
Gaming Guru 2008 Award Nominees

The Gaming Guru award nominees have been named. 25 categories based on console specific awards.

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Marcello5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

I would say that Fallout 3 is GOTY or in this sites case the Guru award, it definalty gets my vote.

Dead Space is another great game, i love the fact its ecletic of many great sources plus adds it own unique & originel ideas like the no HUD and the screens that appears in front of you.

Daver5777d ago

nah i would not say fallout 3 is GOTY, it was a good game but not GOTY
MGS4 deserves it no other title, im saying even if i never been a MGS serie fan

Dead space and Valkyria chronicle should both receive an award for something too oh and fable 2

IF GTA4 receive an award it should be for the most disappointing game

LBP will be somewhere too :)

NaiNaiNai5777d ago

MGS4 may have been a great game, but Fallout 3 deserves the title, they picked up a series they didn't start and it still was a success. also it was a multiplat. the odds of a mutliplat winning over a exclusive are really high, especially with the quiality of FO3.

Daver5777d ago


lol what are you talking about..the fact that they did take a serie that they didnt start have nothing to do with the game of the year, its more like how is the GAME not the developers.
Second why the GOTY have to be multiplat? that dosnt make sense either, its more like what was the best game you have played this year? dont care about exclusive or multiplatform

NaiNaiNai5777d ago

so best game of the year is going to be a game that not everyone can play, yea i see that happening this year. you going to pick a exclusive as "GAME" of the year no, best game of the console yes, but not game of the year. that goes to the best all around game, and fallout 3 has that over MGS4. and i only brought up the fact that they didn't start the game, by them also not screwing it up for the original fans. but then again your narrow mind set wouldn't understand that would it.

Daver5777d ago


loll let me think hmmm what was the GOTY last year hmmmm, starts with bio...got it bioshock... was it exclusive at that time? so everyone could play it? i mean EVERYONE? i dont think so... so f"ck off with ur multiplat bs, any exclusive game to any platform can get the GOTY

cmrbe5777d ago

should be picked on the games merits. Not weather everyone can play it. That is just stupid.

NaiNaiNai5776d ago

and the game that would go to fallout 3. not MGS4. stop being such sony fanboys, youguys are pathetic. "if my console doesn't win im going to cry...WAAAAAAAAA" jesus you guys get repetitive and annoying. i still say its going to win, MGS4 more the likely will just get honors.

Daver5776d ago

loll what a stupid a$$ you are...

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LinuxGuru5777d ago

Hey, who said I was giving away any awards?!


Mahr5776d ago (Edited 5776d ago )

Game of the Year: None of the above, but of those offered, MGS4 was the least underwhelming.

Best Downloadable Game: Very difficult choice here, as all of the options were fantastic and vastly superior to all of the GOTY candidates. World of Goo by a *slim* margin.

Best New IP: Not counting downloadable games, Little Big Planet.

Best Game to Play Intoxicated: Smash Brothers Brawl. Not on the list, though, so Burnout Paradise.

Best Worst Game: Dark Sector.

Most Overhyped Game: GTAIV. But since it's not one of the choices, Too Human.

NPC You Would Most Like to Kill: Most of the cast of GTAIV. Michelle more than Roman, if I have to choose.

Dumbest Thing Said by a Dev/Pub: I like Reggie, but, um, Reggie.

Best Story: Of those offered, MGS4 wins.

Best Audio: I still can't believe they give awards for this, but Gears of War 2.

Best Boss Fight: Dear God, none of the above. If there were justice in the world this category would offer nothing but fights from No More Heroes. Of the (utterly terrible) selection, Liquid Ocelot wins, more for how it fits into the series story than anything else.

Best Innovation: Braid.

Artistic Achievement: I want to give this one to Braid too, but MGS4 deserves it if nothing else for sheer pretentiousness.

Best Co-Op: Difficult category here, but Mario Kart in terms of actual Co-Opt. Gears 2 wins for game whose quality most depends upon co-opt, though.

Best DLC: Burnout Paradise.

Best Motion Controls: Either Lost Winds or Boom Blox. I suppose if I were on a desert island, I would choose Lost Winds. I have no clue whatsoever why MarioKart is a candidate here.

Wii GotY: Tie between World of Goo and De Blob. By default, World of Goo I guess.

PS3 GotY: LBP is great, but MGS4.

360 GotY: No contest, REZ.

Rhythm GotY: Guitar Hero World Tour. Zero Punctuation got it right: Even though it's essentially the same game as Rock Band, the people at Activision aren't quite as big jerks as the Harmonix guys. The only award which Wii music should be in consideration for is "Best Inspiration For Negative Reviews".

Shooter GotY: Left 4 Dead, although winning this category is like coming in first in the Special Olympics.

Action GotY: MGS4.

RPG GotY: Civilization: Revolution.

Sports GotY: MarioKart Wii. I'm not exactly sure this counts as a "Sports" game, but whatever.

Puzzle GotY: Great category. World of Goo, but here, Braid.


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TheNamelessOne4d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv722d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

2d ago

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rlow12d ago

Microsoft are just batting a hundred. Can they screw up anymore? Wait, don’t answer that.