
Hands-On With RTX 3080 - Is This Really Nvidia's Biggest Leap In Gen-On-Gen Performance?

Richard Leadbetter of DigitalFoundry writes, "It's a time of change, of transition. With the arrival of the next generation consoles, the scale, scope and ambition of game developers will move onto the next level - and today, Nvidia revealed its new RTX 3000 line of graphics hardware, promising the biggest generational leap it's ever delivered, along with twice the ray tracing performance. This year, I've been privileged to have had exclusive access to next-gen architects and even hardware and I'm happy to say that I've also had early access to the new GeForce RTX 3080 - in fact, the card has been with me since late last week."

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crazyCoconuts1424d ago

wow - falling in love with this card. The specs on this thing are insane. And with the 3070 coming in at $499 this holiday... making me wonder if i should reconsider my next gen console purchase for this

ABizzel11424d ago

IMO I say get the GPU, the consoles will always be there and either the same price next year or have a bundle with more games out. Get your GPU and you basically have an even better Series X, so you can get a PS5 next year.

crazyCoconuts1424d ago

Do you think the 3080 would come down $200 in two years to the price of the 3070?

ABizzel11424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

Probably not, I mean the 2080 ti went up in price over it's MSRP of $999, to consistently being $1099 - $1299, so I wouldn't be surprised if the GPUs actually go up in price. The only way they go down is if AMD really brings some stiff competition and start gaining market share again, but I don't see PC gamers and enthusiast on the high-end switching to AMD.

That's why I say get the GPU first, launch games on console aren't always the best, and by holiday next year you should have a decent number of exclusives to buy and a library of around at least 24 PS+ / G4G games downloaded.

LordoftheCritics1424d ago

RTX IO is the second game changer of these cards.

Unspoken1423d ago

RTX IO and Microsoft DirectStorage eliminated any lead PS5 had with SSD secret sauce. 4K 120 fps, 8K 60 fps here we go!!!

Sony, keep releasing in PC and I will buy your titles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1423d ago
LordoftheCritics1424d ago

I am excited for a new pc. Years due.

Tech51424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

"RTX 3080 - Is This Really Nvidia's Biggest Leap In Gen-On-Gen Performance?"

maybe. 30 Tflops is a lot of power though.
more info on it. https://wccftech.com/nvidia...

1423d ago
FlyingFoxy1423d ago

The 3070 is looking to be good price/perf, the 3080 even more so, the 3090 is not good value (IMO) because it's almost like adding in the power of going from the 3070 to the 3080 again except it's over 2x the price.

1423d ago
Father__Merrin1423d ago

If you get a 3070 you will be playing exactly the same games as today. But with the new consoles specific a ps5 it will come with a whole new bunch of gaming experiences.

I'd say get the console and buy a gpu later

Bobertt1423d ago

I would get the consoles first unless you have a bunch of games or want games coming out in a year that you know will take advantage of the RTX and DLSS. If not get the console and then get whatever gpu comes out next year as it will be even better. Your less likely to change GPUs so if you don't need it wait for a better one.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1423d ago
Marquinho1424d ago

Yes it is!

Finally, a proper generation jump in video cards. This is a game changer. Many of my friends that were planing to buy consoles (XSX and PS5) are reconsidering their purchase due to this.

LordoftheCritics1424d ago (Edited 1424d ago )

Big leap indeed. So this is the highest gpu card gen change leap since the 7800x cards

Killer73nova1424d ago

Was all about new consoles but I’ve been looking for a GPU upgrade for my pc so I can enjoy flight simulator and this comes up at a price I’m going to spend for a new series x. I’ll wait and see what amd does

smashman981423d ago

Im thinking about selling my 2080 super to get one since the supers are still selling for close to 700 for whatever reason

masterfox1424d ago

Control looks pretty no doubt, I been playing it on my PC with a 1060 GTX full HD with high mid settings reaching 60 fps and it looks very nice too, still this 3000 series doesn't have this WOW! moment like the PS5 demos haven been showing in their presentations.

Marquinho1424d ago

Wait what? ... lol... nVidia is a HW manufacturer, not a developer, even though Cyberpunk and COD looked incredible with Ray Tracing. Even Fortnite did.

This also means that DLSS will become more and more popular among games, and this guarantees 4K + RT + 60fps on the highest settings. Also... those demos you're talking about... many of them will land on PC including those made by Sony. This is as exciting as it gets.

PitbullMonster1424d ago

With dlss you don't need those cards. Just buy a rtx2060 and you can get upscaled 4k, rt and 60fps too.

Marquinho1423d ago


On Minecraft maybe.

GoodGuy091424d ago

$500 for a card that outperforms a $1200 card....ya got me sold nividia.

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing2m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them


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