
Hideo Kojima Gets Lifetime Achievement Award

Hideo Kojima, the iconic creator of classics such as Snatcher, Policenauts and the Metal Gear series recieved a lifetime achievement award at the MTV video game awards.

krackchap5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

so deserving
best games on the playstation platform for 3 generations now

Ancient gen (PSone) : metal gear solid 1
Last gen (ps2) : metal gear solid 2/3
Current gen (ps3) : Metal gear solid 4

badz1495724d ago

he deserves it and MGS4 is awesome! I'm all for MGS4 GoTY 2008!

el_bandito5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

Its about time he gets lauded and honored for being one of the great minds in the gaming industry. And mind you guys he said that he won't retire! Yipee. Cant wait for his next game.

TheColbertinator5724d ago

Don't forget Zone of the Enders,Boktai and Lunar Knights

meepmoopmeep5723d ago (Edited 5723d ago )

Congrats Hideo,
you deserve it.

I look forward to your future games.
you are awesomeness!!!

Legion5723d ago

I was thrown aback by the 10 year remark. Then I figured it out,,, he is not being awarded for the full Metal Gear series,(of about 20years) but only the Metal Gear Solid renditions?? Why? The best one was the first! And I am not a classic gamer at heart, but I recall the first game being the true spirit of the Metal Gear series!

p.s. did he gwet a face left???!!! Whoa... how changes by years in every pic I see.

Mr_Bun5723d ago

Well done Hideo...well done!

SaiyanFury5723d ago


Despite your disagrees, the guy is a genious. The Metal Gear Solid series is one of the best series' in the world of gaming. I've loved everything he's done, from MGS to the ZOE series. One of the most visionary developers since Mario, he deserves accolades. People might disagree with me, but he has been an influential presence in the gaming world. MGS4 rocked. A bit heavy on cutscenes, but the game itself was magical. People that disagree haven't played the games. It's that simple.

shovelbum5723d ago

OVERRATED!! Only kidding. I didn't love the latest MGS installment and he sometimes says things that makes gamers scratch their heads (at least he's earned that right unlike others in gaming); his talent is undeniable. I still vividly remember moments from the first MG where the writing was amazing not only for a video game but in general. Congratulations Sir. Keep them coming.

meepmoopmeep5723d ago

lulz, disagrees don't sweat me, my friend :)
MSDF just doing their work :)

yeah, Hideo is a veteran in the gaming industry and brought a lot to gaming. can't wait to see what else he's got cooking in that crazy head of his.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5723d ago
chewy3175724d ago

'i will continue to create games as long as i live' -Hideo Kojima

nice one.... be even nicer if the games are metal gear and on playstation =p

Rhythmattic5724d ago (Edited 5724d ago )

I Actually Hope he spreads his "AWESOMENESS" to all platforms...

I am a New to Console Gaming, and MGS4 was my first foray into the MGS Series.

I was truly BLOWN AWAY by its gameplay, story and Graphics.

And for this, as a gamer, I hope no one misses out on Hideo's Genius. Now and in the Future.

Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5723d ago (Edited 5723d ago )

'Hideo Kojima Gets Lifetime Trophy Award'!!! ;-D
Achievements are for sad xBot Zombie Lemmings with no achievements in there real life!!! ;-D

OMG!!! ;-P Jade in BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-P ;-P ;-P

Rhythmattic5723d ago (Edited 5723d ago )

Holey Moley..

Whats with the Disagrees ???

tocrazed4you5724d ago

You earned it Mr. Hideo Kojimasan

The Matrix5723d ago

Kojima is a genius. Give bubbles if you concur.

n4gzz5724d ago

Mr. Kojima earned this. Bungie is very respectable developer too.

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gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.