
What Microsoft Needs To Do To Beat The PlayStation 5 Reveal

The console war is just beginning, but Microsoft needs to do something big to counteract Sony's recent press conference.

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Looper1436d ago

Just show your games. Show your new studios. No timed deals with publishers please, it's super consumer unfriendly.

AngelicIceDiamond1436d ago

Sony has quite a bit of timed deals though. It's unfair but it's buissness.

Looper1436d ago

I don't mind Playstation's indie timed exclusives because it raises the games' profile to be associated with a console manufacturer but 3rd party timed exclusives are just greed in action.

Looking at you Square Enix

borneFROMblood1436d ago

Square Enix thing is not PS5 only, but it was Designed for PS5, so it will have the best version on PS5.

Sayai jin1436d ago

"I don't mind Playstation's indie timed exclusives because it raises the games' profile to be associated with a console manufacturer but 3rd party timed exclusives are just greed in action."


Marquinho1436d ago (Edited 1436d ago )

• Halo Infinite + Forza 8 + Surprise AAA game AT LAUNCH would give them a 10/10 for the launch Window.
• Unveil new and refreshed IPs their studios are working on.
• Surprise 3rd party big exclusive(s).
• Unveil Series S at a crazy low price.
• Optional: Reveal XSX price.

Do this and MS has the pole position for the next-gen launch, as they had everything else covered since the XSX announcement back in 2019.

bouzebbal1436d ago

Exclusives and gameplay or go home..

Marquinho1435d ago

I forgot one tiny detail:

Polish Studio Acquisition. You can mark that one.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1435d ago

Microsoft does it too. They also have a disturbing habit of lying about timed exclusivity of certain games.

See Scorn and The Medium

Spenok1432d ago

Nothing unfair about it. Everyone who has a system can and does do it. Therefore it's not an exclusive practice, and not unfair.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1432d ago
RpgSama1436d ago

Sony showed the first year of the PS5 in terms of content, MS not only has to show the games and gameplay but games that will come out in the first year of life of the Series X, if their show will be about the usual 3 games for the first year and then everything new for 2/3 years down the line it will be hard for me to be immediately excited about getting one.

AngelicIceDiamond1436d ago

"MS not only has to show the games and gameplay but games that will come out in the first year of life of the Series X,"

The Last Of Us 2 took nearly 4 years to release with the delays, Death stranding took nearly 4 years also, while ghosts took 3 years to release. We don't have release dates R& Clank Rift Apart or GT7. MS can announce what they have for launch, the coming year and games that are a ways away then that's fine also.

Imortus_san1436d ago

"Sony showed the first year of the PS5 in terms of content," - Then it was terrible.

Spicyram1436d ago (Edited 1436d ago )


"Sony showed the first year of the PS5 in terms of content," - Then it was terrible."

So ratchet and clank, Horizon zero dawn 2, spiderman and demon souls remake are terrible games? ok whatever you say hahahahaha😂😂&# 128514; On a serious note, those are system sellers, along with GT7. People will buy a ps5 for hzd 2, i can guarantee you that. Throw in sackboy, returnal, kena and bugsnax and that's a killer first year😀

Rhythmattic1436d ago (Edited 1436d ago )

"MS not only has to show the games and gameplay but games that will come out in the first year of life of the Series X"

I agree..
No one left behind right?
The only way that MS IMO would shake it up is by showing games only for X.. actually using its capabilities that older gens can't accomplish.....Theyre suggesting thats more than a year away after launch.
Other wise its the same game with higher settings than most the install base.
Higher Settings does not a game make.

RpgSama1436d ago


""Sony showed the first year of the PS5 in terms of content," - Then it was terrible."

Sony showed for the first year of the PS5 more and better games than what the Series X has released in the past 4 years, plus they are actually exclusives built for next-gen, no upgraded this generation games, which is what the Series X will show.

Lore1436d ago


Some people want deeper games though dude. Demon’s Souls was the only game with actual depth to the mechanics. Ratchet is the only other title with a chance to add onto the gameplay formula of previous iterations and it’s not confirmed either way yet. All Horizon is going to offer is more dino’s and the ability to swim. The open world gameplay of Horizon offered “nothing to do” other than hunt dino’s and make you think there was character progression. At least Monster Hunter created an entire rpg system around the design of hunting beasts

Smclaren19851435d ago

It wasn’t the full year, they clearly stated it was just a taste of what’s to come there not going to show all there cards on 1 reveal think about it it was just the beginning they have tones of studios

Rowco1471435d ago

Sony said they only showed half of their first year games

DJStotty1435d ago

Here we go with the "gears, halo, forza" comments.

It is old, they have 15 studios, i can guarantee you, we won't have the "usual 3 games".

