
Analysis: PS3 vs Xbox 360, which controller is better for games?

The age old debate of which controller is better, the PS3 Dualshock 3 or the Xbox 360 gamepad has raged on for years. Today, Mike Ferro will take the time to settle all the misconceptions and break down which controller is better for what type of game. He has performed an analysis on shooters, fighters and racers using various games to perform the shake-down test.

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ThatCanadianGuy5673d ago

In my opinion.It all comes down to which one you've used the longest.
Like since i have used a Playstation controller for almost 15 years now it feels natural to me.

Whereas when i use my 360 controller..it just feels bulky and awkward

Im sure the same goes for 360 owners who owned an xbox,xbox360 then tried the the Playstation controller.

Neither is better then the other IMO.There both just controllers.
Use which one you think feels better and leave it at that.

TheHater5673d ago

I have to agree. I feel more easy using the Playstation controller.

sonarus5673d ago

Even if any controller has an advantage in any area its slight. except for 360 triggers being superior which isn't so slight and PS3 dpad being superior.

But even with those differences, any TRUE gamer should have no problem going back and forth between either of the controllers

bviperz5673d ago

If you are a TRUE gamer, then what ever game you want to play, you WILL learn how to get used to which ever controller. Even the Wii controller... :D

Saigon5673d ago

it depends on who makes the game to which controller will be better...for example ea football games sway towards the 360 because of the triggers and design...

iamtehpwn5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

As a owner of Both, I can't think of many games that really reign superior to me on 360 controller. But I do like Xbox's controller. Though, it does feel bulky.

I also hate call the triggers RT and LT, RB and LB..I always get confused on which ones is which (I know, I'm kind of stupid). R1 and L1, etc seem more natural to my extincts.

but, that's all IMO.

No Way5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

Ha. I think that is one of the most reasonable posts I've ever seen that you've made.. Props. =) Hehe.

And, I agree with what you said. It mostly depends on preference.. Sure, some games work better with a certain controller, but in most cases, they are the same.. No better, no worse. Well, until it comes to the 360's DPad, which just plain blows. Ha.

However, I myself, prefer the layout of the 360 controllers. They are a bit bigger, which works for my hands, and I like the way the analogs are set up on the 360 controller.

PoSTedUP5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

""""TECHNI CALLY"""", the ps3 controller is better.

PS3 controller has sixaxis, 360 controller does not.
ps3 controller has better, state of the art rumble.
ps3 controller has all pressure sensitive buttons, 360 controller does not.
ps3 controller comes rechargeable, 360 controller does not.
ps3 controller has a better Dpad
360 controller has triggers! but you can buy triggers for the ps3 controller (buy them, they are good) : P

but it all comes down to what your use to, i like shooting with R1 because ive been doing it for 13-14 years. the Z button on the N64 controller was brilliant for shooters too imo.

personal preference= N64 controller XD

Masta_fro5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

a year ago i said in a comment that i actually preferred the PS3 controller for FPS and that it felt more responsive...

The disagree button went CRAZY on me!

Wonder if it would happen again...

Personally, the only thing i would change on the DS3 are the Convex triggers...make em Concave. I would also make the Analog sticks more like the Original analog sticks with a slight concave in the middle

mikeslemonade5673d ago

The cons for the two controllers are the triggers for the dualshock 3 and the d-pad for the 360. I actually prefer the 360 controller it's more ergonomic but for competitive gaming I use Dualshock 3 just because I use that more.

jadenkorri5673d ago

360 is windows, has lots of software support, but bad hardware
PS3 is MAC, has little software support, but excellent hardware

as for controllers, depends on what you played, if you grew up playing Nintendo and play station, Your gonna love the dual shock controller, if you grew up with just playing the xbox controller, then you will like the 360 controller...can't you guys figure out that its all preferences, i would play every game with a keyboard and mouse if i could because i've been using long before dualshock ever came out... oh and by the way, having both systems, the ps3 is far better, playing Ace Combat 6 on my 360 is just very awkward, and i can't fly was well as i did compared to the last one i played on the ps2...ive only been using the 360 controller for about a month now, that could be it, but i still play my ps3 more...

GUNS N SWORDS5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

don't really care, however i do like the amount of grip i have with 360's controller, and the analog placements.

Karum5673d ago

I can only agree with ThatCanadianGuy.

I'd played with the polaystation controller and the PS2 controller for a long time and I bought the original xbox and hated the controller for a while until I got used to it.

The playstation controller I've used for so long it just feels natural.

You use anything for long enough and it'll feel that way.

