
Official Halo Twitter Account confirms Free-to-Play and 120FPS Support

"Halo is for everyone. We can confirm #HaloInfinite multiplayer will be free-to-play and will support 120FPS on Xbox Series X. More details will be shared later!"

Asuka1456d ago

Ok this is awesome. 120fps on console is gonna be insane.

Yi-Long1456d ago

I rather have stunningly gorgeous graphics and effects instead of sacrificing good stuff just so they can hit 120fps ...

Asuka1456d ago (Edited 1456d ago )

To each their own. I would rather lower resolution and higher fps in a shooter especially for multiplayer.

Vegamyster1456d ago

If you have a setup that supports it then it’s a good trade off, I’m set on my PC but I haven’t looked into how many TVs support higher frame rates, hopefully they include some options for higher fidelity on console for those with 60hz panels.

MadLad1456d ago

Because 120fps isn't "good stuff"
Have fun at 30fps then, as blurry as it is.

Marquinho1456d ago Show
RamRod881456d ago

The game will have different graphical options to choose from. I'm sure they are well aware not everyone has the right tv for 120fps.

bouzebbal1456d ago (Edited 1456d ago )

120fps waste of resources and bad prioritizing.. Focus on 4k 60fps and good graphics.. Free to play will hurt the franchise imo

sinspirit1456d ago


"This will attract hordes of PC gamers to Halo."

It's already coming to PC, and PC gamers don't have a framerate cap, lol..

darthv721456d ago

@Yi... well in the case of this game, you get both. 4k 60fps for SP and 4k 120fps for MP.

And yes i do mean what I say. People dont really think the game is going to ship just like the demo do they???

crazyCoconuts1456d ago

They didn't say, but they'll probably have different settings is my guess

King_Noctis1455d ago

Clearly you don’t play alot of shooter if you prioritize graphic over fps.

anubusgold1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

@bouzebbal Go listen to the ps4 fanboys crying not to be matched with pc players on call of duty with 120 fps lol. They are crying its not fair they have faster response times lock them to 90 fps they are crying on the forums about it lol. So they got activison to let them turn it off.

Xavi4K1455d ago

for competitive FPS graphic isn't very important take CS as an example

PurpHerbison1455d ago

We have had two generations now where devs went graphics over performance and I'm over of it. Tired of the sluggish console games. Make 120fps the standard.

itsmebryan1455d ago

You will have to wait and see what the difference is. I think you would notice more in single player because you have more time to take in the scenery. In a multi player it's more fast pace because you are trying to avoid getting killed by other players.

1455d ago
Babadook71455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I’m assuming this is for multiplayer only. That’s how I read the quote:
“multiplayer will be free-to-play and will support 120FPS ”

Still a nice feature.

DJStotty1453d ago

You will never have stunningly gorgeous graphics in competitive multiplayer, you need frame rate over anything else.

anubusgold1452d ago

The only thing ps5 has is a tech demo and we havent forgot the so call toy story graphics of ps 3 tech demo that never happened lol

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1452d ago
1455d ago
ABizzel11456d ago

The only issue I see with this is that the vast majority of 4KTVs don’t even support 120Hz. Great for those gaming on a monitor or capable TV.

ForwardDude1456d ago

Also higher frame rate give a huge advantage in multiplayer as per Linus Tech tips video.

Bruh1456d ago

Most of the Samsung QLEDs all have 120Hz panels, this is also the case for LG OLED and Sony OLED TVs as well. Granted these are higher end TV's, but they also aren't in insane price ranges where it can't be a purchase this holiday

Skate-AK1455d ago

I think it is getting more popular. I bought a Vizio P55 F1 almost three years ago and it has 120fps support on one of the hdmi.

edwardmde1455d ago

@Bruh there is a large number of 120hz panels yes.

The problem is unless you specifically bought a 120hz TV in the past 18 months or so with HDMI 2.1 features then they will only supports 120fps up to 1080p, not 4K.

anubusgold1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I went back to 60fps and i got motion sick from how slow and unsmooth it was compared to 165+ screens and i dont get motion sick, you cant go back once you see it.

Kaze881455d ago

@edwardmde many tv's do not have native 120hz and also as you mentioned, specially not in 4K. Only if you have bought highend tv past two years you are good. If no, then you would need to buy a new one.

1455d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1455d ago
Xx_Pistol_xX1456d ago

Problem with this is that a lot of console owners play on TV. And a lot of them at 60-90hz. So they are taking a hot graphically for a group that really won't get to utilize the FPS. Also I feel bad for the 60 fps players when they go head to head with the 120 fps players.

KaladinStormblessed1456d ago

It won’t be that bad, 60 vs 120 isn’t nearly as big a difference than 30 to 60. At that point the only main difference is the slight input advantage. Considering halo isn’t an esports style shooter where literally every frame can make a difference (for the pros), I think it’ll work out just fine

KaladinStormblessed1456d ago (Edited 1456d ago )

It’s funny cuz everyvery one was complaining that people should focus more on getting FPS up rather than just improving the graphics and then someone finally makes that possible with still improved graphics (might not be pushing the generation graphically but still an upgrade) people are saying to focus more on graphics and not FPS...

