles available"

Which is exactly where Microsoft has been since the release of the One X: most and cheapest consoles. So Microsoft continuing to do what they have done for years is "throwing down the gauntlet"?

Seriously? No. Throw down the gauntlet with some kick ass AAA games.

RpgSama1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

Microsoft is throwing a lot of money around, we all knew for months what the Series S was, nobody was saying nothing about it, now that we're close to release they're trying to build a narrative that this is a turning point for MS and a stroke of genius.

We've know for months if not close to a year that the series S was a real thing, that it was 4tf machine and that it was going to be a lot cheaper than the Series X (and Ps5).

Mr Pumblechook1366d ago

"Redefines next-gen..." by not being next-gen enough.

Digital Foundry has said the smaller memory could impact graphics. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

darthv721366d ago

^key word there is 'could'

arkard1366d ago

@darth yeah I've heard 20 cu and 52 cu's are the same thing. Not sure why people buy graphics cards with more. /s

darthv721366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

@ark, not sure why people buy graphic cards with less either... but they do.

bouzebbal1365d ago

So many words... In the end it comes to the software.. PS5 broke the Internet thanks to groundbreaking games. It's what sells consoles.. See PS3

ABizzel11365d ago

As I read more and more about the Series S I'm starting to think this console is going to be a "successful mistake".

The Series S is going to be the better selling Xbox IMO, the price is too good to pass up and this is an ideal target for casual gamers, kids, and people eventually looking for something new to buy 2 - 3 years down the line.

But from a design standpoint the more I hear about the specs. the more problematic this is going to be for developers and gamers 2 - 3 years down the line.

The GPU while weaker than I would have liked (enable 2 CUs and clock it to 1.6 Ghz MS), is actually the one non-issue with the console.

The CPU would have been an non-issue if it wasn't clocked nearly 300 MHz lower, that means game logic has to be re-ran and tested across the board for 3 systems now (SX, PS5, and SS) which takes away from development time, when keeping it the same clock speed as the SX would have allowed it for lack of a better phrase be dragged and dropped.

The RAM is another huge problem I thought it was 12GB like the One X, but it's only 10GB and it's significantly slower than I ever expected. I suspected the RAM to be equal to the slower 6GB of RAM the Seris X has at 336 GB/s, it's actually half the speed of the PS5's RAM, with the SS being just 224 GB/s with and even worse it's split with 8GB being that speed and another 2GB being just 56 GB/s. WTF.

These things fundamentally hamper game developers, and as games become bigger and require more performance this console isn't going to be able to keep up in 2 - 3 years, without practically retooling game assets for a lower-spec'ed machine which means more development time making Series X and Series S versions.

This box should have been $349, add 2GB of VRAM bringing it to 12GB, increase the speed of the bandwidth to 336 GB/s, provide a better cooling solution to get the CPU back up to 1.825 GHz, and enable the 2CU cores and clock the GPU at 1.825 GHz to get the console to 5.14 TFLOPS. This would make CPU task equal, the GPU would slightly exceed the One X, and the RAM would be fast enough and offer 10GB towards games, making the 1440p @ up to 120fps more feasible across the board before settling into 1080p @ 60fps down the road.

rainslacker1365d ago Show
umair_s511365d ago

Of course 4 is not same as 10 which is not same as 12. Duh.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1365d ago
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1366d ago

Agreed. The console itself is a good idea price wise, but it's going to hold back 1st party games for the entire generation.

sagapo1366d ago

Like a standard PS4 holds back a PS4 pro? Same thing if you ask me...

crazyCoconuts1366d ago

@sagapo, now that you mention it, the PS4 DID hold back the PS4 Pro. Some games came out that didn't even have PS4 Pro enhancements in both regular and VR games, and I don't think many games really worked to maximize the optimizations that they did put in there.
Tuning and optimizing takes development time, and the majority of the time will be spent where the majority of the customers are. AND the more platforms you have to support the less time you'll end up per platform (duh). I guarantee if EVERY PS4 customer had a PS4 Pro, we would have seen considerably more impressive results.

Army_of_Darkness1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )


No.there's a difference. Microsoft is releasing the weakest and strongest console At THE SAME TIME, while Sony will be releasing 2 different models with the same capabilities. then maybe later on release a ps5 pro or something.
So in a way, Ms gimped themselves from the get go intentionally.

sagapo1366d ago

@ Army_Of_Darkness: I was talking about PS4 and the PS4 pro, not the PS5. With the PS4 and the pro you have 2 console versions in the same generation, the release window is irrelevant. Developers can still bring out 2 versions of the game pretty easily on console compared to the hassle a PC brings on that area, but that always has been the case for PC developers. So developing 2 versions on the same architecture shoulnd’t be a problem.

Rhythmattic1366d ago

Hang on.. And the One you don't mention?
Last gen, This gen... This is not a new gen for MS. Its all one. Thats their move.

morganfell1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

"Like a standard PS4 holds back a PS4 pro? Same thing if you ask me..."

That is a poor analogy. The PS4 did not launch alongside the PS4 Pro. Had that been the case then I would agree with you. The launch window does matter.

"Developers can still bring out 2 versions of the game pretty easily on console ..."

