RpgSama1519d ago (Edited 1519d ago )

It's happening!!


A little bit more than an hour, plenty of time to see a lot of next-gen gameplay.

I wonder if they will show the console? Or maybe they will save that for a later reveal?

Sono4211519d ago

Oh man, really hope they announce PSVR 2.0, I mean if the don't I won't be too crushed, but even thinking about next gen VR get's me excited, as well as Horizon Zero Dawn 2. I am really wondering what games they're going to announce.

I also have a prediction, two different colored PS5's at launch, simply because the controller they show here is all black, no white. Idk if i'll get the white or black console, depends how they look honestly.

1519d ago
RpgSama1519d ago

I noticed the black controller too!! I wonder if that's what they plan to do, to have 2 SKU.

And I don't think we will get any news about PSVR2, it's still to early into the PS5 conversation, for God's Sake, we still don't know if they will show the actual PS5 console!

IRetrouk1519d ago (Edited 1519d ago )

it's not black it's just in shadow, look closer and you will see its white. I do hope they come in multiple colours though, as well as an all black and all white version.

RpgSama1519d ago (Edited 1519d ago )


Now that you pointed that out, you're right, it is the white controller in shadow, the one I want is the one with the PS1 inspired colors, hopefully we get a 25 years anniversary console edition in PS1 Grey.

DazaMc1519d ago

Nope it's the white controller in the dark/shadow.

Games1st1519d ago

I don't mind different colours, just white controller isn't for everyone.

_SilverHawk_1519d ago

Finally we will get to see next generation games running on next generation hardware. Playstation is the future and the future is Playstation

sushimama1519d ago

Is it just me, or do I hear the PS1 boot up sound in there, mixed with the boot up sound of the PS2 also? It's like they've mixed parts of them all together.

darthv721519d ago

eventually there will be other colors, but this is not a black controller. Its the white one in a shadowy lighting.

Tony-A1519d ago

Looks like I was right about that smaller light just underneath the touchpad, I’m thinking it has to be a voice-sensitive light. Interesting!

Critic4l_Strik31519d ago

@RPGSama I think they have to reveal it already. If they are planning on a holiday release, that means that the production of millions of consoles has to start somewhat soon. And when that happens there can be potential leaks of what it looks like...so Sony has to reveal it themselves sooner rather than later.

bouzebbal1519d ago

It's about to go down!!!

silenthillstrangler1519d ago

I honestly think its the angle and lighting going for a mysterious vibe, would be great to have the option though.

morganfell1519d ago (Edited 1519d ago )

They have previously stated the PSVR2 was coming but that they did not wish to cloud the launch of the PS5 with that issue so I am not sure we will see anything on that front. It will be great to see titles dedicated to next gen. This is going to be so good.

This is going to be the conference where certain people screaming for Sony to show something are going to wish they hadn't.

jznrpg1518d ago

I want a Vita 2 or whatever they want to call it but I’m not getting my hopes up.

mandingo1518d ago

VR is trash it still isn’t ready

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1518d ago
akurtz1519d ago

They only mentioned games, maybe a console tear down sometime after? Cerny said there’d be one 🤷‍♂️

darthv721519d ago

Same day as the rumored Sega reveal. Coincidence...... ?????

neutralgamer19921519d ago


Very interesting indeed could we see Sony outright buy Sega(which is worth around 4-5 billion if I am not wrong)

rlow11519d ago

Could be a strong possibility, but I hope not. Would love Sega to stay Independent. But if Sony did buy them, then as the reporter stated, would shake up the Industry for sure.

The_Hooligan1519d ago

Now that you mention it, it is on the same day. Nice catch brother.

rainslacker1519d ago

Made me think of the Saturn reveal, and thinking Sony would talk about the console, then say, "and it's available today", taking most retailers off guard.

Hakuoro1519d ago

Listen I love Sony, but no one is buying Sega. They are part of a larger company Sega Sammy Holdings which is a very profitable company, they aren't going to sell their video game arm to anyone.

Hamzilla771518d ago

My guess is that Sony and Sega will have a exclusive rights deal like Cracktivision has the past bunch of years.... or Sony buys Sega outright... or OR Microsoft buys Sega now that would be large..... either way I am stoked for June 4th!!!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1518d ago
outsider16241519d ago

They can show the console later no problem. I want to see them games man...games!!!!!!

AngelicIceDiamond1519d ago

Games first console later I agree. The thing with Sony's conferences, they always have a huge pay off and deliver on our expectations. Expect stunning gameplay and huge announcement's the way only Sony can deliver.

rainslacker1519d ago

I'm cool with just games. I cant imagine how little the look of a console matters to my purchasing decision. Itd have to be pretty god awful for me not to, but even then, my entertainment center has doors to hide it

Jin_Sakai1519d ago

Can’t wait!! It’s going to be great finally seeing PS5 exclusives in action. Also wondering if that was the startup sound for PS5?

RpgSama1519d ago

Hopefully it is, it sounds awesome!

darthv721519d ago (Edited 1519d ago )

That gave me chills.... sounds great. Man I had to listen to it a few more times as well as the SX boot up. Next gen is lit AF.

-Foxtrot1519d ago

Is it me or does that controller look black

Or is it just the shadows?

I hope it's a black variant....PLEASE GOD

darthv721519d ago

just the lighting. You can tell from the closeups of the controller as it pans. There will be other colors eventually.

jznrpg1518d ago

There will be one for sure at some point but hopefully at launch too. Though I like the white myself but I would buy both

1519d ago Replies(2)

Are we gonna see the console tho?

Muzikguy1519d ago

Thursday at 11am. Can't wait! Been looking forward to hearing more now for quite some time

gamer78041518d ago

I’d hope they’d show the console by now

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1518d ago
akurtz1519d ago

Hello everyone, if you look under your seat you’ll find a brown paper bag. Hyperventilate into that cuz shit is about to go down. 🤯

russo1211519d ago

Internet will go down, prepare for a possible blackout 8)

RpgSama1519d ago

I want to freeze myself up until next Thursday like Cartman waiting for the Wii!!


-Foxtrot1519d ago

I want it to be next week....but on the other hand if it comes round fast then I'll be working. Shit. XD

MajorLazer1519d ago

I crave next gen news more than food & water

PowerPlayaaa1519d ago

Hsha preach brother. Same here. It is like food. Its all i neeeeeed damn it haha

Master of Unlocking1519d ago

If a PS5 version of Silent Hill is shown... yeah, we're gonna need a paper bag...lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1518d ago
solideagle1519d ago

wait, is that official black dual sense?

SamTheGamer1519d ago

Gonna scream now 😯😍😍

outsider16241519d ago

And it begins guys...oh man. Im so excited!!!

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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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Jin_Sakai1d 1h ago

Might as well just cancel it.

porkChop1d ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake1d ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne1d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

badkolo2m ago

its where b movies go to live, its run by democrats , dont expect anything good from netflix

Knightofelemia1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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"Can we get a redeploy option? Or a killzone?" Helldivers 2 players want this change

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EvilVEvil Review – Shallow Vampire Bites | MP1st

EvilVEvil Review - A fast co-op vampire experience that sadly doesn't have enough bite to keep players entertained for long.