We haven't had the "usual 3 games" in the same year since 2015

DJStotty1435d ago


"Sony showed for the first year of the PS5 more and better games than what the Series X has released in the past 4 years"

Lol, i think you need to proof read your comments. Series X has not even launched, let alone released games for the last 4 years.

Imortus_san1435d ago (Edited 1435d ago )


Indies, and some with PS2 grafics!!!! You saw the release date of all those games in your crystal ball?

We are going New Gen and you get, the same 30fps games check, Spider Man DLC check, remake of another nich game check, GT7 looks anything but not impressive more like a DLC for GT Sports, Ratchet had frame drops and 30fps check, last Little Big Planet was a flop, Kena is going to release on PS4 and PC maybe Xbox and Switch.

Yes, It does looks better then the PS4 very bad launch games, but far from a great presentation or a very good first year.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1435d ago
crazyCoconuts1436d ago

I feel like to really knock a product launch out of the park you have to have unique and exciting features along with exclusive games. If the games can be had on current gen as well, then up the ante on new features. Current gen introduced effortless sharing of videos, streaming, cable/tv integration on Xbox, etc. New and innovative stuff. We know we're gonna get multi game resume on both systems, but what else? I want to be surprised with innovative features / services that you can only get with next gen. I expect both Sony and MS have some big surprised waiting for us, and that is what people need to get really excited. Not just higher resolutions.

NeoGamer2321436d ago

I do not think a single PS gamer will flip over to XB because MS shows the game-for-game with PS5. If they are going to flip PS gamers it has to be more, because the first thing any PS gamer would say is, "Will MS keep this up?" which is an unanswerable question. We all know PS's reputation for first party development. MS needs to establish a track record for first party development consistency and high quality as well. That will not be done year 1-4 of this generation.

As much as XB fanboys would like to see XB outsell PS, it just is not realistically going to happen. What MS needs to do is establish that they are going to compete and try to compete with Sony. They did that right up until their first third party games reveal. They need to re-establish that in the first party games reveal.

neutralgamer19921436d ago

Have a semi professional event not a zoom call

Show games with gameplay coming either with the console launch(and those coming within the first 12-18 months)

You can talk about halo, gears and Forza but don't spend too much time and instead show new experiences (show halo since it's been a while since the last game)

This is your chance to convince ps4/switch owners who are looking at next gen to buy an xbox series x. Your last event left such a sour taste that sony didn't even have to do much to gain so much pr and momentum

Don't listen to the vocal minority who always praise Xbox and PlayStation. Focus your attention on the bigger piece of the pie. The vocal minority makes all the noise yet we the core gamers account for such a small percentage of overall gamers

dumahim1435d ago

I agree that they shouldn't spend too much time on those games, but don't spend too much time on anything really. But do give us something. Forza is really going to have to show something that sets it apart from the past Motorsport titles because it's gone a bit stale and Horizon has overtaken it.

DJStotty1434d ago

Its been 5 years since the last halo so i am looking forward to seeing infinite. I doubt we will see gears as gears 5 launched last year. And Forza could be another launch title, even though i doubt that as well.

DJStotty1434d ago


Forza motorsport and Forza Horizon are different games.

Motorsport is your typical sim track racer, Horizon is an open world racer.

AngelicIceDiamond1436d ago

Also wanna add Deathloop and Ghost Wire are timed exclusive deals. Those games were suppose to hit Xbox and PC originally when they were announced. If Sony can get away wioth it, then MS needs to start doing it again. OThey don't need to be overly reliant on it like they were during the 360 generation, but the first year or two, again since Sony does it.

RememberThe3571435d ago

I don't think it's about getting away with anything. MS has an opportunity to show that they're taking game production seriously. They spent the 360 years buying up timed exclusives and the Xbone years not really making many good games. This is their chance to prove they've turned a corner and they're ready the play hard ball. Some times exclusives wouldn't hurt but it just doesn't matter nearly as much as proving they're committed to actually making great games.

DJStotty1434d ago

I do not want to see any timed deals.

Also Microsoft announced a few E3's ago they were withdrawing funding from timed deals to put the money into 1st party. That is the sole reason why Activision partnered with Sony for COD, because xbox binned them off.

septemberindecember1436d ago


There were quite a few timed exclusives that the Playstation showcase showed that weren't just indies. Such as: Godfall, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Project Athia, Deathloop, and Ghostwire: Tokyo. I agree that timed exclusive deals aren't consumer friendly, but if Playstation can do it I feel Xbox can be competitive and do it too.

Ausbo1435d ago

Deathloop, ghostwire, and project athia are not indie titles.

