
AC Valhalla will run at "at least 30 FPS" on Series X.

Ubisoft's words therefore suggest that at this point the game runs at 30 FPS on the Xbox Series X, leaving the possibility of performance improving until launch through optimizations made by the team.

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NewMonday1463d ago

this is because of the weak Xbox lockhart. the advertisement deal with Microsoft could hold back optimizing 60fps for the full fledged next gen PS5.

NecrumOddBoy1463d ago

It's because of current-gen in general. I really don't understand why MS is playing to the lowest common denominator with Xbox. They are re-releasing Xbox One X under the guise of Lockhart and still supporting a failed system alongside 2 new systems and PC plus Switch ports. They really are going all in on this platform experience which I don't think is going to pay off in the end. Yeah, XSX will look good boosting 4K versions of games also on Xbox One but I wish they would fully go into nextgen and forget this one.

Obscure_Observer1463d ago


"I really don't understand why MS is playing to the lowest common denominator with Xbox."

What? Did you though most third party publishers and developers would leave 150+ million console gamers behind to SUPPOSEDLY follow Sony on some crazy "next gen only" stunt?

Besides, I found hilarious how fanboys believe Sony will go full next gen based on a rumor from Kotaku.

lifeisgamesok1463d ago

Yeah, a new generation should be all about new games that take advantage of the new hardware

Sony is going for the more traditional console launch, which I love

nirwanda1462d ago (Edited 1462d ago )

There have already been things shown on the seriesX that are only on serie X / ps5 and pc only .
I don't think anything is being forced just that like last gen they will be cross gen.
An example would be the medium which looks like a launch game and the Devs have said would be impossible on last gen

Sunny_D1462d ago


I don’t recall Sony releasing Killzone Shadow fall, Knack or Infamous 2nd son in the PS3 as well? 🤔

Eonjay1462d ago

Guys it's Ubisoft. What is the financial benefit to them to go next gen only when there are over 100 million PS4s by itself to sell to?

StormSnooper1462d ago

Yeah I kind of like Sony’s approach to next gen more. It’s more like what we expect from a new generation console.

umair_s511462d ago

I will be surprised if the PS5 version runs at 60.

darthv721462d ago

Why is it MS fault... why isn't it Ubisoft? I mean its their game and they are making it for current and next gen so they are the ones targeting xbo AND ps4.

1462d ago
Father__Merrin1462d ago

i dont think they are releasing xbox x as lockhart. lockhard will also be a zen system its the xbox model i think i will buy tbh

Ausbo1462d ago

Third party devs always release big games cross gen in the year of new consoles.

bouzebbal1462d ago

Lol what a joke.. All the guys for 30fps for a cross gen title

bouzebbal1461d ago (Edited 1461d ago )


no idea why you try so hard to play the fanboy everytime.
when you have zero exclusive and you claim having the most powerful console ever you at least make sure the devs optimize the cross gen titles for your system.
30fps is ridiculous on a high end hardware, especially that we all thought 30fps was history already.
it is ridiculous already that they are showcasing a cross gen game on a new hardware, now even more that it is 30fps.. admit there is something wrong

Edito1461d ago


You say some crazy next gen only but you forget that those 150+ million, 110 of that are sony and they crazy strategies so yeah you should think before typing...

Obscure_Observer1461d ago

@Sunny_D @Edito

When I said "crazy next gen only stunt", I was referring to big third party publishers. Not Sony.

We all know that those publishers will always prioritize bigger userbases.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1461d ago
Obscure_Observer1463d ago (Edited 1463d ago )


Lol. "Safe to assume the same is true for PS5."

The original article don´t even mention the PS5 at all. This is misleading clickbait headline BS!

"the advertisement deal with Microsoft could hold back optimizing 60fps for the full fledged next gen PS5."

BS! Advertisement deals with Sony and paid exclusive contents couldn´t stop third party developers from deliver the best versions of their games on the Xbox One X.

1462d ago
Imortus_san1462d ago

"What? Did you though most third party publishers and developers would leave 150+ million console gamers behind to SUPPOSEDLY follow Sony on some crazy "next gen only" stunt?"

Do you people even game? PS4 Sony first party big games are 30fps with dips,

CaptainHenry9161462d ago

It's not click bait, it's reality LMFAO

Sophisticated_Chap1462d ago

@ Genericgamer

It will definitley run at 30fps at least, but not at native 4K. I can almost guarantee that Valhalla on the PS5 will run natively @ 1440p, based on the 10.3 Tflop GPU they are using.

1462d ago
1461d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1461d ago
Atom6661463d ago

It's releasing on current gen systems and PC.

