
Scorn dev states that CPU is the game changer next generation

Ebb Software thinks that it's the CPU, not the SSD that will turn the tide this coming hardware generation.

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NecrumOddBoy1533d ago

Lol... okay buddy

Where is your gameplay to show us CPU power?

isarai1533d ago

There's quite a bit of gameplay of scorn though...

Fishy Fingers1532d ago (Edited 1532d ago )

I wouldnt go on the old gameplay too much. From the source interview:

"Basically 80% of that part of the game you saw has changed, let alone the rest of the game.”

The original gameplay was a demo for investers.

sushimama1532d ago

That gameplay DOES NOT look 'next gen'.

S2Killinit1532d ago

MS: quick get a developer to talk about CPU.

That gameplay looks alright. Borderline current gen i think. Iooks like its running on PC.

monkey6021532d ago

Yeah theyve said that old build was a demonstration to show backers that they could in fact make a game but is entirely unrepresentative of the final product.

We do in fact have no idea how this game is going to play out.

But they do have my attention

RpgSama1532d ago

I wouldn't brag about that footage, it has a wonderful art direction, but gameplay and graphics wise it looks not only really rough (understandable because it's alpha) but decidedly not "Next-Gen"

KyRo1532d ago

Sushma, gameplay in general has hardly changed much since last generation. It's just more refined.

1532d ago
brrdat1532d ago

how much of it displays cpu power?

SyntheticForm1532d ago


S2Killinit: Quick, let's try to discredit the entire piece and the developer because he's making a game for Xbox Series X, and he's talking about the upgraded CPU more keenly affecting his work than any other component.

Babadook71532d ago

Quick let’s assume game changer refers to an individuals opinion as opposed to an industry wide objective truth.

Donnie811531d ago

Yeah I think this game looks so weird but intriguing

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1531d ago
no_more_heroes1533d ago

I imagine the "game changer" any one dev will differ depending on what their games utilize. For these guys it might be the CPU. For other guys its the SSD. For some, the memory bandwidth of the GPUs.

ArthriticPowers1533d ago

Agree entirely! Obviously it will help more through the cross gen transition

SyntheticForm1532d ago

It's all a game changer, really, but in my personal opinion it's the CPUs and SSDs. Developers and gamers have been clamoring for better CPUs since the start of the generation.

They're both very important.

rainslacker1531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

For some, it could be all of the above....or none at all.

My personal opinion while making tools to use on next gen consoles....I think the SSD is what will allow for the greatest advancements for those that really try to innovate game design. Graphics are easy to improve. Game design is much deeper than that though, and it's the game design itself which has mostly stagnated since last gen to now.

ArthriticPowers1533d ago

Just trying to get different opinions from actual devs out there mate. I think SSD's will give us heaps more once developers drop support for mechanical hdd's later this gen. Sony exclusives are the only thing that MAY make use of it in substantial ways at launch (since Microsoft has annouced 1-2yr min of xbox one support) If you only want to see articles that support your opinion don't click.

Rude-ro1532d ago

It is the entire infrastructure of the hardware and that can only be driven by a vision in gaming.
The ssd is not the secret sauce, it is just a part of it. Like teraflops in a pc... not the “sales pitch” Microsoft made it out to be.
Unless you have an 8k monitor or tv... you can have all the teraflops you want.. you still will not get anything other than a larger power bill.
Rendering what is in the game at 4k is where all the bottlenecks becomes relevant.
Speed, new game engines, and innovation is where you will see the “next gen”.
^ add in a company that has been dedicated to a vision with award winning techniques and games... then you have something to always look towards with their products.

With Microsoft.. it is always “wait till next year” because when you use more hype than actual results.. you only have hope vs confidence.

Example: will halo infinite return halo to its formal glory while playing like a new gen game? We can only hope.

Past example: crackdown 3 hyped up to be gen defining and a huge advancement in cloud gaming.
Result: The old engine re-used with 4k resolution and a laughable version of cloud gaming.

rlow11532d ago

You might be right but I think their going to want to fully support the 100+ PS4 players. So I still see them making sure all first parties support it. At least for awhile, because that's a lot of money to leave off the table.

1532d ago
Rude-ro1532d ago


That’s what I said.
Are you referring to the gpu?

The cpu needs speed and less bottlenecks.

The engines are just as important as the hardware per seeing gen defining leaps.

We are also talking innovation and evolution with Sony.
Not more make up on old game engines for cheap costs and better profits.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1532d ago
CaptainCook1533d ago (Edited 1533d ago )

Scorn is going to be Native 4k 60fps on Xbox Series X, they're looking into implementing Ray Tracing as well.

What did Epic show? Tech demo running at 1440p 30fps on PS5 with No Ray Tracing.

ArthriticPowers1533d ago

Interactive tech demos and gameplay are definitely very different things. In saying that UR5 coupled with a solid SSD being mandated looks game changing from first impressions

blackblades1533d ago

There was ray tracing, there own form of it. They also used 8k textures, and 1440 doesnt matter from the looks of it. The so called tech demo was also playble and made on a early dev kit uncompressed I believe. Stop using the same excuse to make yourself feel better.

CaptainCook1532d ago (Edited 1532d ago )


Luman isn't Ray Tracing. Even digital Foundry stated this....

IRetrouk1532d ago

They said it incorporates some raytracing into it, the bounces I think? Not sure but would have to watch the vid again, it's right at the start if that's any help.

waverider1532d ago

Dude, keep thinking that... No hardware Ray tracing.... Its a diferent thing.

