mrsolidsteel201565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

This sh%t looks nice ass f^*k!!!!

Overall, I'll give this presentation 8, they started out strong but some of those indie games killed it, especially bug crap game.

_SilverHawk_1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Looks amazing and i like that it isn't a boring rectangular design . I'm buying ps5 day one

darthv721565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

It also looks like it is vertical only. And how about the PS5AD... who'd of thunk it.

@behind... I have, many times. And it looks like the digital could lie horizontal but the disc one is a bit more thicker where the disc drive is so maybe the base is a support for the top (when laid on its side)?

BehindTheRows1565d ago

It's not vertical only. Watch the vid.

bouzebbal1565d ago

the sexiest thing i've ever seen.. my TV table is an insult to put this thing on...

Christopher1565d ago

@darthv72: It's horizontal, but it does rise up at those angles. I was wondering that as well initially.

Hakuoro1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

I really like that the plastic has that texture.it's super stylish.

RaidenBlack1565d ago

There's a flat cradle/stand of some sort too. For resting the console vertically or horizontally.

Kumakai1565d ago

Prob why you’re not a designer. Minimal is considered more sophisticated in the design world. The beauty is in simplicity... not in extra fins. You’d never see Apple do this

rainslacker1565d ago


Minimalism is a type of design philosophy. Not one that has to be followed for something to be designed correctly. XSX is being described as looking like a fridge. I'd say the PS5 looks like a sports car. Two different design styles, both of which are irrelevant to their function or purchasing decisions.

ziggurcat1565d ago

Yup. I'm in on the Digital edition, myself.

mandingo1565d ago

Looks like a concept design. Still nice but don’t let that distract you from the fact that the games shown were underwhelming.

badz1491565d ago




darthv721565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

It wasnt in the above hardware reveal trailer itself but at the tail end of the entire presentation. For all of about 1 second but here it is on its side. https://youtu.be/RuLci-lSeC...

And now I have to get both designs. One for the game room (disc based) and one for the bedroom (digital)

morganfell1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Darth again pretending to be concerned in order to take shots at Sony. Do you think no one can see what you are doing? You can lay it down.

Unspoken1565d ago Show
darthv721565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

@unspoken, it can be laid down. It wasnt pictured anywhere in this trailer (above) but it was seen on its side in the closing scenes of the event.

here is the pic: https://www.flickr.com/phot...

@morgan, not taking shots. I was curious and found the info I was wondering about.

edit: I am only concerned with one thing regarding the PS5 and that isnt about the system but more specifically about GT7. I read a comment that had me concerned that GT7 was going to be more of the same in terms of GTS as opposed to being a proper numerical release. That i will admit has me concerned but it isnt like i wont buy it if it is. I just wont play the online portion.

morganfell1565d ago

You are always doing it and your post history demonstrates it. You try to act concerned about something in order to point out a perceived shortcoming. No one is buying it anymore. Some of us never did.

Army_of_Darkness1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Console design 10/10
Show 9.5/10
= want to buy immediately!
6 games I already want.

bouzebbal1565d ago


I hope you aren't a designer yourself to say such nonsense.. Design is an art, and perception of it differs among individuals, and depends very much on the product and its purpose.
Making a fridge, a phone or a tv look like ps5 would def be silly. Make all cars look like a bus just for simplistic purpose is silly.
Apple in my eyes makes terrible designs, and their products are overpriced and actually terrible quality.. Earpods and pro model are worst thing ever, but they have a cool design.
A design is nothing if the purpose isn't fulfilled

marinelife91565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Looks much better than a box with holes poked in the top

1565d ago
morganfell1564d ago

There is a logical reason for the gorgeous PS5 design: https://imgur.com/a/xSEUG5n

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 1564d ago
1565d ago Replies(5)
SpaceRanger1565d ago

I got a decent nostalgic feeling with that one! Almost like Spyro in its early days.

But overall the presentation hit it out of the park compared to other next gen presentations over the last 6 months.

neutralgamer19921565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Finally not another generic box

What y'all think disk drive version $499 and $399 for all digital

UltraNova1565d ago

It's a beautiful futuristic design. It's next-gen through and through. 499 and 399 sounds about right.

badz1491565d ago

nope. the 4K BD drive is not gonna be a massive $100 extra. at most, there will be a $50 difference IMO

Father__Merrin1565d ago

U can't have a digi show that's tailor made to 1 person

bouzebbal1565d ago

indies are so crucial, no idea why you say they killed it..
show was a 10, so much variety and so many games!!!

