
Xbox Series X gameplay special set for May 7

Xbox: "You want to see games for the Xbox Series X? We want to show you games for the Xbox Series X.

Check out First Look next-gen gameplay from our global developers partners within #InsideXbox on Thursday, May 7 at 8am PT."

CharlesTGG1497d ago

Xbox’s marketing is hitting all the right notes at the moment, night and day difference from their last new gen console launch,

Vegamyster1497d ago

Definitely, sucks the xone didn’t turn into the next water cooler though lol.

ilikestuff1497d ago

Joel wakes up and it was all a dream.

FanboyPolice1496d ago (Edited 1496d ago )

Stop dude what the fuck. Why you do this things. Why are you inclined to do things like this how this fucking help you. Do you laugh by yourself in your room? Or no? Or you just do it because you have NOTHING ELSE TO DO. Honestly what is wrong with you

NewMonday1496d ago

Sony keep forcing MS to show their hand early. Impossible for XboxSX to build any momentum at this rate.

Chris121496d ago

@NewMonday - Sorry buddy, as much as you don't want to believe it, Xbox are running their own campaign and so far t's hit all the right notes.m Don't worry though, you're precious Playstation will be OK.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1496d ago
crazyCoconuts1497d ago

Their marketing is master class. Doing a great job there

gamer78041497d ago

yup, huge step up from earlier on in the generation.

pwnmaster30001497d ago (Edited 1497d ago )

Sony marketing team needs to take notes.
MS is literally hyping up people that they forgot about how bad they did this gen.. I get more hyped up for it everyday.

Honestly Sony is messing up imo. They are taking to long to give us anything. They about to get humbled up this gen if they keep this up.

MS ldid absolutely nothing this gen For the Xbox one to improve this gen For series X.

TGGJustin1497d ago

Yeah really messing up when all they have to do is put out a logo or controller and they generate more buzz than what the Series X is. Get out of your internet bubble.

pwnmaster30001497d ago

But that’s the thing.
I feel like Sony is over estimating how much control they really have because they did so well this gen.
Wait to long and people will lose interest especially if the service they are providing is the same as MS or maybe just a little bit better.

CharlesTGG1497d ago

I think that buzz speaks more of how starved ps fans are of any info more than anything else, Sony's coyness is a worrying sign

mark_parch1497d ago

But that's the whole point, we are so desperate for ps5 news that everyone creams their pants when they show a logo. All the buzz the last few months has been around xbox. Its been a nice steady drip of info. Literally all we have had from sony is a presentation so boring its impossible to watch it all a logo and a picture of a controller. When sony finally have an event they best blow it out the water.

rainslacker1496d ago

If they improved on their failures this gen, then there's nothing wrong with hyping things up. I'd encourage a bit of skepticism myself, but I wouldnt expect MS to not hype things up, and I havent exactly been that kind to them this gen.

throne1496d ago

you cant expect sony to get humbled on pure hype...when they've delivered all thru this gen. hype can only get you so far, it's the product that counts, you dont see Nintendo hyping their games but when they drop them, the games speak for themselves. same here

1496d ago
itsmebryan1496d ago

To all the people that say Sony is just waiting to show something at the end to blow XSX out the water... What are you thinking they are going to show?

With lack of information rumors start. Remember the rumors that PS5 would be 13.3 tflops after MS confirmed 12 tflops in the XSX? PS was sure PS5 would be more powerful. Then, Sony confirmed only 10.28 tflops and that is variable. Meaning that is the Maxed out peak. Plus it to throttle down the CPU or GPU depending on demand and temp. So, it may only reach that number for a short period of time.
PS5 are now hyped about storage? Faster load screen and transition. But, that is more important than XSX's higher CPU clock speed, a GPU that has 16 more CU that runs at a lower clock speed and can do almost 2 tflops more than the variable PS5 Max. What's exciting about that?

MS is showing all it cards and so far and all of them have been better? What are your hopes that PS5 can do to recover?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1496d ago
BillyG0AT1497d ago

I think Phil Spencer is the driving force behind that. He's had a tough job after the state Don Mattrick left Xbox in.

sinspirit1497d ago

Get over Donn Mattrick. That was 7 years ago.

Atom6661497d ago

I said it before too. Whoever they have in there now is doing a great job. Clear, direct, confident, and focused on games.

Compare that to 2013 - confusing, vague, arrogant, and focused on cable and movie studios.

MagUk1497d ago

What’s the betting Sony drops some info just before

AngelicIceDiamond1496d ago

Possible. So far the rumor says June, 4. But I don't put much faith in rumors especially as of late.

1496d ago
itsmebryan1496d ago

What can Sony drop to turn this around?

Silly gameAr1497d ago

MS had better hit all the right notes, pay all the right media outlets, get their people on all the gaming sites, and get the word out about their next gen asap.

They definitely know how to flood sites, and make their fans borderline delusional. Have to give them props for that.

1497d ago
Chris121496d ago

Delusional? Get over yourself.

Bigman4k1496d ago

Yup just gotta make sure they dont mess things up like before

Italiano12345671496d ago

They have had marketing deals with AC all last gen

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1496d ago
Doge1497d ago

Apparently it's just a 3rd party showcase, and 1st party stuff will be shown over the summer according to Greenberg.

darthv721497d ago

You make that sound like a bad thing. New stuff to see is still new stuff.

Doge1497d ago

Uhh not really? It's for people to be aware and not have their expectations too high for 1st party titles if all they do is read the title.

russo1211497d ago

As it is not 1st party the expectations are lower, I suppose they won't demonstrate system seller games because it will come to all consoles?

oasdada1497d ago

I bet we'll see assasins creed valhala and something from EA as well

spicelicka1497d ago

Yeah that makes sense, if they are doing an E3 showcase they'll save first party for June. I cannot wait to see Halo Infinite.

crazyCoconuts1497d ago

Some of the differences between Very High and Epic settings would be difficult to spot in a YouTube stream without zooming in or something like DF does. I wonder how they differentiate a title running on XSX from X1X without doing something similar. Maybe showing frame rate?

nismo3701497d ago

We're talking about XSX, NOT X1X

mark_parch1497d ago

if any of the games have raytracing that should be noticable

Killer73nova1497d ago

I believe so but that’s good because if games look great on 3rd party then 1st party should look flippin fantastic

mark_parch1497d ago

we might get to see elder ring and rocksteadys new game and maybe even the harry potter rpg

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1497d ago
isarai1497d ago

Lets see what these thing can do!

darthv721497d ago (Edited 1497d ago )

Its prob all CGI trailers like that 'Vikings: the video game' one.

edit: I hope you guys are right and its mostly actual gameplay.

Fishy Fingers1497d ago (Edited 1497d ago )

They confirmed gameplay "next Week" so I wouldnt be surprised if this is where we see the first AC next gen gameplay.

ReadyPlayer221497d ago

Nahh, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla seems to be showing gameplay at this event.

CharlesTGG1497d ago

They already confirmed gameplay at this Xbox show

isarai1497d ago

I REALLY hope it's not a bunch of CGI or "in-engine" BS. Im gonna flip a damn table if it is lol

mark_parch1497d ago

they have confirmed it will be a gameplay trailer at the event

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1497d ago
Az1ner1496d ago

Ubisoft confirmed it's gameplay.

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