I think this is great news, it’ll be so buttery smooth

AngelicIceDiamond1456d ago

It's a continuous flip flop narrative.

rainslacker1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

I'm more curious at what point enough is high enough.

I see mention of 8k from time to time, and while that may be desirable my new 86" screen, it would be overkill on anything 65" or lower....which will be the vast majority of screens. 4k on .y screen looks great at that size, and 1080 content looks perfectly fine with the tvs upscaling. Computer graphics tend to be sharper than tv or movies though.

For a while now I've been listening to 60fps being where frame rate should be at or else the game is unplayable. Now I see some people saying that 120fps is better, and that's worth striving for.

The last part is fine, but there would be a lot of sacrifice to the graphics in that case. While for online games that may not be as important, quality graphics do make seeing things easier than what gain youd get from going from 60 to 120.

Just seems that the demands for what should be the expected are wildly varying and almost changing daily, with lots of excuses should things not meet those expectations.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash1456d ago

360 graphics in 120 fps isn't that impressive.

1455d ago
frostypants1455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

Sadly native 120hz televisions are still very rare. Most claiming the capability do so via 60hz with interpolation.

Vx_1455d ago

Can play Minecraft on 120fps why not Halo? Not much gfx difference

1455d ago
CaptainHenry9161455d ago

Will it have Microtransactions though

BenRC011455d ago (Edited 1455d ago )

Its official, all games will look like one s games, one s 1080p, x will run 4k 60/30, series x 4k 120. Thats why all the games looked like ass. Series x is crippled by the one s as I suspected.

1455d ago
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1456d ago Replies(3)
masterfox1456d ago ShowReplies(5)
purple1011456d ago ShowReplies(1)
mike32UK1456d ago Show
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Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers could be competing with Helldivers 2 very soon

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rlow137d ago

Didn’t know about this one. Will keep an eye out for it.

Cacabunga36d ago

Very original title.. wonder how they came out to that

Kurt Russell36d ago

It's just people having fun in forge, calm down

RaidenBlack36d ago

'Helljumpers' is the nickname for Halo's ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) and predates Helldiver franchise by about 11 years.
calm down.

PhillyDonJawn36d ago

I can enlighten you. ODST a type of marine in Halo orbital drop shock trooper. Aka helljumpers.

Christopher36d ago

Yeah, Helljumpers existed prior to Helldivers.


Ok, so Helldivers guys want to fight Helljumpers guys... I'm just gonna leave this here.

babadivad35d ago

Halo ODST soldiers are called HellJumpers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
darthv7236d ago

so... this is a mode for Halo?

gold_drake36d ago

"As always, we look forward to bringing the Helldivers 2 experience to Halo Infinite"

should you be chasing someone elses concept? make your own and stand out.

this is a lazy, imo, thing to do.

Redgrave36d ago

In this case, I will say that's a poor argument because look at all the soulslikes and such. There will always be the first, and then all the imitations/inspirations that follow.

gold_drake36d ago

sure, they specifically call out helldivers tho ha

repsahj36d ago

Even the name is so unique?

dumahim36d ago

Following a game type trend is one thing, but to do that and come up with a name that's very similar as well takes it to a whole new level. In the movie biz, they call stuff like this a "Mockbuster" movie, kind of like Transmorphers.

RaidenBlack36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

ODST ('Helljumpers' is their nickname) as a concept existed way before Helldivers 1 (by about 11 years) ... it was never properly executed in the Halo FPS games' multiplayer ...

PhillyDonJawn36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

It was revealed 343 actually had plans to release a side halo game with that concept but MS turned it down.

To those making comments about the name, thinking theyre ripping it/copying. Yall clearly don't play Halo 😂

DustMan36d ago

Hasn't really been worth revisiting for quite some time now.

PhillyDonJawn36d ago

@dustman True or not doesn't change anything I said. Anyone that was around during halo 3 and after knows what ODST are. They even had visor colors called helljumper.

isarai36d ago

I don't think a forge map is going to match Helldivers 2 🤣

jznrpg36d ago

Funny. Reminds me of Chinese knockoff games

Relientk7736d ago

When I read the title, that's what I thought it was.

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XiNatsuDragnel43d ago

I wish these would be in the game

just_looken42d ago

I wish they made the game a actual last stand all the know spartan teams halo wars 2 crew together with other unsc forces fighting in space and on the ground.

But nope one spartan again on a open bland map with good combat but a meh story and marines that still act the same.

With so much time gap you think the marines would have better armor and the Spartans would have special guns beyond the laser made for them.

Do no get me started on the opening cinematic were atrox gets taken out.

The lack of flood/blood overall rating decrease what a letdown this game was halo wars 2 last decent halo game for me.

Tacoboto42d ago

These don't read like they really would've made the game better, just even less like Halo. Except for biomes - how the heck they only had one biome is the biggest disappointment.

I'll watch the actual video later.

just_looken42d ago

It was the power of the 2000 xbox and 2005 xbox 360 only there we could get coop and more than one biome.

Toecutter0042d ago

The fact that when you boot up the game it immediately takes you to the multi-player menu (a first for the series), rather than to the campaign says everything you need to know about 343i, Xbox, and Microsoft Studios.