
Xbox Games Showcase [English]

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LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

Am I the only one who immediately thought of Uncharted 4 graphics is much better than Halo Infinite?

No bias here.

1464d ago
LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

Hellblade 2: A Very Unstabled Young Woman.

Or unstable is the right word? they did it with Tlou2: a very angry lesbian.

Lore1464d ago

For those who are only getting an xbox, be proud that Msft is actually focusing on rpg’s that have the potential to be on par with the likes of Fallout, Witcher 3, etc. Games that can sell consistently for 10+ years and be beloved. Avowed looked exactly like Sony’s missed opportunity from their 2013 tech demo “Dark Sorcerer.”

Why Sony doesn’t have a care in the world to create these sort of games is beyond me and a major blow to my personal morale.

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

You can have Avowed. My hype goes to Everwild and the life is strange type game (forgot the title but the game that first chapter is available on aug).

RazzerRedux1464d ago

"Why Sony..."

Why do you have to make this about Sony?

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

Dude might had seen my comment about Uncharted graphics being better than what they shown and is thinking of a comeback.

ABizzel11464d ago

This was decent, to be honest I'm a bit underwhelmed by what they showed. Once again it was a bunch of Trailers, and very little gameplay outside of Halo.

UltraNova1464d ago

Well that's it. At least they've announced Fable by Playground.

7/10 IGN.

MajorLazer1464d ago

Yep. Thought I was going to be blown away. I've seen a lot of current gen games that look on par or better.

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

Underwhelming yeah but lets go believe what Microsoft team said that they held back in showing their new games. Everwild. Fable. Those 2 are my only hype games. My problem is they're both in PC so.... Idk. I feel if I said anymore imma get negative and will report me lol.

sprinterboy1464d ago

DS, GoT, tlou pt2, FF all looked better than anything shown today. Powr of the series x/S
What a joke Xbox

TheTony3161464d ago

Honestly? Tlou2 and Ghost of Tsushima look better than anything on this show.

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

Dont include Death Stranding. That aint a 1st party game. It was made by Kojima who pave the way for HZD coming to PC.

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

True man.... I feel like Halo's deb didnt fully utilize Series X hardware.

Lore1464d ago


Lol get real dude, I only play on my playstation and have only owned an xbox one which i got for next to nothing. My comment was based on Sony not creating any compelling rpg’s. Which tend to be some of the richest experiences in gaming. Why people complain about how good a game looks or lack there of is beyond me. It’s about gameplay, not solely graphics. As long as the game looks modern at a stable frame rate, that’s all that should matter. Gameplay is what keeps you engaged.

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago


Oh then you have a point man. Well Bloodborne and Horizon is RPG but Horizon aint exclusive anymore. And Bloodborne I guess is a ARPG? Was kinda hoping Sony did a JRPG.

Man wish Sony or whoever there is bought Suikoden from Konami. Cause that jrpg is the bomb.

morganfell1464d ago

""Why Sony..."

Why do you have to make this about Sony?"

Maybe because all he has heard is 12TF...in Sony threads. Maybe because people pointed out a tunnel light in a video of a game in alpha and here is the in-beta flagship not keeping up with the competitions current gen.

Not saying I agree with him doing this in this thread but both sides throw rocks in each other's articles.

darthv721464d ago

Most of what I saw looked really good and I like that they will be in gamepass and allow me to try before I buy.

RgR1464d ago

Unfortunately not. That cameo of the villain looked awful. Maybe it's the video quality but geez...show something more impressive for halo. It's your flagship title and you blow it!

deleted1464d ago

Remember how impressive the Killzone Shadowfall gameplay reveal looked 7 years ago? Granted, it's not going to compete in resolution and framerate, but just the overall art direction for a 2013 game...


RazzerRedux1464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )


"Well Bloodborne and Horizon is RPG but Horizon aint exclusive anymore."

lol....Lore is adamant that Horizon is NOT an RPG. If you say otherwise he will write paragraph after paragraph explaining how uninformed you not once explain his reasoning that Horizon is not a RPG.

Believe me. I know this from experience.


Very true.

Unspoken1464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )

No, you are probably not able to see they use very similar shading and lighting tech, but Uncharted can only run at a low frame rate and have clunky movement and abysmal action vs a game running 60 fps+ with extremely satisfying gun play.

SubtilizZer1464d ago

Seriously... that’s delusional at best.

The draw space is huge.

Honestly I won’t give you anymore of my time.

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

Me and the other 80 ppl who agrees with me are delusional. Ok then.....

1464d ago
morganfell1464d ago


"Well Bloodborne and Horizon is RPG but Horizon aint exclusive anymore."

