
Konami's Hyper Sports R Cancelled After Two Years Of Silence

Konami has officially announced that it has canceled its Track and Field Remake for the Nintendo Switch called Hyper Sports R

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ZeekQuattro1471d ago

Queue the Price is Right fail sound. Lmao Didn't realize it was announced that long ago.

TheEspiownage1471d ago

I remember previewing this at E3 2018. Was decently fun, though it felt a bit unnecessary.

racer221471d ago

Darn it. I really liked hyper sports back in the 80s.


Did 2018 Prove There Is Still Hope For Konami?

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Konami started off 2018 with the wrong foot with the decision of charging real money for extra save slots in Metal Gear Survive, but that was their only terrible decision in 2018, as they spent the rest of the year with a quiet streak of small but decent releases and some rare instances of good PR. They could have had a worse year. They could have been Bethesda."

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FallenAngel19842008d ago

Nope they’re still going to be a scumbag company that will get by doing the bare minimum along with a few noteworthy acts

ApocalypseShadow2008d ago

Make a Metal Gear Solid remaster, 2, 3 or 4 in VR,or even VR Missions remaster in VR and I might be interested like Zoe 2 Mars.

With a side order of a new 3D Castlevania game at the level of Symphony of the Night and the GBA games.

2008d ago
PhantomS422008d ago

Um...what exactly did they do? Right, a bland port of amazing Castlevania games, a trashy and god-awful Metal gear Survive, a VR port that nobody talks about, a soccer game for a very niche audience that still had tons of complaints. Probably the only thing they did right was providing free to Superbomber Man R, it was free right? Either way, they didn't do anything notable, they are still trash.


Konami announces TGS 2018 lineup

Konami has opened its official Tokyo Game Show 2018 website, revealing its lineup and preliminary stage schedule for the event. Get the details below.

UltraNova2116d ago (Edited 2116d ago )

Exactly, do these guys still make games other than Pachinko ones?

Seraphim2116d ago

come on now, they also make Slot Machines

zsquaresoff2116d ago (Edited 2116d ago )

These guys are sitting on a goldmine with Metal Gear Solid. They could remake those games like Capcom is doing with it's classics.

But no, pachinko machines. F@£#

eddvdm2115d ago

Please. This.

If you're a gamer on the fence of getting anything-Konami please don't. If you just love it and can't live without it please buy it and have your fun, that's legit.

I don't know how many people overall has ever worked on development of any kind - but I can tell you from my experience:

Corporate high executives ONLY.CARE.ABOUT.SHEET.NUMBERS.

Not those "12.000 tweets saying f*ck Konami" but instead those with a profit at their Excel sheets bottom rows.

Gamers must understand THE ONLY WAY to change the current game industry limitless "greed" is by changing those numbers, their sheet numbers. But to be honest, I'me very pessimistic about it. That's why:

- Newer generations are being overwhelmed by the "Mobile pattern of gaming", i.e. microtransactions. Don't underestimate this: myself and a lot of people are old enough to know how video gaming started, we know the difference - people who started playing when DLCs and microtransactions were already there take those as their gaming reality - and that has no return.

We really have to start boycotting what we don't want to continue/evolve - the only change that matters is the one we put at the corporate sheets.

nommers2116d ago

A new rumble roses game is looking top tier now for Konami. Not that I wouldn’t want a new RR game anyways.

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Hyper Sports R is a classic sports sendup nobody asked for | App Trigger

A bland art style, unimpressive button inputs and wonky motion controls, Hyper Sports R is a reimagining of a 1984 classic that might be best staying there.

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