
Xbox Series X could be a streaming powerhouse — thanks to Facebook

Microsoft’s Xbox Series X is set to get rather cozy with Facebook Gaming. That's because Microsoft has shut down its own Mixer live streaming platform, which failed to follow in the footsteps of Twitch.

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Knightofelemia1492d ago

Lol sure if you want to comment under your real name and not get the same amount of traffic when you stream. I use to watch Mixer on Xbox always stuck around for Microsoft's E3 and get free stuff like the Rare Replay. But I hate Facebook I won't watch games streamed on Facebook I'll just stick with Twitch and the odd time Youtube.

sushimama1492d ago

TomsGuide, shilling for MS and bashing PS for years. Never click anything of theirs.

crazyCoconuts1491d ago

The title is so laughable, there's no danger of me clicking into this one

1491d ago
rainslacker1490d ago

I don't even use Twitch outside of the times it's the only choice. The big things I would ever want to watch are on YouTube, and I'm fine with it, since it has an app on my TV.

Granted, I'm not a big stream watcher to begin with.

THC CELL1492d ago

4 hours 2 comments

A lot of people actually hates Facebook
Most of my friends have quit Facebook some for Twitter some for other social network

I quit Facebook 2 years ago myself

crazyCoconuts1491d ago

Only thing Facebook is good for is funding Oculus

OpenGL1490d ago

They didn't fund Oculus, they bought it after it was already established and on the market.

Tross1490d ago

I keep off all the social media platforms for the most part. I've been making an exception lately with Facebook Messenger as a means to keep in touch with my friends, but that's all I've been using it for, and it's not as if I post in it every day or anything. That's also likely going to stop once this whole COVID thing finally blows over. Under normal circumstances, if someone wants to get ahold of me they have other means to do so. I don't need to post my whole life on some website for everyone to see either. It's not as if I have anything to hide, but people can mind their own business. They can leave me alone while I play my games.

rainslacker1490d ago

I didn't realize facebook had it's own streaming service. I don't really care that they do, as I just use facebook to keep up with family and close friends. I don't use it for everything, nor do I care to see the moment to moment musings or actions of those I have the most cursory of interactions with.

RazzerRedux1491d ago

Why? Gamers on XSX can stream on any service they want. Why would they choose Facebook?

RememberThe3571490d ago

Because the author saw a headline that mentioned Microsoft and Facebook.

gamer78041490d ago

I don’t think you can stream on YouTube with it

RazzerRedux1490d ago

Well, Phil Spencer said they want to give gamers a choice of where to stream.

AK911491d ago

That's probably going to be MS's ultimate goal moving forward only they'll ditch the console.

AuraAbjure1490d ago

They can ditch consoles after this generation that's fine. The XSX and PS5 are so powerful they'll have new games coming out for them over a dozen years from now.

1490d ago
gamer78041490d ago

So basically integrated ads for xcloud games in Facebook gaming. Twitch just has too many users for others to compete

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PSVR2 App for PC Now Live on Steam

Push Square writes: "A dedicated PSVR2 app has been published to PC platform Steam ahead of expanded compatibility for the VR headset going live on 7th August 2024. The application will be available the day before, and it guides you through the setup of the device for use on PC as well as acting as the place to update the headset and its Sense controllers when patches become available."

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Neonridr1d 5h ago

still can't order the adapter and we are less than 2 weeks away from August 7th.

anast1h ago

It's bring more needed games to the PC ecosystem. It looks like PC only has 1 VR game.

porkChop36m ago

What are you talking about? Most VR games are only available through PCVR.


The Epic Games Store Weekly Freebie is a Metroidvania Masterpiece

The Epic Games Store continues their giving ways with a free game and some free outfits for another title.

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Capcom's Latest Shareholder Q&A Is a Terrifying Indictment of Capitalism

Capcom has released its latest shareholder Q&A, and while there are some smart questions in there, you'll find some not-so-smart ones too.

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TheColbertinator2d ago

Capcom is our hero and champion in the gaming industry somehow. Everyone else is straight up Dr Doom

Darkegg1d 11h ago

Somehow? You mean the people who put their money into the company and wonder how their money is being used? The hero borrows from others bc they are not using their own capital hence why they are public company. It’s a responsibility to communicate the idea, and having an open mind to bridge various opinion. Branding questions as smart and not smart is a terrible way to focus an article on. Rather, explain the concerns and the response to them intelligently and compassionately.

VersusDMC1d 10h ago

And most of the questions are what journalists and fans ask as well.

Why not release it this holiday season? Everyone complained it's 2025.
Why is MH Wilds not on Switch? There is currently an article posted here that Capcom abandoned the switch.
Where are the Megaman games? We all want more X games.

Truly terrifying questions...

OldDuffer1d 10h ago

This story is literally nothing, ? I should have expected as much from this 'source'.
Nothing terrifying and nothing that's an indictment of capitalism.
If you somehow believe a publicly traded company should only have shareholders who know the ins and outs of the business, then you may get a chuckle out of some of the questions asked. In general they are exactly the types of questions you would expect from someone with a stake, who does not understand the business well. Asking questions is surely the way these people learn more about the investments they have made? I wish I hadn't of bothered clicking! :)