
Xbox Series S - World Premiere Reveal Trailer

Introducing Xbox Series S. Next-gen performance in the smallest Xbox ever.

IRetrouk1476d ago

Price v performance is good, its not for me as when I do eventually get another xbox its gonna be the series x, but the value can't be denied, that hard-drive is smaller than I thought though, I thought they would have kept the same size as whats in the series x, overall though it seems like a good buy as a second console/one for your kids, once the games start flowing.

RazzerRedux1476d ago

Price is good for a sub-4K console. PS5 DE will need to be $399 at most. Anything more than a $100 gap is going to make Series S very attractive. As it is, I wouldn't be surprised to see Series S outsell Series X at that price.

bouzebbal1476d ago

The games are what sell consoles.. Compare switch with xbox one, less power, more expensive far better games.. It's the overall value that counts, not only power/price ratio

IRetrouk1476d ago

For ps5 I'm still going with £350 digital and £450 disc, thats been my guess since the reveal, longer for the disc based system, I also think the s will sell more than the x, but i don't think it will matter to ms, they want subcribers to gamepass, thats what they will push, already evident with the better with gamepass stuff in the announcement.

ocelot071476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

I can see Sony giving this a sucker punch and dropping a non and announce a $379 or dare I say $349 price.

But I got to give props for Microsoft for this $299 for a 1440p machine is amazing. Normally I would say maybe pay the extra and spend $500 on a 1440p pc. I still do think you would get more value in a $500 pc but this is great value.

However, Sony could make this a hard sell if they do indeed release there much more powerful ps5 de for $399 or less. If they do Microsoft could throw in a year's sub of gamepass with each console to try and combat it. But then Sony could throw in a year's ps+ or ps now to counter that move.

RazzerRedux1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )


Of course games are a factor, but so is price. That's a damn good price.

anubusgold1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

Sony isnt giving out brand new games day one like game pass does.

darthv721476d ago

Price isnt the selling point for me. That form factor is. Right now I have a SAD on my living room tv and it fits right next to the cable box. This is the perfect replacement as it looks to be no bigger than that.

I just upgraded my tv too. Went from 47in 1080 LG to a 55in 4k Samsung.

TheScotsman1476d ago

Don't think price is the issue here, it's a seriously under powered console, with no games. That devs have to cater for. Ps5 digital could be 449 and it would still be better value than this series s machine

Brazz1476d ago

If ps5 DE nail 399 than it will be a much better value. More than 2x times more TF, better SSD, more memory, for just $100 more? It's a big win for playstation on my book, much better value.

ocelot071476d ago


True but you get what you pay for really. Pay a pound a month and get access to old titles plus some ok first party games or get spoilt with top notch AAA exclusives you can only find on a certain console?

KaladinStormblessed1476d ago

@ocelot07 There ain't any way a $500 PC is running anything at 1440p at much more than 30 fps

boing11476d ago

If you want PS5, you buy PS5. Not really sure how a price can change someone's preference suddenly. I agree with second console sentiment though. It'll stand right beside PS5 that's why it's white&black.

morganfell1476d ago

For most people price and value evaporate at a rather rapid rate when one begins to look around at what is being accomplished at greater cost. They can turn their head and tell themselves they got a good deal but the gnawing begins and never really goes away.

DJStotty1476d ago

Don't expect PS5 DE to be 100 cheaper, it is a PS5 without a drive.

I would say 50 cheaper

robleroy1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

The xbox series s is just comparable with a ps4 pro without disc-player and no 4k native gameplay (ps4 pro has both)
Thus without the option to buy and sell games (so pro gamepass)
My estimate is that the ps5 de with 10 terraflop , a faster sdd io system and a better Game name brand and more expensive controller will sell for at least 450 because of this 300 priceTag
Definition of next Gen gaming should be at least native 4K.

xer01476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

It looks like Microsoft just threw another crutch at developers.
Theirs no way every company is going to optimise for these specs (in order of processing power).

Xbox One
Xbox One X
Xbox Series S
Xbox Series X

On Sony... developer just have to choose to optimise for PS5.
Done 👏

Just like they took away Kinect and retracted their anti-consumer software... they'll be announcing that developers should focus on Xbox Series S and X soon enough.

I'm pretty sure they'll drop support for Xbox One and Xbox One X.

darthv721476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

The SS will have some 4k stuff but it will be all the existing games that currently support 4k on the One X. The SS is more efficient than the X so anything the X can do, the SS can do as well as run next gen games at 1440 that the SX could do at 4k.

