
Ghost of Tsushima: Patch 1.05 Details

"Later today, patch 1.05 for Ghost of Tsushima will be released, bringing new combat and text options. This patch includes the following new updates: New difficulty level: Lethal – Enemy weapons are more deadly, but Jin’s katana is also more deadly – Enemies are more aggressive in combat – Enemies detect you faster – Tighter..."

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thornh1517d ago

They're making this game better? Ghost of Tsushima is reaching God of War level for me. I didn't think a game would challenge God of War for game of the generation (PS4 game) but this one is certainly giving it a shot.

zumlauf141517d ago

GOW beats ghost in literally every department. It doesn't challenge GOW one bit. Story? no. Characters? no. Graphics? no. Gameplay? no. There's a reason ghost is sitting at an 83 meta and not a 95 like GOW.

sprinterboy1517d ago

No gfx, No characters, no gameplay? GTFO you tool

StoneyYoshi1517d ago

Bruh, Let the dude have his own opinion lol... It's all subjective just like yours.

hulk_bash19871517d ago

Ghost may not reach GOW levels of epicness for me, but it is still worthy of praise. Its a fun, fleshed out, gorgeous game. That definitely deserves to sit among other Sony greats. Can't wait for a PS5 sequel to see where Sucker Punch takes Jin's story next.

thornh1517d ago

I finished GoW then finished it 4 more times on NG+. It's an amazing experience from an amazing team. God of War is my all time favorite game franchise on any system. But I have to give some serious consideration to a brand new IP that is this good. I think Sucker Punch has met or exceeded the high expectations I had for this game. For me it is in the top 3 PS4 games of the generation for the overall experience it has delivered. I can confidently add Jin Sakai to a long list of Playstation characters I will never forget.

PS - I do not care what Metacritic or "professional" reviewers think of a game. I play games I like and they either meet my expectations or they don't.

starchild1517d ago

God of War is one of my favorite games, but Ghost of Tsushima definitely challenges it. I actually like Ghost of Tsushima a bit more. So, I don't agree with any of your statements. Ghost of Tsushima has better graphics, equally good story and characters, and more diverse gameplay that is amazing in its own right. I love both games, though, and I'm glad I don't actually have to choose between them.

1517d ago
Sitdown1517d ago

Wow, your comment is as reckless as the Mongols. Absolutely no honor..

garos821517d ago

its cute how you still use metacritic as a method of validating your trash opinion. GTFOH

Sunny123451516d ago

Firstly I think this comparsion is redundant in terms of gameplay. But if someone says they appreciate both equally thats something else. I love God of war, its easily one of the best games this generation, ghost of tsushima has its own class, the progression system is amazing and innovative. Everything should not be botched down to metascores.

Redlife2g1516d ago

What game have you been playing?? No characters and no story? Come on man..

DrShoe1516d ago

Calm down! You can like both, even if Tshushima is clearly the game of this generation.

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jimbost791517d ago

100% completely agree with you mate, gow is my no1 series with gow 2018 being the best in the series and my no1 game of all time.
I'm playing through ghost slowly and I think it's just incredible and most of the time it looks beautiful.
Like you, I didn't think anything would come close to it until the next gow, I'm on chapter 2 and my thoughts could change, but I've even been getting up early for work just to get an hour in. Havent done that for many games.
Definetley top 3 ps4 exclusives.

UnSelf1517d ago


UnSelf1517d ago (Edited 1517d ago )

Update: I’m playing on Lethal and the enemies don’t seem more deadly in combat. Theyre just as difficult as they were in Hard. But you’re much stronger. They do detect you faster tho.

Edit: never mind, they hit harder as well lol. Good shit SP

notachance1516d ago

yeah hard is just too easy if you're decked out, I got the full upgraded sakai armor and I'm tearing through enemies like a bunch of papers

boing11516d ago

I know exactly what you mean. It's the fun factor I think. It makes it hard to put down. I've had something similar with inFamous, believe it or not. I guess it hits all the right strings, at least in my case.

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Rikimaru19771517d ago

dam, this new level. got me excited.

dumahim1517d ago

I really wish they'd update movement. It drives me nuts pushing the stick all the way only for Jin to walk and it's completely inconsistent for how long he'll walk before he starts to jog. Sometimes it works right away, but it seems like he'll just keep walking if I don't move the stick at all. If I give it a wiggle, it seems to help get him to the jog step.