ChrisGTR15673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

you guys gotta stop being fanboys. i bought a ps1 when the dualshock didnt exist. mine didnt have analog sticks , it was just a dpad. so ive had a ps1 , ps2 and ps3 so its kind of wierd that i didnt end up becoming a ps fanboy. but i gotta say that the 360 controller is so much better. ITs literally ps controller but improved in every aspect exept the dpad. the ps3 controller is just too blocky for me now that im not a teenager. it feels too small and the back of the R2 , L2 buttons just gets in the way so much. the analogs are way too loose and it really messed up the accuracy for playing racing and FPS games. also the r2,l2 buttons are so retarded because there suppost to be triggers but just are hard to press and end up being more like a squishy button.

littletad5673d ago

It just feels right. Although I'm not sure I agree with "longest" example. I mean the playstation controller was modified a few times so. The 360 controller just added what was already great from their competitors. Triggers, rumble, and wireless. The size is just right too. The original was just horrible in size, and of course the 360 controller has the worst d-pad.

outlawlife5673d ago

i actually disagree

i've been using the dual shock since its first incarnation, actually my ps1 was an earlier one without sticks at all, but now i feel better on a 360 controller

it just fits my hand and feels better to me, i feel cramped on a PS controller these days

PoSTedUP5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

also the 360 controller is sooo out of proportion it makes my brain hurt when i hold it. XD

Sarcasm5673d ago

For me

Racing that requires Triggers: 360
Racing that requires sensitive buttons (GT5P): DS3
Fighting games: DS3 by eight billion miles.
Basically anything the requires the use of the D-Pad: DS3
Battery Life: DS3

And since I don't have mammoth sized hands, the DS3 is almost more comfortable for me.

Given that, this whole controller debacle is just a preference. Much like how people prefer the PS3 over the 360 and vice versa.

It's the silly "console-war" mentality that makes people think preference is automatic fanboyism.

crematory5673d ago

but the truth x controller is the best in fps trust me

TheXgamerLive5673d ago

I think the 360's is much mucg much more responsive and have never had a complaint where as when I play a friends ps3 I hate the controller, and I hate really really dislike the suxasses. Just my opinion.

ThatCanadianGuy5673d ago

"and I hate really really dislike the suxasses"

Such maturity.

AAACE55673d ago

I have always tried to have all the systems at the same time, since Ps1, N64, Dreamcast, Ps2, Gamecube, Xbox. I even tried to go with the 360 and Wii, but the Wii just wasn't for me!

I never really cared too much for a controller or a system. Last gen, I liked the Ps2 controller more than the GC or Xbox. But this gen, I prefer the 360 controller. The main reason is, that pretty much all games are using the analog stick, and the 360 controller seems to have everything in the right spot to me! The fact that son' didn't move the stick into place like the 360's controller like they were suppose to(like they said they wanted to), makes the Ps3 controller feel unrealistic for this gen in my opinion... Especially when it comes to shooters!

I never liked the "L&R" button setup for the Dualshock, even now, my fingers slip off when I try to hit one of them(I play at a friends house). And because I have big hands, my fingers and thumbs hurt and my wrist from using the controller! My wrist hurt from the 360 controller as well, but it takes a longer time before that happens.

I'm not hating on the Dualshock controllers in any way, because it is one of the best controllers ever made! But I am just saying why I prefer the 360 controller instead! The D-pad on the 360 controller is bad, but how many fighting games do we get to play anyway?

Bubble Buddy5673d ago

My prefect controller would be:

DS3 D-Pad
DS3 L1, R1
360 Triggers
DS3 Layout of the controller
360 or DS3 analogs.
360 or DS3 buttons

Wolf8735673d ago

Your completely right. It depends on what your used to. I have used Dual Shock since I first bought my PS-1 and if I suddenly went back something like a NES controller, things would definitely look odd to me. But than again, in order to get a grasp of anything, you have to spend a considerable amount of time with it, than everything becomes piece of cake.

xhairs95673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

did anyone notice their picture for Call of Duty 4 was actually Halo? lol

wallace10005673d ago

Very good post ThatCanadianguy420, i have to agree that it really comes down to personal preference. Personally i find that the PS3 controller feels to small in my hands, but then again i play far more 360 than PS3 so that is probably why.

monfa5673d ago

I am a tall person with large hands, for me having the d-pad up top is much easier to reach the left directional.
On the microsoft controler I have no problem hitting up/right/down but left is a bit more awkward.
The analog pad in that location is much easier because I can just place my thumb on the right most side or even hook my thumb over the edge to move it left.