Microsoft timed exclusives=bad
Sony timed exclusive=good

Hypocrisy at its finest

1435d ago
TheHan1435d ago


I agree with you but isn’t that hypocritical... If they did make timed exclusives then that’s their ore deal. Look at PlayStation they have no issues throwing money around for times exclusives... Though personally I feel that’s a bad business practice, cause who’s to say that those deals really generate a large difference in sales.

Looper1435d ago

As long as it's not big publishers I don't mind. I don't like that Death Loop, Project Athia Ghostwire and Godfall are timed exclusive but I don't think Microsoft should stoop to Sony's level.

MS has cultivated a very consumer friendly standing in the industry of late and they should absolutely continue on that that trend.

If they want to fund a third party exclusive then that's okay but paying for a multiplatform game to skip a particular platform for a period is a scumbag move.

ILostMyMind1435d ago (Edited 1435d ago )

If you are a consumer of a brand, why would a deal from that brand be unfriendly to you?

arminukxbox1435d ago

When Sony does it it’s consumer friendly ?

Spenok1432d ago

Nothing consumer unfriendly about it.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1432d ago
Knightofelemia1436d ago

Show off the games show off new franchises make people want to buy a Series X

jerethdagryphon1436d ago

And new forzas halo gear is not longer really going to cut it Sony has done 8 or more ips each gen with some crossing gens ms has a few but none are really heavy hitters other then there big 3

1435d ago
nibblo1435d ago

I'll eat my hat if all they show is Halo, Forza, and some type of Gears game. There are going to be at least 3 other AAA exclusives shown I reckon, if there isn't Xbox can officially give up on next gen.

DJStotty1435d ago

Last Halo game : 2015
Last Gears game :2019
Last Forza game : 2017

That is 1 game every 2 years, enough of your "same 3 games nonsense"

Sony : Gran Turismo : 12 games in the franchise, should Sony focus on "New franchises"

russo1211435d ago

This is their moment of truth. Show real gameplay, show the exclusives, show the price. No more wait wait wait. They must show their aces or will loose the bandwagon faster than an eye blink.

RgR1435d ago

If they under perform then they've lost the market interest.
I have a feeling they will announce many new titles so that does not happen. With many of them as trailers only instead of gameplay.

They will likely throw money at other publishers to show their games at their event as well.

nibblo1435d ago

They don't need to tell us price that can wait but gameplay and exclusives absolutely.

LOGICWINS1436d ago

Leave no stone unturned
- Announce a $399 price for the Series X
- Start pre-orders on the same day
- Announce that XBL Gold will be merged into Game Pass at no additional cost
- Show gameplay demos of Hellblade 2, The Initiative’s new game, and the Fable reboot
- Announce that the new Splinter Cell will be exclusive to Xbox again
- Announce new Game Pass games (Resident Evil 2 and 3, along with all the missing Yakuza titles)
- Announce surprise studio acquisitions

RazzerRedux1436d ago

"Announce that XBL Gold will be merged into Game Pass at no additional cost"

Will never happen

LOGICWINS1436d ago

Then Microsoft will lose another generation and it would be their own fault.

crazyCoconuts1436d ago

Why not? Couldn't they tier Game Pass & do away with the free games in lieu of the rental approach?

DeadManMMX1436d ago

It’s going to happen the writing is on the wall. It’s to convoluted to explain.

tontontam01436d ago (Edited 1436d ago )

- Announce new Game Pass games (Resident Evil 2 and 3, along with all the missing Yakuza titles)

ps4 gamers probably already owns these games they are offering on gamepass, and we are excited to play these titles on the ps5 through BC.

for MS to win they would need to convince ps4 gamers to jumpship, MS is not going to win by just retaining the current xbox gamers. sony wins by default if they retain their users.

RazzerRedux1436d ago


Losing the gen is less important than making money. That's why Xbox is still around. They are not beating PS but they are making money.


Why would Microsoft effectively give away every single first party game they make for free to Xbox Live Gold customers? Think about that. They didn't bring in all those studios just to give away the games they make. There has to be a revenue stream and merging into XLG is essentially removing a huge stream of revenue.

MS needs to bring more value to Game Pass with first party, first and foremost. At $10 it is already a great deal, but when the Initiative and PG add their games in, it will be a steal at $10. But then to just give it away. Phil Spencer would be out of a job.

Marquinho1436d ago

MS already has Xbox Live Gold + Game Pass Console + Game Pass PC for 14.99USD a month. It's called "Game Pass Ultimate"

They have it all covered, and probably many people don't even know, so they should highlight the benefits of Game Pass as well.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1436d ago
I_am_Batman1436d ago (Edited 1436d ago )

Selling the Series X at $399 is almost certainly going to mean that they are losing a significant amount of money on every console sold. Cutting the cost on Game pass / XBL Gold would be suicidal in that situation as their revenue would decrease drastically when it would need to increase to make up for the losses. They'd need to take a huge chunk of the market share just to get the revenue back to the point it already is. Why would they prioritize market share so much?