ApocalypseShadow1565d ago

I wasn't expecting the indie games. But I'm glad they did. Saw a lot of potential in many of them.

1565d ago
badz1491565d ago

KENA looks awesome and Little Devil Inside looks pretty great too. can't wait to see more of those 2

VenomCarnage891565d ago

This thing looks great, they definitely outdid themselves compared to what I expected. Demon's Souls day 1

gamer78041565d ago

Looks really nice. I just hope its powerful and quiet, my ps4 sounds like a jet engine

badz1491565d ago

you need to open it and clean it, sadly. my launch PS4 was loud too and I saw in the video that the heatsink might be blocked by large chunk of dust. I opened mine and it was true. huge chunk covering almost the whole heatsink. cleaned it throughly and my launch PS4 is quiet again. I strongly recommend it but if you're afraid you might mess it up, ask for professionals. the only delicate thing inside was the CPU and GPU contact IMO. just wipe them clean and apply a new layer of thermal paste, your PS4 will run like new.

ApocalypseShadow1565d ago

I want to eat bugs.

The Game was actually funny to me. And that other game liked like it we made by the Journey team with that black hole.

badz1491565d ago

you mean PlashSpeed 5?

Atticus_finch1565d ago

The sickest Router I've ever seen.

CaptainHenry9161565d ago

I hope they have a black and grey one in the future

outsider16241565d ago

Dude, come on. Some respect for the Indies man.

TheScotsman1565d ago

I was waiting for another ugly square box like someone else's console lol. But god darn it this is soooooo nice

medman1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

I'm pretty thrilled with what Sony showed....I didn't really expect that many first party titles, especially Spider Man coming holiday 2020. Add Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank and Horizon II Forbidden West and that's more than I expected. Throw in Resident Evil 8, Demon's Souls, Hitman III, etc etc....I like.

CaptainHenry9161565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

the digital version $399

LordoftheCritics1565d ago

Looks like experimental 90's speaker systems.

We will outgrow this design very vey fast.

Anon19741565d ago

Disagree. The indie games were very much a highlight for me. My 10 year old son watched with me and by far he was the most excited watching the trailer for Bugsnax. This will be a day one purchase in my house. Octodad was a huge hit with my kids. Little Devil Inside was the game that intrigued me the most. That and Resident Evil 8.

purple1011565d ago

Just saw astrobot comes preloaded. Not sure if that means free or not.. But it sure sounds like it!

Muzikguy1565d ago

Wow that system looks amazing. I was initially thinking if it's stand up only but reading through the comments I see it's not. That's good because I'm not sure where I'd put it if that were the case. Awesome design though I love it. I'm getting it as close to day 1 as possible. Not the digital edition either, but I can see why they'd want to release one and make something cheaper for those that want it

lipton1011564d ago

What looks nice? There's no way you're talking about the console's aesthetic design... absolutely fugly... I'm literally hiding this thing when I get it and, even though I'll play it more, the Xbox Series X is taking front and center in my entertainment center next to my hifi receiver

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 1564d ago
UltraNova1565d ago

Well what can I say...it's one sexy machine!

UnSelf1565d ago

"Its a sex-box and her name is Sony."

two points if you know the reference

LucidIllusion1565d ago

What a wonderful Christmas that was.

ChiefofLoliPolice1565d ago

Back when family guy was actually funny.

NeoGamer2321565d ago

Very nice design.

Interesting that they have a digital edition though. Kind of has me worried on price.

If it starts at $499 for disc and $399 for digital I think it will push a lot of people to digital.

I_am_Batman1565d ago

A UHD Blu-ray drive costs Sony around $30. There won't be a $100 difference because of that alone.

NeoGamer2321565d ago

Yup, but you can also see that it is a different case for the digital edition. Slimmer.

And they didn't say anything about SSD drive sizes. It may come with a smaller SSD which could affect cost a lot.

crazyCoconuts1565d ago

Remember that they make a lot more on digital sales... No middle man and no used game market. I bet they'll take a bigger loss on digital only with the promise that they'll make up for it in the long run. I can definitely see a $100 difference

Sophisticated_Chap1565d ago

@ NeoGamer232

Do you really want an SSD smaller than 825GB?

NeoGamer2321565d ago

No. I am already worried about next gen requiring SSD and there being no really large SSDs that are affordable.

I am a "surfing gamer" that goes from game to game and will often play many different games. This gen has me worried that I won't be able to do that.

purple1011565d ago

Or both. Disk one for the lounge, digital one for the bedroom ability to share games on either through ps acount.