Looks like someone is forgetting this game is over 3 years old, was announced for PC the same year the PS5 sequel was announced and HZD was brought to the PC for a reason. Drive gamers to the PS5 launching this fall. Hilarious.

Maybe he wants to compare Sony's big Open World Game announced at their last show with Microsoft's Open World game shown today.

MADGameR1464d ago Show
chicken_in_the_corn1464d ago

Is this the first new gen where the graphics are worse than the gen Before?

Muzikguy1464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )

Wasn't there some talk somewhere about MS showing is what real next gen will look like?

LegoIsAwesome1464d ago

And you really thought PC elitist will migrate to the PS5 for Horizon 2? Cause they didnt with the PS4 with Infamous, Bloodborne, Spiderman, God of War or when HZD was still exclusive to Sony?

RedDevils1463d ago (Edited 1463d ago )

No Bungie no HALO

@Lore Horizon ring any bell?

Unspoken1463d ago (Edited 1463d ago )

Actually the other 39k plus and 60k plus think you are delusional. Check the linked video..lol. or are you just spamming the Xbox threads without anyone here banning Sony trolls...

morganfell1463d ago (Edited 1463d ago )

And you can prove PC gamers didn’t buy in? No you can’t. Go to the Steam forums. Plenty of gamers there have grabbed PS4s, If you don’t know anybody that was a PC gamer that decided to pick up a PS4 to cover the games that are on PC then you’re living under a rock. You shouldn’t worry about Sony. They’re going to keep hammering away. You should be worried about Microsoft and what they’re not doing.

Koolaidude1463d ago

Is Uncharted open world? It is harder to make an open world look good compared to a scripted movie like Uncharted or Last of US.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 1463d ago
UltraNova1464d ago

Obsidian is on fire! Can't wait to see more.

pwnmaster30001464d ago

Yeah they caring the team right now imo.
The new rpg by them looks to be interesting

medman1464d ago

Everwild does look interesting....another one with no gameplay though. Disappointing showcase overall....I was really hoping to be wowed, and there was not much there at all. I like the diversity of games, but the Halo gameplay underwhelmed completely, Forza, which I assumed would be there at launch or thereabouts is "early in development"?????, and while there were several titles I'm interested in, there was not a single stunner in the bunch.

Microsoft is pushing gamepass hard, and rightfully so, it's fantastic....but it looks like the launch lineup is Halo and a lot of games people have already played given a series x upgrade. Maybe the medium is a title that can hit launch, but I don't know....not a great showcase for Microsoft imo. Not nearly enough gameplay. Not even close.

deleted1464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )

Yes, Everwild has me intrigued! I do want to see more.

This is another title that may push me to get an XBSX down the line to go with my PS5 if it turns into something great. I do hope it turns out well. At least XBox Series X (god, I do hate the name, but whatever) has some rpgs/fantasy games this gen that appeal to me more than what XB1 had to offer. I never owned an XB1, but I did have a good PC to play them... I pretty much stuck to Forza and Forza Horizon 3 and 4. I don't feel like upgrading a PC again, so an XBSX eventually isn't off the table IF MS continues to make improvements. We'll see.

GamerRN1464d ago


They literally showcased 3 exclusive RPGs... I think if RPGs are your thing this is the year for Xbox

phoenixwing1464d ago

rpgs are my thing and i am very pleased with the show. however they should have shown gameplay so it's a c to me if i had to give a letter grade

1464d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1464d ago
pwnmaster30001464d ago

I was really excited for this. Not gonna like kind of disappointed

Marquinho1464d ago

I'm disappointed to be honest. Badly carried event.

I'm happy they finally announced Fable but I hated the black humor they used.

The game from Obsidian looks good but it was a mini-teaser.

We also didn't see Forza Gameplay.

Not saying the games shown were bad but they gave too much time to timed exclusives or medium budget games and almost nothing to Triple As.

pwnmaster30001464d ago

At least do a Sony and show a little more for your closing game.... I was really excited for fable but yet was left with that bland trailer reveal... idk I guess I’ll be more patient for it.
Halo another favorite looked kind of outdated.
Idk I guess I’ll wait and see.

darthv721464d ago

So happy to see fable make a return.

SyntheticForm1464d ago

Matt Booty appears and says "Today you've seen 10 new world premiers and 20 new console launch exclusives" and I'm thinking "What?"

They're tooting their own horn again, but nothing that was shown was remarkable. Others let the games do the talking, but Microsoft are showing us unexciting things and then telling us how many unexciting things were shown.

So disappointing, and as of this moment, the Series X isn't even on my radar. It would take something extraordinary to care about Xbox as of now. This was supposed to be that, but it didn't happen.