If anything I expect Microsoft to slowly raise the gamepass prices and increase their revenue stream through their services. They've already made clear that they are focusing on expanding the ecosystem. If Sony allowed them to put their services on the Playstation they probably wouldn't even care how much the Series X sells.

crazyCoconuts1436d ago

Good points. They've been saying services over hardware, so I don't think taking a bath on hardware is as important as getting people in bed with Game Pass. If they did away with free games and had a GanePass Basic tier that included online play, they should be able to cut down the library to get the price in line with Gold. Seems like they've been killing the free games slowly in terms of quality over the last year anyway.

Marquinho1435d ago (Edited 1435d ago )

You're missing an important point. That loss would only be for the first year or so, out of a 8 year life-cycle, as production costs lowers due to demand. The more consoles they sell, the best chance they have for new subscriptions, so in case they do sell it at such low price (and I'm sure they can) it would be an investment that could well pay off in the mid-long term.

RememberThe3571435d ago

I don't really know how we can expect these console to come in under $499 at this point, but I hope I'm worng.

Nitrowolf21436d ago (Edited 1436d ago )

isn't that called Gamepass ultimate?

RazzerRedux1436d ago

Yeah....$15 instead of $10.

1435d ago
Marquinho1435d ago (Edited 1435d ago )

Which is still a hell of a deal. Also, you can catch legit deals from MS themselves every now and then for Gamepass and you can well end up paying around $100 a year for Ultimate, which contains Live ($60) + Regular Gamepass ($120) + PC Gamepass (Bundled)

Thanks to this, I'm subscribed until 2022.

RazzerRedux1435d ago

"Also, you can catch legit deals from MS themselves every now and then"

lol....I just pay for PC Game Pass with MS Rewards and months when I don't have enough points, I just let GP expire and then renew for $1. So my out of pocket cost for every Xbox exclusive on PC is next to nothing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1435d ago
tontontam01436d ago

For MS to win they would need to convince millions of ps4 gamers to jumpship to xbox when they upgrade.

Honestly I think there is no way they can do that, now that sony is promising ps4 bc.

THC CELL1436d ago

Ms needs the last of us 🙂

Minute Man 7211436d ago

Lots of gamers "abandoned" Xbox last gen because if the reveal.

You're talking about early adopters and a new console gen

1436d ago
Charal1436d ago

All in all, it could summarized as “live up to expectations”.
Almost an impossible task in my opinion, PR was so much pumped, cloudy, confusing and contradictory that I am afraid that whatever they show it can not be sufficient.
Roughly, they insinuated that they will provide the best console ever, 4k60 and even 120fps, for the best value, 100% BC with all Xbox game ever released, with the cheapest game pass access, and a ton of new IPs.

To much talk before show, they will never learn.
Sony has done exactly the opposite with great success in PR side.

Minute Man 7211436d ago

Sony needs to talk more, sell me the tech. Games will come

dumahim1435d ago

@Minute Man 721
No, they don't need to talk. At least not for the sake of just saying something. Let them deliver instead of just talk.

Imortus_san1436d ago

Game Pass is going to rise it's prece next year, 12,99€

chiefJohn1171436d ago (Edited 1436d ago )

Merge hold and GP at no extra cost? Not gonna happen at least no time soon. Maybe a few years from now. But there's no reason too ATM and imo would be stupid from a business standpoint. Gold and Gamepass have both been successful why would you give out GP free to gold owners? Outselling the competition is not worth going bankrupt for. If you're making no profit what the point of winning a gen?

1435d ago
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TheColbertinator1436d ago

All you need in order to win is have the best graphics and the new Halo game. It is what Microsoft has used to defeat Sony 3 generations in a row. The marketing writes itself.

boing11436d ago

If you think that's all they need then Xbox is in trouble. It's short sighted.

1436d ago
boing11436d ago

Master level then 😅

1435d ago
sushimama1435d ago

hahahaha What? hahahaha lol man. Thank you

gigzamillion1435d ago

"defeat Sony 3 generations in a row", LOL good stuff.

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RazzerRedux1436d ago

All I want to see are the games from Playground and the Initiative.

nibblo1435d ago

While I'm very interested in what both those studios are doing I think we need to see more than that. Hopefully Compulsion, Undead Labs and Rare have something to show as well as it's been a while since they released games and I want to see more of Hellblade 2.
Maybe I'm setting my expectations too high lol.

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shinoff218318h ago

Been looking forward to this one. Bout to check on a physical release.