
MLB The Show ‘21: Our Top Nine Requests

In this edition of VG-Lists, Allan Muir and Graydon list the top 9 features they want to see implemented in the next edition of MLB The Show.

NeoGamer2321440d ago

The Show is always a top notch baseball game! Can't wait for it to ship!


Wccftech's Best Sports & Racing Games of 2020

Chris Wray:

'It's that time again - it's time to look at the best game of 2020, in this piece, we look at the Sports and Racing games of the year.'

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Welcome to the MLB The Show Scouting Report

As 2020 comes to a close developer Sony San Diego Studios is excited for what the future holds for MLB The Show. They want to make sure that all of their fans know what is going on in MLB The Show so they created the MLB The Show Scouting Report that will give you all the latest information directly from the team on MLB The Show.

There's also a secret conquest pack waiting for you.

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ApocalypseShadow1324d ago (Edited 1324d ago )

Should have had a PSVR Home Run Derby mode for all parks. Would have been fun and sold more copies.

N4GTG1324d ago

They've done a HR Derby mode in the past on the PS3 that used the move controller. Not sure why they haven't tried using VR.

ApocalypseShadow1324d ago (Edited 1324d ago )

They might not have been interested in VR I guess. I'm tempted on the MLB VR one currently but I'll wait until it's cheap since its only 4 parks.

I bet you PSVR 2 has it as a differentiator between other versions now that it has to be multiplatform for Sony to keep the license to make a baseball game. Should look amazing with crowds, 3D sound of the parks, full game mode gameplay, etc. I hope they consider it.


MLB The Show 20 Has a New and Unadvertised Feature

TG writes: MLB The Show 20 is in full swing, well for early release players, and we have a cool new feature that was never available before.

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