DrDeath1517d ago

No issue here ? Sure its not your hardware?

dumahim1517d ago

I don't see how. It works fine for everything else. Just getting Jin to the jogging pace is consistently a problem. I've seen mention on reddit where others are having the same issue. I could see it being a problem if I was only moving the stick slightly, but this is full forward and just walks.

They also mention it's difficult to go up/down ladders as Jin seems to try to walk around them. I've had problems trying to get down from ledges where he'll stop and I'm pushing the stick trying to move and he just refuses unless I either jump or click L3 to run, which then leads to death sometimes as he'll jump past the ledge I wanted to drop down to. Tried using circle and he just does the dodge move along the edge.

There does seem to be a dead zone issue as well. Sometimes you want to be standing still and Jin will just do this fast paced jiggy and slide forward. If I bump the stick he'll stop, but for others that doesn't seem to fix the issue.

1517d ago
StoneyYoshi1517d ago

Only time I've had that happen is when it forces you to walk with a character during a mission when they are talking about something and thats only during certain times. You might have a controller issue?

starchild1517d ago

It does that with my controller too. I thought it might be my controller that is the problem, but it works right in all my other games. Very strange. I still absolutely love the game, but the issues you described are exactly what are happening to me too.

criticalkare1517d ago

i dont have any issue you spoke of maybe something is wrong with your controller

DrDeath1517d ago

Not once has jin walked when pushing the stick completely forward for me? And their is no dead zone for me that ive noticed. I would suggest trying a different controller as ur sounds like your issue. I also have no issue with ladders. Somefimes i press x to climb one and mess it up out of habit.

Im on act 3 and fully built all my stuff up.

dumahim1517d ago

Sounds reasonable, but I'm not the only one having issues with this. I doubt all these people suddenly had controllers go bad when they started playing this game.

starchild1517d ago

I would buy a new controller, but the one I have seems to work fine in every other game I own and I don't want to spend that much money on a Dualshock 4 controller when the PS5 is right around the corner and the problem may be something they can fix.

UnSelf1517d ago

@dumahim. You are 1000000% correct.

I really really thought it was only my game that suffered from this.

dumahim1517d ago

Update: Fixed.
So I fired up the game to capture footage and decided to try all my other old controllers. I plug in the original controller and it acted up a few times, but then started working fine. Played for 5 minutes and had no problem. Went through the others and had no problems. Reconnected my 500 millionth edition controller and it too is now working fine. It seems like a calibration issue or something and using a different controller cleared up the problem.

RedDevils1516d ago

Have you try pressing L3 like in COD

boing11516d ago

I've had this happen a few times. Not that often, though. I think it happens after sequences where you're following your ally at walk-pace. Seems like some kind of 'flag' isn't cleared properly.

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Christopher1517d ago (Edited 1517d ago )

***– Enemies break off their attack combos after damaging you, giving you a chance to recover before the next wave of attacks. In addition, your heavy attacks will interrupt attacks from Brutes, giving you another way to stop their combos.***

I don't know why they changed the brute element. Heavy attacks on brute stance already ends their combos.

Edit: and, just to note, I know it's for a "new" mode, but it still doesn't make sense to me to only target brutes with this sort of change.

StoneyYoshi1517d ago

Not everybody playing this is as good as you or me.

Christopher1517d ago

Not what I'm saying.

Every enemy has attacks that can't be interrupted unless you're using their stance from Act 2 and on, yet they only do this for brutes. Why only brutes?

ziggurcat1517d ago

I was hoping that you didn't have to dumb down the difficulty in order to increase the window for perfect parries. It's one of the things I'm not liking about the combat is the very short window you have to hit L1 to get that perfect parry. 8/10, Jin just stands there with no reaction when I hit the L1 button, and I even have the charm equipped to allow it to be easier.