But sure, it's the announced Lockhart that's to blame for an Ubisoft openworld game having lower frame rates...

RazzerRedux1463d ago

When was Lockhart announced?

Name Last Name1462d ago (Edited 1462d ago )

People are really counting on Lockhart lol. If anything, I expect a diskless version of the Series X and that’s it.

shiva11462d ago

Why do you think Lockhart is going to be 30fps? Shouldnt it be 60 but then 1080p at max? It wont do 4k for sure right

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1462d ago
Jin_Sakai1463d ago

So a cross generation game that doesn’t feature RT will run at 4K 30fps? What a joke. RDR2 already runs at native 4K 30fps on Xbox One X and likely looks just as good as AC: Valhalla. This is Ubisoft though so not surprising.

1462d ago
spicelicka1462d ago

lmao what. You really think every game is going to be held back on such powerful hardware?? Have you heard that the current gen Xbox One X has tons of 60 fps games? Please use some common sense. What will you say when the same is confirmed for PS5?

This is the devs problem, nothing more.

Looper1462d ago

About the dumbest thing I've read all day and I've been on N4G all day so that's a feat! Wow!

Tedakin1462d ago

You think because of the 8 year old Xbox One they're not gonna put 60 fps on XBox Series X? That makes no sense. A bunch of games run at faster framerates on the Xbox One X than they do on the Lockhart...

soulrebel1462d ago

B*llsh*t. New consoles will have a performance mode at 60 fps. This is all just noise.

Sophisticated_Chap1462d ago (Edited 1462d ago )

@ NewMonday

Lockhart has nothing to do with this. The 13.5 Tflop RTX 2080TI can't even do 4K/60fps when playing Assassins Creed Odyssey, not on 'ultra' settings at least. If they wanted to have Valhala run at 60fps, they would need to turn the graphics settings way down, possibly to low PC setting, but then the game would look like crap. They've probably got the game running on 'high' settings (not 'very high' or 'ultra' settings) at 30fps as a happy medium.

ABizzel11462d ago

@New Monday

It has nothing to do with Lockhart, as current Assassin's Creed games can run at 1080p @ 60fps on equivalent RX 570 / 580 / RX 5500 XT level GPUs, which means Lockhart will be able to as well.

This is the result of being a cross-gen game, where the old consoles are holding the new ones back, and Ubisoft isn't investing the time in developing for the new consoles.

Kavorklestein1461d ago (Edited 1461d ago )

I think you mean Yet.... Not fully developing or exclusively developing YET... The damn consoles arent even OUT yet and we still know so little about them in the big picture of things. Some people wanna wait and see if they upgrade at ALL in the first year or two, and they need to SEE the real data to make that decision. However Give devs time, they, and all the other 3rd party dev's will embrace Next gen; learn new tricks and ways to optimize and unleash the tools, features, and power of the new consoles. And some titles will target Next Gen ONLY I'm 10000% sure of that.

And I ponder... to be Frank, while we are on that topic, what is the big damn deal if a game isn't FULLY exclusive to next gen?
If we are supposed to be mad and nit-pick Ubisoft Or MS, (according to some people's logic- or lack thereof) Then Couldn't one say also say that Naughty Dog are doing a disservice by even releasing TLOU 2 on PS4? Shouldn't it also be made for PS5 ONLY from the ground up instead?
Shouldn't Sony go hard into next Gen by skipping PS4 with Ghost of Tsushima and go strait to PS5? Or does it not work like that? Perhaps we all should just calm the hell down and let the GAME MAKERS make THEIR games the best way they can for their own reasons, and quit being so entitled and toxic and stupid?

Can't have it Both ways!
Can't say one company is bad for targeting Current and Next Gen while absolving and Actually HYPOCRITICALLY DEFENDING a different company who is basically doing the Same damn thing... yet... Sony have NOT Confirmed GOT or TLOU2 being cross gen yet have they?

So wait! Is it actually those same people crying who are crying foul the loudest and nastiest, who are missing the fact that Ubi has actually at least confirmed MORE gamer friendly options than Sony's First Party dev's have thus far, no? (Sony's upcoming 2020 PS4 titles Will PROBABLY be on next gen in some way, shape or form, either back compat, or Next Gen Upgrade/release) IIRC, this has not Officially been confirmed correct?

So although the doom and gloomers will try to convince people that -SONY-- AND ONLY SONY, CAN BE GOOD! ONLY SONY HAS THE POWER AND SKILL TO BE ULTIMATE WITH EVERYTHING THEY EVER DO OR SAY!" just remember that those same people, who would say: "Sony's not gonna just up and abandon 110 million players" need to let the same rules apply to cross gen or xbox family of console releases from MS, or Ubi, and posibbly Many other devs, who don't wanna miss out on sales or don't want to abandon people who aren't upgrading quite yet.