RazzerRedux1532d ago

Why are pretending this tech demo for an engine not even set to release for another year and not going to have actual optimized games for years after that is representative of anything other than some highlighted features of UE5? You are pushing this Xbox narrative that what Epic showed was somehow even remotely close to a final product. That is fanboy nonsense and you know it.

IRetrouk1532d ago

Found it, skip to 00:48 and listen to what's being said, there is indeed some ray tracing used.


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1532d ago
waverider1532d ago

The cpu upgrade is very nice for this gen. But the ssd is the biggest jump for this gen

SyntheticForm1532d ago

CPU power is huge.

We didn't even need a developer to speak up to know that this is the case, so why behave as if the developer is full of it?

MajorLazer1532d ago

The fanboyism on this site is actually a disease. People are quick to forget the Jaguar CPU's are a** and these Zen 2 CPU's are a colossal upgrade over what we have right now. People are so caught up in the SSD, as if SSD is the be-all and end-all and nothing else matters.

SyntheticForm1532d ago


It almost feels as though the PS5's SSD is only important because it beats Microsoft's. Were they equal, this wouldn't be such a focal point for fanboys.

Now they're painting it as if nothing else matters. All generation, most people didn't even know what a damn SSD was - it was all about the weak CPUs. Now that we've finally got more-than-competent CPUs, all that matters is PS5's SSD and anyone who wants to talk about the CPUs are just trying to avoid talking about the SSD? FFS, the inanity.

Let's just ship the really nutty fanboys the SSD without the console, since now, apparently, the SSD is all that matters. I think that would be a fantastic prank.

SyntheticForm1532d ago (Edited 1532d ago )

I wonder how the tone of the reactive comments would be if this game were being developed for PS5.

CPUs are important too - very much so, and it's the opinion of this particular developer that CPU is the biggest factor. That's their opinion as of this moment.

No problem, right? Well, it is if you're a Sony fanboy and want the 'only' narrative out there to be 'All that matters is the SSD' because that's the area where Sony soundly beats Microsoft.

Anything remotely challenging this narrative such as 'The CPU is important' pisses them off, because it talks about a different strength that doesn't focus on the SSD, which in turn doesn't explain how PS5 is better. If you're not explaining why PS5 is better, you're praising something else, and they can't have that.

So, basically, Microsoft can't tout anything now without "damage controlling?"

Let's be honest, the CPU is very important, and what's better, BOTH consoles have nice CPUs now.

DOMination-1532d ago

There we have it straight from a dev. PS5 can boot up quick if we can skip the epilepsy warning but then ifots potato quality theres no point

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1531d ago
Zeref1532d ago

CPU is mostly utilized for AI and Physics calculation. We're gonna see significant advances there. Not to mention Machine Learning capabilities as well.
The SSDs in both are gonna change game design for developers significantly as well.
GPU will give us raytraced graphics for the first time on console.

Nextgen is a bigger jump than from PS3/360 to PS4/Xone

Imalwaysright1532d ago (Edited 1532d ago )

Will we? Games that were released more than 10 years ago have more impressive physics systems than most current gen games. Physics systems have been downgrade over the years due to design choices made by devs, not because of hardware limitations so unless developers change their approach to game design I'm not expecting significant advances in physics systems.

1532d ago
1532d ago Replies(5)
rainslacker1531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

Physics is generally offloaded to the GPU. Physics in games is almost all in floating point, and CPU's are not that efficient at such things, even if they are powerful. Truthfully, The CELL processor in the PS3 is better at physics calculations than the CPU's in next gen systems. It wouldn't be able to do enough of them compared to GPU compute nowadays, but if there was a CELL that matched today's(or next gen's) standards, it would greatly outclass a GPU compute set up. GPU compute is quite efficient though, and that's mostly because it uses what worked well in CELL to do the same thing. It just processes the data in a different architecture.

CPU's do control things like AI, as well as the entire game loop. They also provide system tasks, and fascilitate the transfer of data by making hardware calls. All in all, CPU's do quite a bit of work, and while I won't say having more powerful CPU's is a bad thing, I also think that the CPU is actually becoming less relevant to game design as time progresses. However, the Jaguar CPU is not up to snuff relative to what the next gen has to offer, but the Zen processors are kind of overkill.

swin288881532d ago

Trò chơi mà tôi hay tham gia đó là swin2888, còn các bạn hay giải trí ở đâu

KTF261532d ago

I remember days on n4g where there is no gamingbolt
then gamingbolt came
and now a lot of gamingbolts

NeoGamer2321532d ago

The improvements this next gen as with every gen will be based on what you are trying to do in your games.

If CPU, GPU, memory, or I/O performance were bottlenecks in achieving your past games then improvements to them will allow to to improve your games going forward.

Saying any one hardware change is going to change everything for every game is ridiculous.

I do like that load times this gen will improve the overall console experience for the end users. But even with the outstanding performance of Sony's I/O it is still well over 10x slower then memory so will have limited use. There will still be fillers for loads, those fillers will be smaller though.

1532d ago Replies(7)
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Neonridr1d 9h ago

still can't order the adapter and we are less than 2 weeks away from August 7th.

anast5h ago

It's bring more needed games to the PC ecosystem. It looks like PC only has 1 VR game.

porkChop4h ago

What are you talking about? Most VR games are only available through PCVR.

anast4h ago

They can't be that good if the only game they show is Alyx.

porkChop1h ago

JFC you're uneducated. It's just a promo image. Are they supposed to release thousands of promos for every VR game on Steam? Why don't you just go to the Steam store and take a look at the VR games? You can even mod non-VR games on PC like GTA V or Cyberpunk 2077 to make them fully playable in VR.