StoneyYoshi1517d ago (Edited 1517d ago )

Yeah sometimes its tough to see the best time to parry. It could be something I'm missing with the controls. Hell, I just learned last night that you can hold the dodge button (you'll see Jin prepare to dodge) and then you can move the left stick where you want and then he will dodge in that direction.

ziggurcat1517d ago

Haha I'm sure it's somewhere in the tutorials, but I also must have missed that - I had no idea you could hold the dodge button. It makes sense when you know they're about to do one of those strong attacks with the red indicator, you can hold it in anticipation, and just flick the stick.

AcidDvl1517d ago

There's a charm that you get for completing a Shrine that gives a bigger window to parry and flawless parry.

Search which Shrine it is and use the charm ;)

ziggurcat1517d ago

As stated above:

"... and I even have the charm equipped to allow it to be easier."

I have that charm.

AcidDvl1517d ago


Well, then there isn't much else you can do other than practice, which for me is part of the fun.

What I can tell you from experience is that once you've got the timing down, you'll pretty much parry every attack easily. By late game I was flawless parrying every attack except brutes of course.

ziggurcat1517d ago

To be fair, it's more the spear-wielding mongols that are the problem. I have pressed L1 right as soon as the blue dot appears, and Jin just stands there with no reaction.

AcidDvl1517d ago


There's a skill that automatically parries spear attacks if you're in the correct stance. Give it a try ;)

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purple10129d ago

This game on ps5 pro is gonna rival some cgi films I reckon

purple10128d ago

good point, ps5pro will be in my price range though, and il sell it and only loose a few hundred, if I sell a £2000 gaming pc after 5 years, il loose £1000

Shiore2u28d ago

Why would you sell your gaming PC? Unlike a console you don't have toss the whole thing to upgrade.

Hofstaderman28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Not waiting two to three years to play it.

purple10127d ago

@Shiore2u. yes another good point, but I still have 2 good points, 1, its in my price range, and 2, eventually you do have to upgrade pc's in whole,. motherboard for instance, as newer graphics cards eventually wont play nice etc. so by then parts have depreciated, a lot.

this is a situation, where two people can be right at the same time,- & I love those moments.!

wesnytsfs25d ago

@Hofstaderman, yea that part deff sucks. I think that window will be getting much shorter though after what has been coming out of Sony about PC games. Most the time I finish it on ps and then when it comes out on PC replay it on their for best expereince.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 25d ago
27d ago
Lightning7729d ago (Edited 29d ago )

I can only think of these release windows for Ghosts. May through September assuming GTA 6 releases early October. So early September maybe even late or mid August just to be extra safe. However it won't release anywhere in Fall (because GTA). With the said it could be early February 2026 or early March of that year.

That all depends if it shows up at Sony's pro showcase or VGA's. If it does show up at those events, then expect it spring through Summer release dates. If they no show those events then early 2026.

isarai28d ago

Jim really threw a wrench in the gears of PlayStations 1st party. Almost 4 yrs since PS5 launched and not even a tease or announcement from ND, SP, Bend, or Bluepoint. I hope the rumored showcase is true cause we really need something from these studios.

outsider162428d ago

I hope they go all out in the showcase too. Like announcement from all the studios ND, SP, Bend, SantaM, Bluepoint..

P_Bomb28d ago

That’s the hope I keep clinging to. A first party free for all.

bloop28d ago

We're a few years in now and we've only had a handful of of games from their big studios and no clue as to what's coming. I think everyone's been more than patient and it's about time Sony show their hand. At this stage I don't even care if some games are 2/3 years away, just at least let us know what they're working on already. This has to be the most barren generation so far.

DarXyde28d ago

I don't disagree, but PlayStation does have a finite number of studios that are into the big production budgets.

Once you announce and drop them, it's going to take some time to reload that clip. I'm not really surprised that Sony has really not been announcing anything.

rokos28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Maybe they are operating on a 5-6 year release cycle at least that is how much time it took them between Ghost of Tsushima (2020) and their previous game Infamous: Second Son/First Light (2014). But its all rumors at this point they could show the game next month and still release it in 2026.


Ghost Of Tsushima Was Praised By Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest Creators

The creators of Square Enix's Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest series have shared praise for Ghost of Tsushima.

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neomahi52d ago

Wow! Here we are years later and they're still talking about this game. Nate Fox, you and your team did one heck of a job, especially with the new Assassin's Creed coming out that has the Japanese angry