So i ask myself what IS the ACTUAL damn difference?
Banter about what is People's Fave Box? Their Fave Console? Fave Company? Etc.. etc..?
Cuz as far as I can see that is THE ONLY difference between idiots saying "Bad" or "Good" around this shithole.

ABizzel11461d ago


Nothing you said justifies, not optimizing the framerate for the new consoles. We know more than enough about the new consoles to get a general idea of what performance to expect from them because some of us are also PC gamers with a deep understanding of PC hardware (which these consoles are based on) and also have education in computer science and technology. So yes we can confidently state that these games should be easily capable of having a 60fps mode even if it means having the option for a performance mode (1440p @ 60fps) and a graphics modes 4K @ 30fps. The GPU in the XBO-X is powerful enough to run Assassin's Creed Odyssey at 60fps as well, however, it is the CPU that bottlenecks the system and holds it back, the new consoles do not have that issue.

Naughty Dog is not in the same situation, because The Last of Us was always intended to be a PS4 game. The point you tried to make here was irrlevent to the topic at hand. You're saying Sony and other devs should be held to the same standard as Ubisoft because they decided to make their games for current-gen consoles only, games that have been in development for 3+ years, when the reason Ubisoft is being raked over the coals is because they are allegedly locking performance of all versions of the game to 30fps, when the performance on the new consoles are easily capable of doubling that to 60fps. These are not the same situations.

No one is complaining about them targeting current-gen, they are complaining about them allegedly limiting the performance of next-gen, because the power and performance are there for this game to be double the framerate.

Your argument is not valid here.

CryofSilence1462d ago

What? You've clearly unfamiliar with PC gaming, which these consoles essentially are.

Profchaos1462d ago

Third party Devs are not held to the same standard and are able to make exclusive next gen games if they chose.

Ubisoft however never will because market share on these new consoles will be minimal compared to the established current generation

Kavorklestein1461d ago

Exactly. Better to offer a little something to both old and new. I have no issues with cross gen support.
I do hope the framerates will increase by release tho. Truly.

1462d ago
Wontime11462d ago

Put your sony pompoms down, this has nothing to do with what you suggested

Games1st1462d ago

Phil confirmed that they are only focused on Project Scarlett.

“Last year we said consoles, and we’ve shipped a console and we’ve now detailed another console. I think that’s plural,” Head of Xbox Phil Spencer told Business Insider. “Technically, that is plural. Right now, we’re focused on Project Scarlett.”

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 1461d ago
TGGJustin1463d ago (Edited 1463d ago )

This game running at 30fps has nothing to do with Lockhart. You don't see most open world games running at 4K/60FPS on the highest PCs right now. Publishers are always going to favor a lower framerate on console to push graphics. The smart thing to do would be to make a 1080p or 1440p/60fps mode.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1462d ago

You can run the newest open world games easily at 4K 60fps on PC, if you tweak the settings. If you only want Ultra then you're in an expensive spot.

RazzerRedux1462d ago

And you are paying a lot for minimal differences. I honestly cannot see any difference between ultra and high visuals in any game on PC. Maybe its just me.

givingtheheat1462d ago

Rzzaer you're on drugs if you think its minimal difference. It is just you.

RazzerRedux1462d ago (Edited 1462d ago )


lol....if you say so.

outsider16241462d ago

So you think everyone has a pc that can run 4k 60 fps?
Oh well, atleast i can run it at 4k60fps....at SUPER-LOW graphic settings

Unspoken1462d ago

Definitely a difference running everything on high vs ultra, but it's very expensive to run.

RazzerRedux1462d ago (Edited 1462d ago )


lol.....so DF has to stop a gameplay video and zoom into make determinations about graphical quality but you can do the same thing by just looking at the screen?

lol.....ok, sure pal.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1462d ago
Amplitude1462d ago (Edited 1462d ago )

If i could pick one thing that i want from the next gen, its 60fps. Honestly ridiculous that this isnt a standard lol
I recently (literally like a month ago) got into PC gaming (with a controller on my TV aha) just cause a stable 60fps is so much better

And im not flexing but I can absolutely run open world games at a stable 4K/60 on Ultra (with RTX off) on my PC. It's a little bit beefier than the next consoles, but Felix is right too, lower the shadows a but youre probably good to go for 4K/60 on much more affordable PCs.