BenRC011464d ago

So thats another gen handed to sony. Well done ms lol

TheScotsman1464d ago

No one will argue with you, if they do they are delusional, what another mis step for Microsoft and xbox

imtiyaz61464d ago

Hate to admit it but Avowed looks really intriguing. Everything else was a snoozefest but MS finally has an IP that I want. If they get a few more of these new IPs in along with the rumoured purchase of WB games, Sony will finally have real competition. To people on the thread celebrating that HZD is not an exclusive anymore. Congrats on finally playing it after 3 and a half years. Lol. Y’all know Sony bought it to pc just to make the pc people thirsty for HZD 2 on ps5.

TheScotsman1464d ago

Exactly, being on PC doesn't make it not a console exclusive, it's only thick PC gamers( the thick ones not the majority) that think if a game is on PC it's not a console exclusive.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1464d ago

Looks like MS forgot to bring it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1463d ago
Lexreborn21464d ago

Swear to god if you made a drinking game on how often someone says Halo you would be drunk as hell

cl19831464d ago

Wait you didn't stay up all night playing that game already. I did it based on the number of what we want to see stories.

Ron_Danger1464d ago

1 halo...2 halos.... 3 halos.... Ah Ah Ah....

TheScotsman1464d ago

Well halo and welcome this halo place for a special halo event of angelic halo amounts. So it's halo from him and hola from me. Too much ?? /S

Luc201464d ago

I'm watching this to see if the other side can impress me...

Luc201464d ago

Honestly disappointed. Thought I'd see something groundbreaking and then... Destiny 2? Tetris? Another Forza? No Hellblade gameplay? Some bland trailers. Console launch exclusive?! Really? Is this going to impress anyone? I guess I know what I'm go to buy in November. Were you impressed?

Unspoken1464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )

Hmm, you only watched 4 games out of the 19? Well...I can say I'm interested in the other titles you have left out. People must be blind when watching Xbox videos.

UnholyLight1464d ago

I'm a big fan of both Xbox and Playstation, but you can't sit here and tell me the PS5 reveal conference had the better games. That one was faaar more disappointing to me and showed little substance compared to how I felt about this Xbox one thats for sure. At least for me.

GamerRN1464d ago

The big difference is the PS5 reveal only showed a few exclusives and many multi platform games that were coming to Xbox.

Xbox was all exclusives...

1464d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1464d ago
Edgelordsupreme1464d ago

I find it distressing you would view this as "The other side", they're video games and if you're coming from the perspective of "The other side" than maybe your input on the whole thing is kinda tainted and useless?

mrsolidsteel201464d ago

hmmmmm......Halo doesn't look at that great.

OzzY-waZZy1464d ago

Halo's looking very xbox one-y.

cl19831464d ago

I'd say lets look at the 4k video not the 1080ish that the stream is.

jerethdagryphon1464d ago

Everything they showed looks like a current gen game in next gen wrapper.

That coop survival yard game... Seriously that's what you put on a launch showcase
Halo again some rpg things that might or might not pan out

GamerRN1464d ago Show
Army_of_Darkness1464d ago


That would just be mediocre graphics in 4K.....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1464d ago
autobotdan1464d ago

Yeah I agree it doesn't look very good

mrsolidsteel201464d ago

Well at least it was their first showing.

morganfell1464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )

There is a lot of pop in as well. For the people that pointed out a tunnel light in a video of an alpha game, this might not be what you want to see.

It is their first showing but at this point in development with launch this fall it is easily inside the beta window.

Minute Man 7211464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )

@ morgan

Yes there is pop-ins but there is still time for polish

jerethdagryphon1464d ago

Looks about as impressive as kill zone shadow fall gameplay. Trailer
So that's not good

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1464d ago
343_Guilty_Spark1464d ago

Are you watching a 1080p stream cause it's gorgeous in 4K

dRanzer1464d ago

So you watched it in 4k?

Manic20141464d ago

@dRanzer - https://www.youtube.com/wat...

The stream did not do it justice.

sprinterboy1464d ago

There was no 4k stream numb nuts

1464d ago
Unspoken1464d ago

Game does look pretty good.

ABizzel11464d ago

It looks no different from any other current-gen open-world game currently.

Far Cry
Red Dead 2

The game definitely looks like an above-average current-gen game open-world game, with the resolution and framerate boosted to 4K @ 60 for next-gen.

