
Sony Gets Their Marketing Groove Back: Two New Playstation 3 TV Spots

GameXtract writes "Earlier this week we posted about Sony's not so exciting Christmas campaign that surely did not impress the masses, but it looks like Sony is starting to get their groove back together…or at least in America! Two new TV Spots have surfaced, and while they aren't advertising for Christmas necessarily, it does bring back the good old days of awesome Playstation ads."

Full info + videos after the jump!

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chaosatom5785d ago

wow, these ads are SO awesome.

Beats any xbox ads i have seen so far.

jwatt5785d ago

Both ads were great, I liked that they had home in there and it was really cool to see sackboy smiling on the back of that girl shirt.

The second add was just awesome, alot of good titles in one. Plus the song with the kids sounds like they're singing "gather around".

I always knew Sony could advertise but they just don't do it often.
I also thought they might advertise Uncharted since they got a bundle with the game.

ChrisGTR15785d ago

you know, its kinda sad because i remember them having home in their ps3 commercials for last christmas... and i thought home was suppost to come out nov 19. you think a year of delays would be enough? i guess not.

Sevir045785d ago

"YOU" thought home was coming out Nov 19th, Sony didn;t and no one else did because they didn't buy into the speculation from so random site on the web. but thats just shows how gullible you are

ChrisGTR15785d ago

yea im so gullable because phil harrison said the open beta was coming out between 'mid november - early december of 07' yea that completely my fault.i should of rememberd that everything on ps3 gets delayed. and my comment about nov 19 i said it because i specifically remember some duchebag ps3 fanboy saying in a nxe thread that home would br the answer to nxe by releasing on nov 19 and it would be so much better. but w/e i could care less about ps3 i just sold mine last month.

likedamaster5785d ago

I was impressed. Good commercials but why does xbox have to be mentioned? Insecure about something?

Sevir045785d ago

You took to heart what some rabbid PS3 fanboy said as fact. but i dont blame you. thats just who you are. and in response to MS's NXE.. lol i think NXE is a response Nintendo's Mii... Home is far beyond NXE, and i would kow because i'm in the beta.

pwnsause5785d ago (Edited 5785d ago )

ChrisGTR1 If Home was confirmed for Nov. 19, you could of heard it from every PS Home Beta User thats on N4g Right Now, including Me. We get the info first than anyone else. We talk directly to the guys who work at SCEA/SCEE. Now stop wasting air and GTFO of the Internets.

Bathyj5785d ago

If you sold you're PS3, you have no reason anymore talk about it. Cya Chris, we'll miss you. Dont let the door hit your vagina on the way out.

jaysquared5785d ago

But still not good enough to pursuade me to buy a PS3 and i'm pretty sure everybody else with the economy the way it is!

InMyOpinion5785d ago

Have you seen the Gears of War 2 TV ad?

ChrisGTR15785d ago

yes serves me right. i fall into the hype and buy a ps3 for christmas thinking thats the end of the ps3 game drought last year and here i am i year later selling it cause it still blows. i only had 2 games for it. the online still sucks cause nobody uses mics and i have to send text messages to communicate on xmb. i sold it last month and im glad. screw LBP ,R2 , and KZ2, i just dont even care anymore. the half assed console is complete garbage and its nowhere near as good as my ps2 was. so far for this gen my 360 is more than good enough.

Bathyj5785d ago

Blah blah blah blah blah. God for someone whose so happy, you sure do alot of b*tching.

BattleAxe5785d ago

@ Jenzo

No, but I've seen the new ZUNE ad with the fat harry guy shooting paint out of his ass :D


jaysquared5785d ago

Sorry you had to learn in a hardway Chris. Hopefully somebody will be able to take that burdern(PS3) off your hands. Good luck with your gaming.

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IzKyD13315785d ago

both were awesome, and I absolutely loved the second one

Nitrowolf25785d ago

I love the second one. Man i hope i start seeing more ads by sony in the US. They need to market more of there products

lento5785d ago

yes they do and they did a pretty good job in the second one... showcasing great games and throwing in alittle batman on blu ray... nice

Bob Dole5785d ago

Dark Knight on Bluray = Lots of people buying bluray players.

Raoh5785d ago

all they have to do is keep this theme going. don't change up.

ShAkKa5785d ago

now those are two awesome ads.

soul899er5785d ago

HAHA! Guys!! Read Kotakus impressions on this!! xD what @sshats!

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TheNamelessOne7d ago

Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv725d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

5d ago