
The Last Of Us 2 Antique Ring Location Guide - Where To Find The Collectible

There are two special collectibles you can track down to unlock Trophies in The Last of Us Part 2--here's what you need to know to find the Antique Ring.

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The Last of Us Part 2 reportedly PC ready, and has been for months

The development of the The Last of Us Part II PC port has been complete since November 2023, according to a reliable insider

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gold_drake19d ago

probably waiting for the new season to air

just_looken18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Your right as soon as the hype wheel is ready for that show there going to drop it on pc.

But the real question is will this pc port be able to run 1080p on a 4090 as the last naughty dog pc port they helped make it was a dumpster fire.

Like i said before the current naughty dog team is just a glorified port studio but even then they have a hard time actually doing it right.

Yes ps blind boys naughty dog worked on pc ports

neutralgamer199218d ago


Your information is good but you need to stop calling names and start trying to have a real conversation. Fanboys of any product are extreme but that doesn't mean vast majority of gamers are just that "gamers"

RaidenBlack19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

... and the water's wet
But I'd prefer the Uncharted trilogy port over this one, tbh
Just porting Uncharted 4 and 4.5 to PC was not the best idea.

Inverno19d ago

Water isn't wet, but definitely want he Uncharted trilogy on PC.

truthBombs19d ago

Original Uncharted trilogy is my fav of the series. That is a worthy port to PC not 4 imo

just_looken18d ago

No doubt they need more help as the og's left the building so the uncharted 1-3 port would take actual skill/knowledge along with the source code/audio files/voice files.

If only niel D lost didn't loose over 80% of the team that made the company he is "running" and turned into a port studio.

Doge19d ago

It'll probably be announced and released on Friday.

Inverno19d ago

Yeah it could be a game fest announcement and release.

fsfsxii19d ago

Hope the PC crowd enjoy 4 year old leftovers lmao

DustMan19d ago

The PC master race looks down upon you mockingly knowing they are in every way superior gamers to you console simpleton.

ocelot0719d ago

Even the ones that have a £50 dell Optiplex and put in a 1650 that's weaker than a series S?

RaidenBlack18d ago

Atleast they dont make comments like the above.

truthBombs19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

for everytime you say that, the library of PS games on PC grows bigger. This year, Helldivers 2, Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, GOW Ragnarok has a release date for this year and now TLOU2? Hmm.

Potentially 6 titles in one year. It keeps stacking.

Aphrodia19d ago

DON'T FORGET ABOUT CONCORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

Cockney18d ago

Pc guys are loving it right now, banger after banger its one hell of a year

just_looken18d ago

If only the new sony leadership was not hell bent on region locking down there pc games to avoid better sales and get more ps accounts even though pc players do not want a jank exposed ps account that has all there personal info ready for another data breach and or just gets sold off.

I still and will never link my old ps account to my steam account the sony tos is to strict i do not want to get my ps account banned because i left my vpn on or sony things rgb is a hacker tool or some other BS.

Tedakin18d ago

When TLOU2 is announced, Spider-Man 2 will be pretty much the only notable PS5 first party game not on PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 18d ago
FPS_D3TH19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Lmao you probably bought this twice because ps5 have nothing good to play. My backlog of games is too big for me to even care it exists on PC let alone how bad the first one launched on PC. Sony wouldn’t be releasing it on pc if they didn’t need $$$

PrinceOfAnger19d ago

Will you enjoy Gears 5 and Sunset over drive + Ori games on PS5 after 3/5 years?

19d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 18d ago
Destiny108019d ago

i might have to upgrade my gtx 560 to a gtx 750ti

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Monopoly Go Devs Spent More On Marketing Than It Cost To Develop The Last Of Us 2

The game's huge marketing budget has worked out for it, bringing in $2 billion revenue in its first 10 months of release.

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ChasterMies95d ago

That’s how it is with most movies. Why should it be any different with games?

Eonjay95d ago

It could also be that development cost were just very very low.

