
Anthem Next will be a 'longer process' but BioWare promises regular updates

Anthem Next is going to be a "longer process" but BioWare is promising to bring players along for the journey so they can help guide the team.

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RazzerRedux1454d ago

ugh....I wish "Anthem Next" would change to "Next Game"

brrdat1453d ago

why? so yall can complain about that too? they're trying to fix a game that a lot of people spent money on. there's nothing wrong with that. let them tend to their community.

RazzerRedux1453d ago

lol....it is going to take years for them to "fix" Anthem and even at that point, I have no faith at all that they can do it. They should move on. As for the people who spent money on it.....well, that is the risk for buying a game that requires you to be online.

Seraphim1453d ago

I get your point. Next game, who's to say it's any better anyway. Personally my concern is simply that this ship sailed LONG AGO. How many are going to go back and play Anthem by the time it's been updated and fixed? Especially once next gen drops. I'd imagine a fix is at least a year and a half out. This is no small task they're undertaking. I do commend them for trying to fix it though. I thoroughly enjoyed the month I played but it was so fun/good but so bad. At the same time, wasn't there a mention of it being paid for? Perhaps I'm wrong in that regard but if that the case. Even more DOA.

morganfell1453d ago

"Next game, who's to say it's any better anyway."

Exactly. People had a lot of issues with Mass Effect 3 and said the next game would be better. Look how that turned out.

The fact is they need to fix this. From the very beginning they have been nothing but liars starting with that faked E3 presentation. They owe people that purchased this game. And they own them now not in 4 years.

Spurg1454d ago

Ship has sailed for this game. No one is gonna want to leave their go-to multiplayer game to play Anthem. They might have an upsurge of player at the beginning but that would die afterwards like always.

ecchiless1454d ago

if is f2p theres a chance that i could play it...

RaidenBlack1453d ago

Changing it to F2P might save it? I Dunno ...

RazzerRedux1453d ago

I don't think even that would be enough.

Lostbytes1453d ago

First the game is not a competitive versus game, its a cooperative co-op. So your favorite Versus MP game is a different beast, and is really not comparable. But your not wrong , the ship has sailed on this, for most people. I just think your reasoning behind it is flawed.

brrdat1453d ago

not for the people who spent money on it and still play it. just because you don't like it doesn't mean that community doesn't. there is nothing wrong with them trying to fix a game that people spent money on.

Stay-Toasty1453d ago

I grabbed it cheap and its got potential. The flying mechanics are amazing. If the update is free ill be very happy with my purchase. They might be able to pull it off. And if not, it was only 5 bucks.

1453d ago Replies(1)
brrdat1453d ago

lol whiny gamers that bitch and complain over literally everything

QSPR1453d ago


bro you trying to hard. you're not convincing anybody. If you love that crap game it's ok.. for you. but trying to tell people the game is good or whatever you are trying to say.... is a POS and almost all gamers hate that game. BioWare and Dice are under EA's umbrella!!

brrdat1453d ago Show
antikbaka1453d ago (Edited 1453d ago )

just like they promised a long and enjoyable road map for the original one?

Redlife2g1453d ago

😂 Please tell these guys that not every game can be "no man sky'd".. Move on already.

DragonWarrior191453d ago

NMS is forever tarnished in it's notorious reputation along with Anthem and Fallout 76. They are holing for a FFxiv level miracle without actually putting effort into rebuilding the came from the ground up.

smashman981453d ago

I mean, you know you're wrong right? NMS is more popular than ever. Despite it's rough launch. The game turned itself around completely and now has a very respectable playerbase.

brrdat1453d ago

nms has a dedicated community that genuinely loves the game now. it's obvious you don't play any of the games you just mentioned. that's the hate train gaming community now, though. "i've never played a game but people on the internet told me it's bad so i'll tell other people it's bad too to fit in!"

Redlife2g1452d ago

Lol you have no idea what you're talking about. Yes nms had an extremely rough launch but you should see the game now.. Complete 360

EDKICK1453d ago


"it's obvious you don't play any of the games you just mentioned. that's the hate train gaming community now, though. 'i've never played a game but people on the internet told me it's bad so i'll tell other people it's bad too to fit in!"'

