
How Flight Simulator delivers maximum fidelity visuals

Microsoft's Flight Simulator is every bit as spectacular as we hoped it would be. Footage released to date has highlighted its almost photo-realistic approach to rendering - and yes, the game fully delivers there - but what's more difficult to illustrate is the unprecedented detail level from the macro to the micro level, on a literally global scale.

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Minute Man 7211457d ago

"Using a base mesh and textures, the game utilises your internet connection to stream even higher quality terrain data onto your PC as you play, via the Azure cloud. It is a novel way to boost the game's fidelity and diversity that I've yet to see in any other release. This is indeed a fully fledged 'power of the cloud' implementation that delivers something that just wouldn't be possible to the same fidelity with a conventional download."

The powa of the ☁ is close at hand

crazyCoconuts1457d ago

As you pass over Pacific City, if you look down you'll see Crackdown 3.

1457d ago
1457d ago
King_Noctis1457d ago

Da powah of da cloud done right this time.

Father__Merrin1457d ago ShowReplies(4)
Rocketisleague1457d ago

As a user of azure..meh, aws is better

ABizzel11457d ago

The game looks amazing graphically. However, hearing the tech which is amazing as well, is also kind of scary they give real-time global weather and flight paths for real planes, and that could be some dangerous information easily accessible to people ready to commit terrorist acts.

mixelon1457d ago

This information is already out there. Plane hijackings almost never happen. Flight sims aren’t going to make a difference, however realistic they get.

sprinterboy1457d ago

You can get that on a flight tracker app ffs

Christopher1457d ago

ABizzel1, you can get that info on Google right now. It's public info.

Christopher1457d ago

Just FYI, the reason it's public is so that private plane owners know this info and don't cause issues with commercial and other private flights. What isn't normally publicly presented is when a plane diverts from its flight path. That tends to be handled in real-time and is reported after the fact to the public.

ABizzel11457d ago

You learn something every day.

yoshatabi1456d ago

You really think terrorist already done have access to those kind of things? Not that difficult to obtain such info

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1456d ago
Ezio20481457d ago

I wonder what would happen if top open world developers like Rockstar, CD Projekt start using cloud to generate open worlds.

ElementX1457d ago (Edited 1457d ago )

The cloud isn't generating the world, it's transferring data. It might be possible, but pointless for open world games because game worlds aren't that large. This is basically the planet and there's no way to store all that data locally without using TBs of space. A huge game world can fit on current drives

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rlow1131d ago

It’s one hell of a passenger jet. The attention to detail is impressive.

JunonZanon131d ago

One of the most comfortable airplanes on the sky, stable as a rock.

rlow1131d ago

Have you’ve ridden on one? Never have myself but would love to have the opportunity.

just_looken131d ago

The new redesign is awesome new york has 12hr flights were you can get a mini apartment to yourself bed/living room full bath.



rlow1131d ago

Wow sounds wonderful, I’ll check the links. Mahalo

JunonZanon130d ago

Yes, tried Emirates from Heathrow to Dubai. The only plane I managed to get a proper sleep haha. It is loaded with cool technology, like you can see the outside cameras on your inflight entertainment. And despite the 4 engines, it is still very quiet. Incredible!