It makes for a nice entry level machine for streaming media and digital games.

edit: @xer0, the one X is discontinued and being replaced by the SS. The XBO is also going to be phased out so that really leaves just the two 'Series' machines. SS for the low end and SX for the high end. As far as PS5, that will be somewhere in between.

xer01476d ago

@darthv72 - when are they phasing them out?

Microsoft announced in their presentation that developers need to support the Xbox One.
Could you kindly point me to a source?

Christopher1476d ago

What? Are you serious? You think a 2.5x greater TF improvement at 4k is only worth $100 more? Graphics cards alone don't follow that logic.

RazzerRedux1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )


"What? Are you serious? You think a 2.5x greater TF improvement at 4k is only worth $100 more? Graphics cards alone don't follow that logic."

Are you responding to me? I didn't say anything about "worth" at all. I'm talking about consumer's perceived value in the price gap. We have already seen that consumers of consoles are not buying based on teraflops. Base PS4 continued to outsell PS4 Pro and Xbox One X after they were released.

Muzikguy1476d ago Show
waverider1475d ago

Attractive. Dude, right now the upgrades are better choices then something that is outdated and its not even on the market. This will only undercut the sales of the series x... And get ready for the the price of the series x because something with a gpu 3 times more powerfull and much more RAM and faster will be... This is 300...

1Victor1475d ago

No offense but if you’re going to have a DIGITAL EDITION with 512 gig SSD might as well not release it. Anyone that ever downloaded a game for the current gen knows a PS3 era storage amount(512 gigs) is useless when you have games worth 50gigs this gen and who knows how big they’ll be next gen and don’t forget the operating system that will eat up from those 512 gig 🤦🏿
Good luck with that 🤷🏿 I was expecting minimum 1tb for the digital editions

Christopher1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

***I'm talking about consumer's perceived value in the price gap. We have already seen that consumers of consoles are not buying based on teraflops.***

Xbox Series X - Not 4k machine @ $299

Xbox One X - 4k machine @ $249

PS5 - 4k, next-gen graphics machine @ $399

And then you have $200+ price different GPUs.

Your perception of value seems off as it completely ignores actual value. And that last part actually matters.

Perception of value is set by many factors, not just "Microsoft put out this weak thing that doesn't do anything the PS5 is doing, so the PS5 much be priced close to that or I'm out."

And, as I said, you perceive value of a console completely different than other hardware (such as GPUs).

*** Base PS4 continued to outsell PS4 Pro and Xbox One X after they were released.***

That's because the market for PS4 after those years is different than the market for new hardware. It's mass market extended reach. But, to say that this 4+ year on market who are finally getting a console are the people who are going to buy PS5/XSX in the first year is pretty illogical. And, it's that first year result that will determine second year market appeal and so on.

RangerWalk2671475d ago

Sony doesn't have the capital to lose by dropping the price.

crazyCoconuts1475d ago

At $399 the PS5 DE would make the XSS irrelevant as a next gen console imo. I'm excited to see how the experiment turns out, but the consumer value proposition for the XSS is on shaky ground.

darthv721475d ago

@victor, but Sony said the next gen games wont have so much redundant data. So that means a game that is 50gb for current hard drive technology would only take about half that (give or take) for SSD technology. And you can expand on storage using the same plug in SSD carts as well as USB hard drives that the SX uses.

RazzerRedux1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )


"Xbox Series S - Not 4k machine @ $299

Xbox One X - discontinued, non-RT, non-SSD, 4k machine @ $399"


"Your perception of value seems off as it completely ignores actual value. "

I'm not talking about my perception at all, now am I? What part of "consumer's perceived value" did you not understand? This is all speculation on my part and you are acting like I'm assigning value personally to these things when I cleary said otherwise. I think a +$100 variance in consoles is going to have consumers seriously considering the XSS. I may be completely wrong and that is fine, but I think $399 PS5 DE would be the right move for Sony.

"Perception of value is set by many factors, not just "Microsoft put out this weak thing that doesn't do anything the PS5 is doing, so the PS5 much be priced close to that or I'm out.""

No idea what you are even quoting. I don't think you are even reading, frankly.

"And, as I said, you perceive value of a console completely different than other hardware (such as GPUs)."

More of the same, but yeah I certainly do. I wouldn't buy any console if I didn't have to. I buy PS5 for the exclusives alone and as a PC gamer I have no use for Xbox whatsoever. But again, this isn't about my perception of console value at all. By now, I think I should have made that explicitly clear.


"Sony doesn't have the capital to lose by dropping the price."

lol...of course they do. And that price would be subsidized by digital sales bypassing retail.


I agree. I believe PS5 DE at $399 would slam the door shut on Xbox, especially XSS.