But do they? Mostly no. So again, launch window matters. Your supposition doesn't fit reality. It shouldn't be a problem but it is since developers simply do not often push the envelop on the stronger unit. And this isn't just about resolution and some tweaks. The impact can affect overall game design and level structure.

darthv721365d ago

MS 1st party studios are going to be working the other way around, not the way most think. Most think they have to work for the lower base and then go up. They will be working from the top and then going down. This is the opposite of how most console devs work and is more in line with how PC devs work. They code for the best and then make adjustments to see how much needs to be tweaked to get it running on something lower. That is why there is a minimum required, a recommended and a maximum on most PC boxes (or used to be when Pc games came in retail boxes).

when it comes to 3rd parties, chances are they will use the PS5 as their baseline and know they can make improvements for the SX and reductions for the SS. It really is that simple to understand. So now you have your minimum (SS), recommended (PS5) and maximum (SX)

Neonridr1365d ago

even with a less powerful GPU it's still using RDNA 2, and it's using the same CPU (slightly clocked less). It's going to be able to play these next gen games easily at 1440p/60fps which is who it's targeting. If you want to game at 4K, the Series S isn't for you.

sagapo1365d ago

@ Morganfell: so what you’re saying is buying a PS4 pro when having a PS4 was a waste of my money at the time, since, as you put it, developers don’t push the envelop on the better hardware anyway?

Bathyj1365d ago

1st and 3rd party.
They just hobbled the whole generation so they can have a price advantage because let's face it, that all they have that matters.

Unspoken1364d ago

Like low end GPUs hold back high end GPUs when they release on PC right?


RgR1364d ago


The pro and standard ps4 where not released at the same time. The pro came out quite a while after and yes you're right...it is held back by the standard ps4.

But what kind of morons actually plan being held back right at the start of a next gen? Not the same thing.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1364d ago
TheProblem1366d ago

If by redefine they mean gimp then sure

Unspoken1366d ago

Yep, that's exactly what it means 💯.

One console for the high-end, one for the low end. OMG, its a new paradigm in technology, like no way possible dude for this to be ok with anyone.

Unspoken1366d ago

The infrastructure is in place this time around. All they need are a few new killer IPs.

F0XH0UND9221366d ago

Didn't Phil say he was going to do that, like idk, 6 years ago? Don't hold your breath, man.

RazzerRedux1366d ago

Agree. The "new killer IPs" is exactly what they have been missing.

1Victor1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

Microsoft throw down a gauntlet at Sony and while its in the air Sony is thinking fast will they throw the shield back at Microsoft or go for the neck with a sword slash.

Stay tune for the next chapter of thoughtless internet articles

Christopher1365d ago (Edited 1365d ago )

This article is written based on a really stupid premise. That premise being that having two levels of consoles while advertising only one for marketing purposes is good for the consumer rather than having a single power level and ensuring every consumer actually gets what is advertised.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1364d ago
morganfell1366d ago

It redefines next gen, albeit in an albatross not as glamorous as you imagined way.

RaidenBlack1366d ago

Xbox(s), xbox(s) .... white xbox(s) everywhere ...
Now every gaming site looks like somebody suddenly ripped open a cotton pillow.

1366d ago Replies(4)
Whitey2k1366d ago

These people need to get there head out of there asses. Series S is stupidly less powerful y u have the ps5 digital is the same power as the disk version. If the ps5 digital turns out 100 dollars more then i would consider that as ur not losing power

crazyCoconuts1366d ago

Agreed - all eyes are on that price now. A $100 difference will make the XSS DOA no matter what these clueless articles say. If it's a $150-$200 difference - ok, maybe it has a chance, but still not a great one.

ThinkThink1366d ago

I think you underestimate $100 in today's economy. I also think people are not factoring in that only 31% of people own a 4k tv.

crazyCoconuts1365d ago

We'll see. And 4K is only one of many reasons to fork over the extra $100, if that actually ends up being the amount...

Ju1365d ago

I agree. At >=$100 this will go the the XS, at $50-75, now that's a different story.

For $100 you would actually think people would read specs. But they probably won't care much about 5.5GB/s vs. 2.5, 875GB vs 500 or 10TF vs 4. Probably worth it but for the majority going for that product just numbers and words.

darthv721366d ago

Are we really so sure the 5DE is using the exact same SSD capacity as the disc version? I mean it was only shown briefly and everything that was talked about was geared towards the PS5 that we knew was coming. Remember the 'road to ps5' was before their actual console reveal that showed the DE. Just like the XSX tech info was all geared towards the "X" and the S was revealed later.

For all we know, the optical drive is not the only change the DE has. It too could get a halved SSD to save additional costs. That wouldnt require such a radical design change like the XSS has gone through. So a 5DE with 412gb SSD and a price of $299 sounds very appealing. It would be very reminiscent of their 20gb PS3 and 60gb PS3 and their $100 difference between the two.

crazyCoconuts1366d ago

Yes they're the same specs minus the drive

Teflon021365d ago

Sony literally said they're the same. Stop this grasping at nothing lol

Ju1365d ago

I don't think 412GB vs 825GB (or something) will make a huge difference in price. Those are fixed chips based on IO channels. You could just replace them with half capacity but not less chips which would have a bigger cost impact. It needs those 12 channels and 825 is the absolute minimum else you'd need to reduce the bandwidth, too. But an interesting idea. With that said, I don't think this will get you those $100 you are thinking of

rainslacker1365d ago Show
Father__Merrin1366d ago

Disgraceful reporting by mostly NA Web outlets. They are pathetically showing bias as was start of last gen where soon after launch they all went behind the bike shed to hide. Absolute disgrace imo

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