JsonHenry5673d ago

Personally, the 360 controller is my favorite because of the location of the left analog stick and the triggers being easier to use than the L2/R2 buttons on the PS3 controller.

arika5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

i've been ps3 controller since its conception on the ps1 era, so i'm very comfortable with it and my hands are not big to be comfortable enough to use an xbox 360 d-pad. the ps3 has a little advantage with the sixaxis, other than that they are almost equal.

TheDude2dot05673d ago

What is all this nonsense about being a true gamer? What does that even mean?

It's simple. Whichever you use first and the most is most likely your favored controller.

Leathersoup5673d ago

I like the 360 controller for everything except the D-Pad... whoever was in charge of the design for that should be fired.

Traveler5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

I agree to a point with what you said about being used to the design of the PS3 controller, but how far are you going to take that? I mean, next generation are you going to be mad if Sony changes the design of the controller for the PS4? After all, by that point you will have been playing on that same controller for 3 generations and you'll be even more used to it. If your reasoning is correct you guys will want to stick with the same controller for the PS4 simply because you are used to it. Tell Sony to just forget about evolving the design of the controller or improving it in any significant way, because apparently you guys care more about familiarity than the actual qualities of a controller. I'm sorry but it almost sounds like an excuse to me for why you guys want to prefer the PS3's controller.

What really matters is how good a controller is. From my experience you can get used to any controller in just a matter of months and so I don't really buy into the idea that just because you have used a certain controller for a while that you are going to be stuck preferring that controller forever. I, too, used the PS1 and PS2 controller more than any other controller over the past two generations. But after I started using the 360 controller I liked it right away and was extremely accustomed to it in just a matter of months.

ThatCanadianGuy5672d ago

Did you even read my comment?

What are you going on about "Making excuses" Next generation"

I used my experience with the Playstation controller as an example.
I've used it alot more then the 360 controller.So i prefer it over the 360 controller.That's the point i was making.People who use there 360 controller years before they even buy a PS3 are still going to prefer the 360 controller.And vice versa.

Where did i say i suck using the 360 controller? Where did i make an excuse? Where did i say it's not possible to get used to the 360 controller?? Please enlighten me.

SL1M DADDY5672d ago

It's all about personal preference. I use the PS3 controller more and love it. I have no issues with the 360 controller but it is second in my list of controllers that appeal to me.

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jack who5673d ago

they said PS3 controller better for shooters....i slowly walk away

TheHater5673d ago

The ps3 controller is better for FPS for some people.

INehalemEXI5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

For me the 360's d-pad is its con while its pro is its triggers. DS3's con is its convex triggers. neithers perfect I use DS3 most so im bias towards it.

There are mods for those cons. Im happy enough with both but 360's d-pad and fisher priceness is ...something MS should alter next go round and Sony should stop with the convex triggers and both of them need to come with those wii mote counters on the side. Seriously , come with something that takes the wii down a peg.

The DS3's R2 can barely withstand my finger when playing intense warhawk matches and Ive broke 3rd party controllers playing warhawk. If I could play warhawk with 360's pad im sure that trigger would hold up its pretty sturdy. DS3 needs stronger concave triggers and its perfect 4 me.

xhi45673d ago

its better for fighting games (defiInitely)

its better for RPG's (definitely)

its better for platformers (like LBP)

its better for mini games,puzzle games etc. (Ratchet and Clank, PSN Games, duck game)

its better for games that wan't to innovate and add slight, fun and ingenious touches with six-axis control (like shaking controller to get rid of fire)

its better for Sport games (fifa anybody?)

its better for racing games (gran tursimo)

its better for action games (god of war)

and what about shooters?

I used to prefer the 360 controller I admit, but then I started playing with both the 360 controller and the PS3 controller and learnt to love the PS3 controller for shooters over the 360 one. But I think shooters is a matter of personal choice, give the PS3 controller some time and it'll love you back.

I think the reason why the PS3 controller is better is because the buttons are closer together, both sticks are symmetrical, close together to use by both hands, and you can reach all the buttons and more importantly the dpad really easily (apart from the start and select buttons obviously). The 360 controller is far too bulky and large to hit the X,Y,B,A buttons accurately.

Its hard for the 360 controller because of the Dpad placement, they tried to change it up but as it is, for many you have to change up your fingers and move your thumb/fore finger to press the D-Pad, losing efficiency.

But ultimately, the PS3 controlelr only really comes out on top for games like RPG's, Puzzle Games, Platformers, Racers and fighting games. The rest is really just what your used to.