Christopher1475d ago

***I'm not talking about my perception at all, now am I? What part of "consumer's perceived value" did you not understand? This is all speculation on my part and you are acting like I'm assigning value personally to these things when I cleary said otherwise.***

So, you are saying that your definition of consumer perceived value is fact and not your opinion? This is all about your perception, not fact. You are personally assigning a value to "consumer perceived value" by saying this is what they would perceive the price of the PS5 vs XSS.

C'mon, don't act ignorant here. You're not dealing in facts.

RazzerRedux1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )


"So, you are saying that your definition of consumer perceived value is fact and not your opinion? This is all about your perception, not fact."

You just quoted me flatly saying this was purely "speculation on my part". How in the world is "speculation" confused with making factual statements? Of course it is all my perception. Of course it isn't facts. Again....are you even reading?

"You are personally assigning a value to "consumer perceived value" by saying this is what they would perceive the price of the PS5 vs XSS."

Good grief. Again, I'm speculating that the price of XSS at $299 would be "attractive" against the PS5 DE if it were priced higher than $399. Why in the world that statement is so controversial or confusing to you, I have no idea.

Parasidious1475d ago

Not sure why'd you compare the XBSS to the PS5 DE. They aren't the same thing. One is weaker version of base console without disc drive and the other is the exactly the same, but without a disc drive. They aren't competing against each other.

anubusgold1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )


2080 ti cards are selling for 400 dollars now and the other 2000 series cards prices are dropping to nothing oh yes their are PCs out there now that can run games at 1440P for 500 dollars because the 2000 series is officially dead and you can pick these cards up for cheap now and they still run games well. I run games at 1440P with a 1080 and it still runs games at 100 fps with high or ultra settings at 1440P

Christopher1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

***You just quoted me flatly saying this was purely "speculation on my part". How in the world is "speculation" confused with making factual statements? Of course it is all my perception. Of course it isn't facts. Again....are you even reading?***

Do... do you not at all understand that you can't claim that "I'm not talking about my perception at all, now am I?" and then claim speculation, right?

Speculation is based on your perception.

I don't think you understand what you're saying but you're trying to argue that you're not saying what you are saying.

The fact is, all of your comments are your opinion. That includes your perception/speculation on the consumer market. Say it however you want, but that's all it is, it's not actually the "consumer perception" when it's your own opinion of it.

And, you then try to throw off my statements because you are trying to use your "speculation" of "consumer perception" as why it's not accurate to question why a way more powerful piece of hardware would only be priced $100 more than a system that is, for all intents and purposes, weaker than the Xbox One X?

I'm not sitting here saying you can't have an opinoin, but you can't use your opinion to deny my claims of how it doesn't make sense utilizing your opinion as some sort of fact evidence-based material.

Lunacy, I tells ya.

morganfell1475d ago

Only one company, one company is fielding a machine not anchored to the past generation. That company is Sony. It may take some time, two years at max but it is going to become patently obvious that reaching into yesterday robs you of tomorrow. B/CF sounds great then you realize it is crippling next gen experiences. Again the same people defend MS to their own demise.

RazzerRedux1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

"Do... do you not at all understand that you can't claim that "I'm not talking about my perception at all, now am I?" and then claim speculation, right?"

I was speculating on the views of other consumers from the very beginning. That should have been obvious. But if it wasn't then I made it clear in my second reply to you.

"I don't think you understand what you're saying but you're trying to argue that you're not saying what you are saying."

Well, you are just entirely wrong.

"The fact is, all of your comments are your opinion."

I said that in my last post.

"And, you then try to throw off my statements because you are trying to use your "speculation" of "consumer perception" as why it's not accurate to question why a way more powerful piece of hardware would only be priced $100 more than a system that is, for all intents and purposes, weaker than the Xbox One X?"

Throw off your statements? Nonsense. My first reply to you make that clear: "I'm talking about consumer's perceived value in the price gap." How would that be anything BUT speculation? You made some silly assumptions and took this damn conversation down the rabbit hole.

"I'm not sitting here saying you can't have an opinoin, but you can't use your opinion to deny my claims of how it doesn't make sense utilizing your opinion as some sort of fact evidence-based material."

I can and DO deny your claim because it is wrong. I never even implied that my comments were "fact evidence-based material" at all. You've repeatedly try to frame my comments in that light even now after I flatly said: "Of course it is all my perception. Of course it isn't facts". I mean...what the hell do you want me to say when I just agreed with you on that very point? Good God. Lunacy, indeed.