You just perfectly described the mindset of most gamers on this site's and similar site's comment section. This hate train mentality that steamrolls any nuanced discussion of certain games is beyond useless.

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Ninja Theory trends on X as gamers fear for studio following Tango Gameworks closure

Following the closure of 4 studios, many are now worried for the future of Ninja Theory once Hellblade 2 is released.

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Sonic18812h ago(Edited 2h ago)

How is it going to sell well when it's also releasing on gamepass 🤔

Sephiroushin2h ago

Meant better to sell the studio and not closing it 🤦🏻 not to sell more games….
and games are sold anyways, you can buy it on xbox (not recommended if you got gamepass) but many pc gamers prefer to buy on steam than deal with the xbox app or pc gamepass!

On a side note to OP, the sales of studios wont happen though, especially when they want to retain the IPs, and well nobody is gonna buy a studios without its IPs; the other publishers that want a certain dev from the studio that are closing on their team can try to grab them as soon as they see they notice of the studio.

RaidenBlack25m ago(Edited 17m ago)

Well hypothetically speaking, Ninja Theory can be sold to Sony at a lower rate sans the Hellblade IP.
Sony can then welcome them to work on the Heavenly Sword IP, which they still own.
Will be a nice proposition for Sony who can continue to offer a God of War-like hack n slash in their portfolio via Heavenly Sword 2, whilst Cory Barlog & co. decides to take a break from the God of War IP & venture some other genres.
On top of that, Ninja Theory was also interested in a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and such Sony can come to a deal with Namco Bandai regarding the Enslaved IP.

Lightning7720h ago

Because they're next come next year. HB2 won't hit some impossible metric within MS so they're getting axed in 2025. Leave gaming now MS.

XiNatsuDragnel11h ago

Ninja theory might as well be gone in 2025 at this rate

notachance3h ago

Every xbox studio is in danger now because there’s just no way they’re gonna rake in big money from game sales because of gamepass, even CoD was rumored to not come to gamepass because it would canibalize their sales number.

neutralgamer19921h ago

If they are smart they don’t put COD on GP day one. It’s one of the best selling games on yearly basis

Hofstaderman56m ago

Satya will make sure that doesnt happen. As you rightly put it; why kill the cash cow?

But then again, it is MS after all.....

Rynxie3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Ninja theory games were never big sellers. I could be wrong, but I doubt hellblade 2 will sell millions. I would rather they go independent and make heavenly sword 2.

solideagle2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

heavenly sword is Sony owned IP. this will never happen as original didn't sell enough...

Wikipedia: "In 2008, it was reported that a sequel to Heavenly Sword was in-development at SCE Studio Cambridge, but was canceled due to Sony no longer seeing it as a commercially viable product"

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The Best Telltale Games: Top 5

Telltale Games have given gamers a massive library of narrative driven games. In this article, Power Up Gaming presents you some of the best Telltale Games of all time!

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EA says largest Battlefield team yet is building ‘another tremendous live service’

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson stated in a recent EA Earnings Call, that the next Battlefield "it is going to be another tremendous live service.”

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-Foxtrot1d 13h ago

Another? ANOTHER?

Is he honestly trying to make out like the last Battlefield was a huge success, not just as a game but as a live service game? I'm sure these guys live in their own echo chambers, they are so far removed from reality or they just like talking out of their arse trying to rewrite history.

Also why say such a tone deaf statement when you know the state of live service games at the minute and how many gamers feel about them. Bigging up the next BF game as live service does not give me any excitement or hype.

LordoftheCritics1d 10h ago

''is building ‘another tremendous LIE service’''


just_looken10h ago

This is nothing too new

They had plans of a universe of live service games

Also these studios made 2042 there is no new massive team its the same team

Well same team minus the seattle boys that were canned

This is all again same news different year but it seems very few remember what happened before covid.

RaidenBlack1d 13h ago

Just make another Battlefield 2 ... or BadCompany 3 ... EA

XiNatsuDragnel1d 12h ago

Bad company 3 instead of live service bs

Relientk771d 12h ago

And already lost interest


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