
PS3clan: Armored Core for Answer Review

Armed Core is a game serie which is out now for 12 Years. Armed Core for Answer is their latest title. In the end.. the game sucks bigtime..

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FromSoftware Announces Release Date for Armored Core's Massive 20th Anniversary Soundtrack

After several months of waiting, FromSoftware finally revealed the Japanese release date for Armored Core's massive CD Box.

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The 10th Rider2170d ago (Edited 2170d ago )

"FromSoftware Announces Release Date for Armored Core's Massive 20th . . ."

Ooooo *clicks article*

". . . Anniversary Soundtrack"

It might show up differently on phones or whatever, but on my phone those last two words are cut out when seeing the article on the front page, and only show up when you click on it and see the full title, lol.

2170d ago Replies(1)

Games that looked good on paper

In all honesty, some games would be better off left on the whiteboard at the design meeting. Whether they're too ambitious, too expensive or simply too good to be true, gamers are frequently led to imagine great things only to have our expectations dashed when the game finally arrives. How could these games be so good on paper yet underwhelm so spectacularly?

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Socomer 19795590d ago

its not even a bad game but thats what i thought automatically.

i think it was because of the e3 gaming media attention. i think those fckers gassed me up.

for those that didnt play farcry 2 its a good game I just dont think its worth $60 dollars unless youre committed to planned attacks that dont work most of the time. there is no multiplayer. well there is mutlitplayer but youre not gonna want to play it.

given enough time farcry 2 could be 1 of your favortie games. play with the settings on your tv and it can look really good.


PALGN: Armored Core: For Answer Review

PALGN writes: "Mech games have been around for years, though, for some reason, they don't always seem to make it to PAL territories. It's a bit odd really – giant robots shooting each other a lot seems like it would have universal appeal. Anyway, the Armored Core series has been around for over a decade now, with games appearing on the PlayStation, PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360, among others. The newest game to the series is the bizarrely titled For Answer, which builds on 2007's Armored Core 4. However, to be honest, not much as changed – if you liked the last game, then you're going to like this one. If you, for whatever reason, didn't like AC4, this isn't going to change your mind".

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