Edit: Get in whatever digs and remarks you want, Christopher. I'm done here and not because I'm out of posts. This conversation is just stupid.

miloman1475d ago

Im betting thats M$ strategy for sure

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 1475d ago
RpgSama1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

When they say it will play up to 120fps, they mean games like Ori, there's no way it will play more demanding games at 1440p and 120fps, can it play some games like that yes, most of them, no, just the same way as it's unrealistic to think that all games would be 4K 120fps on the Series X or Ps5, even more out of the Series S

BenRC011476d ago

What it means is it supports that hdmi standard. Nothing but celeste is running at 120fps.

averagejoe261476d ago

Exactly. These specs they keep throwing around are for the least demanding games out there. It'll run indie platformers at 1440p and 120fps. That's about it - you can tell by the specs.

1475d ago
neomahi1475d ago

But they're so.... Ugly, there a box and a cube. They might as well be your sub-woofer.

rainslacker1475d ago

Given the specs, I'd expect a marginal improvement over what one would expect from the PS4P right now. Maybe somewhere in between the PS4P and X1X, with the boost coming from the faster bus and I/O architecture, and faster CPU, with a bit of new GPU architecture thrown in.

But, as a whole, I wouldn't expect it to reach what the X1X was already capable of....although rarely shown.

anubusgold1475d ago


1440P isnt hard to run as you think i run on 1440P 90+ fps on most games even games like Battlefield 5 runs in 64 player multiplayer matches at 115fps and i have a much older card a Gtx 1080 but it over clocks higher than most cards.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1475d ago
IMissJimRyan1476d ago

Let's be clear of something: it's a machine designed to take those that still are on 1080p displays and don't moved to PS4/Xbox One generation.

I think it's an amazing product for the business side of things.

CBaoth1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

This should be the console they push in the Japanese market. Small yet powerful, and cheap enough to be a companion device to mobile. Very clever on MS' part - with xcloud it should be their most successful gen there.

Tech51475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

@ Trailer reveal

interesting. if it's what xbox gamers want great news for them i guess. at least everyone now can enjoy some options. as for me i plan on sticking with my gaming pc for now. for my own personal tastes.

rainslacker1475d ago

Making a new machine for people that aren't that fast on getting in on current gen seems counter intuitive. The more traditional way to handle these kinds of customers is just keep offering the older machine. It's not always prudent for a company to do so, but if MS is going to be supporting the current gen indefinately, I don't see why they need to throw in such a low powered option for next gen. Particularly true when they will possibly mandate that Series X games also have to run on Series S. If this is the case, and MS gains enough market share, then they've pretty much just crippled most of the next gen multiplat games. Although, maybe that's their intention, because they sure don't seem to care about moving gaming forward at all.

Godmars2901476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

Still, what was the point of making system power a key talking point, if you're only going to offer a weaker system? Nevermind that if this is your main console how its going to effect how you make first party exclusives.

Not that MS have ever shown that system exclusives were ever a priority.

darthv721475d ago

Its the same tactic that companies like intel and Nvidia use. They upsell by showing the top of the line product but also reveal there are cheaper lower end versions available. By doing that, people know they have choice in how much they want to invest in building a new PC (using the PC as the example). Its a marketing tactic that has worked for years.

Even car dealers use this, you can get the top of the line SX model with all the bells and whistles or save a few thousand off and get the SS model and still drive off with a really nice car. See how it works? The top models are there for the enthusiasts and the cheaper models are there for those who want something new but dont want to blow their whole load and yet still feel satisfied.

1476d ago
CaptainHenry9161476d ago

512GB of storage lol. You're going to end up paying $500 for a bigger solid state drive

darthv721475d ago

most likely not. you can also use USB externals like systems do now.

ocelot071475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )


Yes for majority in n4g am sure most know exactly what they want. But let's be honest Xbox has not had the best of generations. Am sure there is a fair few Xbox one owners deciding to give MS another chance or go with playstation.

If for example the ps5 digital is $399 then this Xbox owner could be like well you get much more power for that extra $100. Or you could have a PS4 Pro owner thinking well am happy with PS4 pro right now but that $299 series s is looking tasty. Of Sony announces tasty price that could away that pro owners mind again.

rainslacker1475d ago

So. lets go out on a limb and hypothesize Sony releasing the standard PS5 at $399. While I think this is a long shot for the disc version, that was the price Sony thought was the best for new consoles at the start of this gen, and it seems to have paid off for them.

But, lets make the assumption. What then for this Series S?