And unfortunately, almost every game they showed at the show was just that, average - slightly above-average. I'm thoroughly disappointed with showing, and it's a clear showing that MS is more concerned with getting people to buy into GamePass for anywhere than they are selling their new console. The last key to the first half of this gen is price and services, and I'm still under the impression the Series X is going to cost more than the PS5, and the Series S is their attempt to combat that in North America at least. So unless they have services that are completely game-changing (GamePass + XCloud are great, but might not be enough), then they are in a similar, albeit better, situation to last-gen.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1464d ago
monkey6021464d ago

There's going to be so much salt when Doom Eternal gets all the shooter of the years awards over it 😶

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1464d ago
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Halo Infinite: Operation FleetCom To Introduce Classic Game Mode

Get ready for the new Halo Infinite Operation FleetCom update! Discover the return of the fan-favorite Halo 3 game mode and exciting quality of life updates.

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Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers could be competing with Helldivers 2 very soon

The absence of Helldivers 2 on Xbox continues to be felt by its players, as Arrowhead Game Studios’ team-based shooter remains one of the year’s most popular games. However, that could soon change with the impending arrival of developer The Forge Falcons’ Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers.

rlow137d ago

Didn’t know about this one. Will keep an eye out for it.

Cacabunga36d ago

Very original title.. wonder how they came out to that

Kurt Russell36d ago

It's just people having fun in forge, calm down

RaidenBlack36d ago

'Helljumpers' is the nickname for Halo's ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) and predates Helldiver franchise by about 11 years.
calm down.

PhillyDonJawn36d ago

I can enlighten you. ODST a type of marine in Halo orbital drop shock trooper. Aka helljumpers.

Christopher36d ago

Yeah, Helljumpers existed prior to Helldivers.


Ok, so Helldivers guys want to fight Helljumpers guys... I'm just gonna leave this here.

babadivad35d ago

Halo ODST soldiers are called HellJumpers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
darthv7236d ago

so... this is a mode for Halo?

gold_drake36d ago

"As always, we look forward to bringing the Helldivers 2 experience to Halo Infinite"

should you be chasing someone elses concept? make your own and stand out.

this is a lazy, imo, thing to do.

Redgrave36d ago

In this case, I will say that's a poor argument because look at all the soulslikes and such. There will always be the first, and then all the imitations/inspirations that follow.

gold_drake36d ago

sure, they specifically call out helldivers tho ha

repsahj36d ago

Even the name is so unique?

dumahim36d ago

Following a game type trend is one thing, but to do that and come up with a name that's very similar as well takes it to a whole new level. In the movie biz, they call stuff like this a "Mockbuster" movie, kind of like Transmorphers.

RaidenBlack36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

ODST ('Helljumpers' is their nickname) as a concept existed way before Helldivers 1 (by about 11 years) ... it was never properly executed in the Halo FPS games' multiplayer ...

PhillyDonJawn36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

It was revealed 343 actually had plans to release a side halo game with that concept but MS turned it down.

To those making comments about the name, thinking theyre ripping it/copying. Yall clearly don't play Halo 😂

DustMan36d ago

Hasn't really been worth revisiting for quite some time now.

PhillyDonJawn36d ago

@dustman True or not doesn't change anything I said. Anyone that was around during halo 3 and after knows what ODST are. They even had visor colors called helljumper.

isarai36d ago

I don't think a forge map is going to match Helldivers 2 🤣

jznrpg36d ago

Funny. Reminds me of Chinese knockoff games

Relientk7736d ago

When I read the title, that's what I thought it was.

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Halo Infinite Cut Campaign Content Has Allegedly Been Revealed

Cut content from the campaign in Xbox Game Studios and 343 Industries' first-person shooter, Halo Infinite, has allegedly been revealed.

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XiNatsuDragnel43d ago

I wish these would be in the game

just_looken42d ago

I wish they made the game a actual last stand all the know spartan teams halo wars 2 crew together with other unsc forces fighting in space and on the ground.

But nope one spartan again on a open bland map with good combat but a meh story and marines that still act the same.

With so much time gap you think the marines would have better armor and the Spartans would have special guns beyond the laser made for them.

Do no get me started on the opening cinematic were atrox gets taken out.

The lack of flood/blood overall rating decrease what a letdown this game was halo wars 2 last decent halo game for me.

Tacoboto42d ago

These don't read like they really would've made the game better, just even less like Halo. Except for biomes - how the heck they only had one biome is the biggest disappointment.

I'll watch the actual video later.

just_looken42d ago

It was the power of the 2000 xbox and 2005 xbox 360 only there we could get coop and more than one biome.

Toecutter0042d ago

The fact that when you boot up the game it immediately takes you to the multi-player menu (a first for the series), rather than to the campaign says everything you need to know about 343i, Xbox, and Microsoft Studios.