
Home Is Currently Plain But Geared Towards Success

GameXtract writes "If you're one of the lucky 100,000 who have been invited into Home today, then like myself you've had the thrill of first seeing the email, then freaking out that you haven't started download, then surprised to find out that the download is only roughly 30mbs, and then had a thrill to launch Home for the first time. I'm going to stick to the terms of service, and not reveal anything that will spoil your Home experience, but I will share a few small aspects that have been noticeable from the start."

Full article after the jump.

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PimpHandHappy5782d ago

2see how long it takes for HOME to be finished or even improved on via firmware. I want to play some chess/pool/bowling/poker and i want to have rankings if i decide i want to kill a week playing chess! Give me that for free and you have a winner! Streaming music/movies would be really cool if they can make it happen....sounds complex



thor5782d ago

Home has a lot of potential. If they continue to support it and keep adding great features it could become great. Let's hope those features come in thick and fast :)

pwnsause5782d ago (Edited 5782d ago )

Home will never be finished. Home is an Ongoing service that will transcend beyond the PS3's lifetime into the next generation of consoles. It will keep evolving in order to suit for Everyone's needs. In terms of the core Service (coding, concepts) it will be finished.

Cenobia5782d ago

Chess needs a little work. The chess piece models are kind of hard to differentiate because they are very simplistic. I played yesterday and got totally owned because I kept confusing pieces (also, I suck at chess).

Poker would be awesome. I don't think that's in Home at the moment though. They could make a Home Casino or something.

Lou-Cipher5782d ago (Edited 5782d ago )

I agree

Streaming movies or music would make it worth it to me.

Kyur4ThePain5782d ago

Where do you want to stream music / movies to?
Imagine the chaos if everyone decided to stream their music at the same time.

The only way it could POSSIBLY work is if you allow only the owner of the apartment to stream. However, you still have the whole issue of copyright problems.

thor5782d ago

Just play it through your microphone and annoy everybody with it :D

mesh15782d ago

im in the beta and yes its plain and boring .

chasuk085782d ago

mesh1 you have a history of being an xbox fanboy and you have 1 bubble. Do you honestly think anyone believes a word that comes out your mouth ?

thereapersson5782d ago

Mesh IS a fanboy, and why he was allowed back in the gamer zone is beyond me...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5782d ago
PimpHandHappy5782d ago

to your TV or jukebox in your pad

you only allow the owner of the pad to stream

sounds simple but i hear its a copyright issue

TheColbertinator5782d ago

Sony does already have a music holding,Sony/BMG.They should at least get some of the artists in their label to advertise in HOME.

InMyOpinion5782d ago (Edited 5782d ago )

Sounds like it's far from done? I thought it was about to be released anytime soon.

thor5782d ago

Jenzo it will never be finished. They will keep adding features as they go - after release. OK so it's a little bare-bones at the moment, and I kind of expected more features at launch, but it will continue to improve and expand over time.

Cenobia5782d ago

They also removed a lot of the stuff for the server load testing. The game rooms, which I thought were one of the coolest features, where removed, and the mall has been emptied out. There are a bunch of other things missing, or that I have yet to find, as well. I remember videos showing the ability to drive RC boats, and those aren't there either.

I think that once launching games from Home is 100% working it will be worth going into Home to find people that want to play. The strategy table in the Warhawk room had me really excited, but I didn't get to see it since they temporarily removed those rooms.

Kyur4ThePain5781d ago

Don't be a dck.
Do you see anyone saying that the 360's menu system is still not done?
I mean, they just redid the whole thing, didn't they? I guess we're still waiting for the actual release.

See, anyone can make a stupid sounding argument.

LeGenDx5782d ago

its amazing. i already met alot of cool people an we played some R2

thor5782d ago

Does R2 work with game launching from Home? That's awesome if true.

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