My theory, it would leave the Series S dead in the water....which I think it will be anyways, because it's not even as powerful as their recently abandoned X1X. If the Series S is for the streaming crowd, which makes more sense given the size of the hard drive, then well, they're putting the cart before the horse, but at least they're showing a lot of faith in streaming.

ocelot071475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )


Ok $500 all brand new parts then no you need at about $650. However, getting a new motherboard and ram and HDD. Then going second hand CPU and a gpu. $500 is doable. Hell buying a old Dell with a 4th generation i5 for $120 - $130. Then buying a second hand gtx 1070 ti or 1080 or a Vega 56 or veg 64 will do 1440p nicely and a new 650watt PSU.

1475d ago
badz1491475d ago

LOL typical MS! it was all about the 12TF before but with this weakass version, no mention of TF number whatsoever, just "next-gen performance". the hell is "next-gen performance" anyway?? MS made up term to make something underwhelming sounds great.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1475d ago
UltraNova1476d ago

Interesting to say the least!

crazyCoconuts1476d ago

It's a novel approach. By the time price reductions hit for the holiday, I bet it will match the PS4 Pro price. I think it's more of a competitor for that than the PS5. Even that's a mixed messages though since the SSD is so small: faster load times (XSX) or store more games (PS4 Pro).

roadkillers1475d ago

Look at all of these guys majoring in Business. This console looks dope. Changing menus on my PS4 is slow af

SierraGuy1475d ago

People still use the word "dope"?

Sitdown1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

Apparently so, since it was used..

RaidenBlack1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

1440p @ 120fps
RT support
4K upscaling
What's the RT performance of this 4TF retro speaker? RT is very demanding.

Vits1476d ago

We don't really know how demanding RT is on any given console, because AMD have yet to show how their technology handles the load. But it's safe to assume that will be used to a lesser extend than the Series X or PS5.

But going for what was show so far with the technique on consoles. If those two feature reflections on both water puddles and metal objects. The Series S likely only have for the latter and stuff like that.

catlover3161476d ago

I imagine its around the same, but lower resolution.

RpgSama1476d ago (Edited 1476d ago )

UP TO 120fps**, just like when you see a sale on a store and it says UP TO 75% off and once you start checking out the things there are actually like only 3 items that go for that high of a discount.

Will it be able to achieve something like that on some games, yes, on most games, no.

sho0ok3601476d ago

Dont the new Xboxs have a dedicated RT ships?

I remember reading that series X had a theoretical performance of 13 TF.

So the S could have something similar, separate from the GPU TFs.

NeoGamer2321476d ago

It says DirectX RT.

I don't think it is hardware ray tracing like in Series X

RaidenBlack1475d ago

Just google Ray Tracing APIs

CaptainHenry9161475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )

I expect Halo infinite to look like the reveal demo with RT turned on with the Series S

Noskypeno1475d ago

Does raytracing fix bad textures? But there is a theory, not a great one just something i heard on reddit, that 343 butchered the demo on purpose to force MS to give them more time to fix some bugs and other stuff. Why else would they spend 2 years advertising a new state of the art engine only to severely downgrade it even worse than a ubi downgrade, that looks the same as the older ones?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1475d ago
1476d ago Replies(2)
Zodiac1476d ago

I wonder if this is also keeping at least most of the performance bells and whistles that the series X has. If it’s just a cut to resolution, storage and the disc drive, this is a really good deal.

Parasyte1476d ago

That’s what it looks like. All of the same features, but with lower specs.

spicelicka1476d ago

Yeah I'm completely fine with the smaller hard drive, I already have a 2TB from my current system that I would be able to hook up. No need to charge us an extra $100 for a hard drive we can buy ourselves.

1476d ago
1476d ago
spicelicka1476d ago


Hmm what makes you say that? i don't see how this would be any different from current systems where you plug in your hard drive and it's good to go. The SSD is a separate component which would run the OS and any games specifically stores on the SSD. The only way it could be a problem is if games require an SSD to run, but they never confirmed this.

spicelicka1476d ago


Ohh well in that case I take back what I said. I won't be investing in this, would rather invest in Series X.

OMGitzThatGuy1476d ago

@coreymac That's false, MS already confirmed HDDs can be used for storage of games but will have to be transferred to the SSD before playing.

--Onilink--1476d ago

You can use the hard drive to store Series games, but if you want to play them you need to transfer them to the ssd.

If you are playing backwards compatible games you can do so from the hdd

StoneyYoshi1475d ago (Edited 1475d ago )


Xbox Series X/S games WILL require the SSD to run them (MS and Sony both confirmed this themselves). But previous gen games can be played on an external HDD. You can store the next gen games on the HDD but they need to be transferred to the SSD to play them.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1475d ago
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