Imagine spending like 600 bucks on a console in 2021 and then playing a game at 30fps. Hopefully people dont let that happen UNLESS ray tracing is turned on [with an option to turn it off for 60fps].
Im not delusional im well are 4k/60fps/RTX isnt going to happen (even though some devs have said thats their target) but 4K/60 better be standard lol

1461d ago
givingtheheat1462d ago

You're behind in times it seems, 4k 60 is the common setting now and is easily attainable. I play 4k 120 for most.

yomfweeee1462d ago

1080p is the most common resolution on Steam at 63%. Only 2.14% use 4K. The percentage would be even smaller for those with 4K and 60fps. So, no... it isn't common.

RTX 2080 TI can't even guarantee 4K/60 and that thing cost $1200.

isarai1463d ago

Well yeah, a 17% difference in GPU power equals close to nothing when it comes to performance. People just wanna make that difference a bigger deal than it actually is. Not to mention PS5 has advantages elsewhere. But bottom line is just SHOW ME THEM DAM GAMS MY DUDES!!! and none of that hyper edited "in-game" BS with 100's of 1sec snippets of cenematics smashed together

1462d ago Replies(5)
TheGamez1001463d ago (Edited 1463d ago )

Oof, Id really hope theres a 1080p60fps option for the next gen consoles or Ill just get this on pc. Ofc itll be at least 30 lol.

badz1491462d ago

1080p60fps is depressing considering it's the next gen

TheGamez1001462d ago

4k is overrated and requires alot of power. I prefer 1080 60 any day over 4k 30.

masterfox1463d ago (Edited 1463d ago )

well that's ridiculous disappointing, so much for the X series X supa dupa powaa!!! Weeaaaaak!!

Fishy Fingers1462d ago (Edited 1462d ago )

It'll be the same on the PS5. So are you calling that weak too?

Fanboys, don't think.....

boing11462d ago

Exactly. It'll be the same on the PS5.

Pickledpepper1462d ago

You comment reminds me of the silly things primary school children would write on their school desks or in there books.
Grow up, but if you are only 7 or 8yrs or have the mental age of a child, i apologise

1462d ago Replies(2)
Tedakin1462d ago

The XSX is more powerful than the PS5..... so get ready for your 30fps.

kayoss1462d ago

XSX more powerful than PS5., get ready xbox fanboys to not play any games that utilizes that power. Just like the xbox One X. All them power but nothing to show for.

Minute Man 7211462d ago

@ kayoss

Nothing to show for???

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Modern Games Are Getting Too Long

While there’s a lot to love about modern video games, there is one trend — particularly in the AAA space — that tends to grate: their length.

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GoodGuy0947d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Games are coming out with too much fluff and side activities that are horribly dull. That's my main issue with all these open world games. Open world should be about exploration, discovery and wonder, not have some stupid 10s or 100s of boring activities spread throughout.

IAMRealHooman46d ago

100% agree
All these ubisoft titles, Farcry, AC, Ghost recon, boast huge maps, but with the same, 3 missions or the same base to clear 100s of times. Hour 1 of any of those titles is the same as hour 100, there big for the sake of being big, with the illusion of player freedom, where we really want depth and player expression.

Ninver45d ago

Give me a solid 15-20 hour engaging single player driven IP any day. Life's too short you dig.

isarai46d ago

I stopped buying overfluffed games like a decade ago. Cant stand games with the Ubisoft mindset of just filling maps with uselss collectibles and fodder. Make it mean something. Ill gladly take 1/4 size of the map and 1/10th the "content" if it all meant more, were more unique and greater affect on your progression.

Abnor_Mal46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Well people complained like the world was ending when a few games were six to ten hours of gameplay. Developers listened and started making longer games full of repetitive gameplay, time wasting fetch quest and other forms of bloat. In doing so they were able to justify the high cost of a game being sold to the customers at seventy dollars or more.

H946d ago

Filler, it's like a 80 episodes show where only the first and last episodes actually matter

Inverno46d ago

It's been a problem with pretty much every modern AAA game all through last gen and this gen. God forbid you point it out tho because all these big games are masterpieces and people lose their minds if you criticize them. Death Stranding is a fetch quest fest, but people will die defending it cause it's a "masterpiece".

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The Best Open World Games on PS5

Like a huge game world to truly get absorbed into? GameSpew has rounded up the best open world games on PS5.

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Don't let the Assassin's Creed Free Weekend Sneak up on You

This weekend from August 10-14, players can play for free Assassin’s Creed II, Brotherhood, Revelations, Black Flag and Valhalla on Xbox, PlayStation and PC (availability dependent on platform).

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dumahim278d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos278d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill277d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast277d ago (Edited 277d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.