Itrguy0015673d ago

it is to some ppl dumb fck. ppl that are used to games like socome and the FPSs' from past yrs from the PS1 lifetime are used to the Duelshock more than the 360 controller and will MS pls come up with a name for their controller cause i dont want to have to constantly say 360 controller

No Way5673d ago

Agreed. But, that can be said with all cases. It doesn't matter on the type of genre that makes a controller "better." The only thing that says if a controller is better than another is a specific individual. Only the user can say which is better, because it's their personal preference and opinion.

Itrguy0015673d ago

i got a name for the 360 controller now. imma call it X-control

Sarcasm5673d ago

X-Control huh?

So the 360's d-pad name must be No-Control

Leathersoup5673d ago

If you push down farther you'll run instead of just walking ;)

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ultimolu5673d ago

It comes down to preference.
And...this won't end well.

TruthBTold5673d ago

I really dont see the argument here. It all comes down to preference. I have always had PS so obviously I will feel more natural using a DS but Ive played Xbox and got used to the controller after a couple of minutes without any problems whatsoever. Its like when youre learning to play a new game, you adjust to the controller settings, what each button does in the game, same thing with these controllers. They are very similar and not different enough to make the other one better then the other, to me they are the same since I am able to adjust to them easily. The only sad thing is eventually some die hard fanboy will come and turn this discussion into an argument about why his controller is better. Its nice to read some constructive opinions before that happens. Well back to the very addicting game of Fallout.

lordgodalming5673d ago

This opinion piece wasn't the angry tripe I expected it to be, regardless of which controller the author preferred in the end. It was thoughtful and technologically detailed.

But you're right. This will end badly for all of us. *Holds pillow over ears and waits for the yelling to start*

djtek1845673d ago

ps3 controller wins hands down.

White-Sharingan5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

it all depends on the game in my opinion

Ive always said PS controller is best for Action/adventure games and fighting games

while xbox controller is best for racing games and shooters

the other genres dont really matter as much; RPGs (turned based) feel the same and so on

for example; I would love to play killzone and Resistance 2 with my 360 controller and yet I would prefer playing Ninja Gaiden, fable 2 on my dualshock 3

ravinshield5673d ago

the ps3 controllers feels like ur holding a piece of sh!t, its all squeaky and cheap..good thing the 360 controller is great for every game

Killjoy30005673d ago

Dualshock 3- Platformers, racers, action games, puzzle games. RPGs, fighting games.
Xbox 360 controller- Shooters.....

SaberEdge5672d ago

No way! The 360 pad is better for almost every type of game, except fighters. The ps3 pad feels kind of cheap to be honest...and I can't even change my own batteries in it.

Killjoy30005672d ago (Edited 5672d ago )

Are you kidding? I never said the 360 was a bad controller for the other genres I listed, but the DS3 is just the preferred controller for the respective genres. Infact, I heavily support the 360 controller. Hell, I'd love to stick the insides of a DS3 in an Xbox 360 controller shell for when I play CoD4, R2, and Killzone 2. But I'm perfectly fine with the PS3 controller, as I've been using it for 10 years.

Besides, the ion battery should last you a good four years before you need to replace it or get a new controller. Now I don't know about you, but when my controller is running low on battery, I'd prefer to plug it in versus going and replacing the battery pack. Much easier.

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Stryfeno25673d ago

360 for me...It feels more comfortable.

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badz14913h ago

Valve can do no wrong, remember?

fsfsxii10h ago

Ah yes, pc gaming aka the bastion of fairness and equity and everlasting online playerbase, all i can say is lmao
Not to mention that these tf2 idiots were the progenitor of mrx in gaming


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Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay debuted 20 years ago, and to this day is a surprisingly good film franchise adaptation.

porkChop20h ago

I'd love a remaster of both games with 4K, raytracing, and the ability to have both AA and AO at the same time.

Petebloodyonion16h ago

Remasters were made for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2009 Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena

porkChop6h ago

It was a remaster of the first game, plus a sequel. The sequel was never remastered though. In the PC version you couldn't even have AA and AO, you had to choose one or the other. You can't buy it anymore either on PC.

MrBaskerville19h ago

MS owns the developer, if only they wanted to bother with the license, could be a nice addition to Series X BC program. These titles and Arx Fatalis.

Petebloodyonion16h ago

Microsoft does not own Starbreeze Studios; it is owned by Digital Bros through its subsidiary, 505 Games.
Tigon Studios, founded by Vin Diesel, primarily develops games featuring him and holds licenses related to these games.

ZwVw12h ago

You're thinking about MachineGames (Wolfenstein) which was formed by several ex Starbreeze staff after Assault on Dark Athena was released (whose owned by Zenimax/Bethesda), now owned by MS.

rlow118h ago

Great games, wish they would make another.


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