Kaii95d ago

I think it's about time for government agencies to step into mobile gaming and look around, this is shit.

just_looken95d ago

Do not worry 82yr old joe biden is on it he will have 88-100 year old friends in the government to fire up there talky box's.

The_Hooligan19d ago

There definitely should be an age limit on politics. I mean the full retirement age is 67 so why do we have people in their 70s and 80s in politics. I think the cut-off age should be 70 if not 75 and that's it. We got politicians who can't even form a sentence, stand up straight, walk down a flight of stairs but somehow are in charge of making decisions for everyone.

just_looken18d ago


100% correct but looks like another 4 years of either a 80yr old or a felon that wants a purge to happen

franwex18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

You’re not the target audience. They know you won’t download it and pay micro transactions, so why spend money marketing to you?


You almost got a version of The Last of Us 2 inspired by Bloodborne

A new The Last of Us 2 documentary reveals that Naughty Dog almost made a different version of the PS4 and PS5 game similar to Bloodborne.

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Scissorman140d ago

Just make a new IP with the same concept. :)

toxic-inferno140d ago

Or just release a remaster of Bloodborne 😛

rippermcrip140d ago

Kind of a misleading comparison. They were simply talking about the game being melee oriented and more of an open world. I wouldn't compare a game to a soulslike based on that.

toxic-inferno140d ago

Open world in a very specific sense though. The sense of exploration and discovering shortcuts within a large, challenging area would feel great in a survival game like TLOU. But I'm sceptical it would be nearly as satisfying without the bonfire/lantern respawn system.

Inverno140d ago

A more melee oriented Last of Us 2 would've been so much better imo. The combat mechanics barely got any use from me cause everyone just shoots at you, and then the Scars with their bows are even more annoying. Level design was also more Bloodborne, and I love the level design in Souls game, there's a real sense of scale and exploration due to the branching paths. We really gotta move away from open world in the style of GTA and BoTW and do it more like Souls.

toxic-inferno140d ago

Completely agree with your final comment. Semi-linear open worlds like those in soulslikes are by far the most satisfying. Even Elden Ring (which is of course amazing) loses some of its heart due to it's open world.

140d ago
toxic-inferno139d ago


Of course, my comment was my opinion, and may be different to yours.

I completely agree that Elden Ring's world is incredible. The design of every inch of its map is fantastic, with so much care that has been put into its layout and design to tell a story in the classic ambiguous way that FromSoft always manage. I would argue with anybody, any day of the week, that there is no finer example of open world design anywhere in gaming across all platforms and genres.

However, the 'heart' that I speak of is perhaps more aligned with gameplay. The more linear form of the previous games provides a distinct level of focus and determination that Elden Ring lacks due to the nature of it's open world. In Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc. you often have between one and three bosses available to you at any time, requiring dedication and a certain level of grit. You have to learn each boss, master the techniques required and vanquish them before moving on. Between 60% and 90% of the bosses in each game generally result in this experience.

I had no such experience in Elden Ring, except for the fight against Malenia, because the nature of the open world meant that there was always something else to do and explore. The open world encouraged this, meaning that I spent most of the game over-levelled for the bosses I was facing. And I didn't even go out of my way to over-level.

To conclude, the heart of Soulsbourne games isn't inherently the difficult; it's the grit and determination required to beat them. There are other things that factor into the soulslike genre, but that gameplay loop is the real soul of the series. And Elden Ring, mostly due to it's open world, lacked that particular aspect.

As I have said, you are welcome to disagree with me! But I hope that further explains my original statement.

shinoff2183140d ago

I don't think we need to move away from a gta open world style. There's room for all. I enjoy open and linear along with in between. If you have an issue I imagine it's on the devs.

Inverno140d ago

An in-between then should be considered more often. I'm just not a fan of the long stretches of land of nothing. Idk whatchu mean by the last thing tho, I like ND.

Demetrius140d ago

Def did good with their own thing I'm so over the whole copy souls combat sheesh I can dee if in certain games it would be bosses that looked like a souls boss but straight out copying the combat and feel takes away from a game that supposed to be its own lol

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