I think that's very clever..

DarXyde1565d ago

A digital version will likely have much higher storage capacity... so not necessarily

I_am_Batman1564d ago

@crazyCoconuts: That's a great point. You might be right. I still have to go with the disc version simply because my download bandwidth is atrocious.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1564d ago
I_am_Batman1565d ago

Agreed it looks really nice. I slightly prefer the symmetry of the digital only version, but I gotta go with the disc-based system.

darthv721565d ago

I'm gonna have to go and get both. Disc one for the game room, digital for the bedroom (like I do now with the X and SAD)

crazyCoconuts1565d ago

Me too. I recoup a lot of cost by selling my used games on eBay

time2die1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Well they better sort out there shite delivery service that is currently the Playstation 4 store and the atrocious download speeds.

Having a digital only version suggest they will ,but Shops such as Game in the Uk [Hate them anyway] and Gamestop are not going to be happy with Digital only Playstation 5 as this puts another nail in the game retails coffin if there isn't enough already.

kneon1565d ago


Maybe you should sort out your atrocious ISP, nothing ever takes me more than 5 minutes to download from the PS store.

crazyCoconuts1565d ago

yea no problems with the store here either

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1565d ago
Jin_Sakai1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Holy crap! This is different. Love the futuristic design!

mcstorm1565d ago

It dose look different and I like the design but when I saw it I thought of my old sky box https://www.sky4caravans.co...

1564d ago
Relientk771565d ago

Sleek and futuristic, I love it!

AspiringProGenji1565d ago

Media: MS has rewritten the rules of console design

Sony: NO!

rdgneoz31565d ago

MS: Let's go with a fridge....

Sony: Let's look to the future.

Atticus_finch1565d ago

Umair what's the matter, you mad bro?

Bronxs151565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

I like ps5 look more than series x for sure. But not to take away from series x design. They did change the rules. It’s impressive from a engineering point the power and cooling they manage to fit. What is it a 52 compute unit gpu vs 36 compute units in ps5?

Ah well I like ps5 design better but was let down by the games. Didn’t really see anything that can only be done in ps5 due to its ssd. Making me believe it was hype. Ratchet and horizon 2 were my highlights. But sure ms will have some triple a games to compete as well a lot of those games like resident evil 8 for example will look and run better on series x.

I’m not as 100% set on ps5 as I was heading into this. I was expecting a better show case. Doors open for series x now. Interested to see what their big reveal willl be like. Sony didn’t knock it out the park as I was expecting. Maybe series x showcase will.

1565d ago
Fantangoooo1565d ago

I am more of an xbox guy, but i will say that ps5 looks mightly sexy as hell. in terms of the games Kena was great as i really love the lighting, Horizon 2 looks fantastic, Demon souls omg what can i say. I know for sure in terms of pure graphical fidelity it wont beat XSX but the speed in which rachet went from world to world was amazing and shows the limit to what of games would be possible is amazing so to me great showcase for ps5 but i can tell you now. THAT BOX ISNT GOING TO BE CHEAP.
I am now very keen to see what XSX can delivery and they better do as now we have a stick to measure them by.
Future looks great, well done Sony.

kayoss1565d ago

Xbox series x did not change the rule, it’s a damn PC tower design.

Dissidia1565d ago

I agree the show didn't blow me away. But I do want to play the new R&C and that Kena game looks graphically amazing.

All in all the console looks good.

But I'm glad there's still the Xbox First Party show to look forward too in July.

purple1011565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Horizon was gameplay. Not pre rendered you know xbox won't or dorsny have anything as artistic and spectacular as that

Bronxs151565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

Forgot to mention kena. It looked good gave me a ori vibe. It may be on series x tho right? Also Sony took a page out Xbox book with the whole digital console.

Also Sonys credit diversity if game types was on display.

mockzer01565d ago

Ratchet and clank definitely showed how it can only be done using a SSD. How they were transporting in and out of worlds on the fly, blew my mind

1564d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1564d ago
rainslacker1565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

When I first saw the DS5 I was reminded of the new white and black Corvette Stingray, which I had just seen driving around town a few days prior. Then the console kind of solidified that. Although, there are other sports cars which use those inverted lines and fin styles in their design. Just the contrast of white and black set it apart.

That said, I'd probably still prefer an all black console for my media center. Just goes better with my aesthetics. I'll make it work either way though.

xX-oldboy-Xx1565d ago

I'm sure there'll be a market for vinyl wraps day 1 - you'll be alight.

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