
GamersInfo Review - Pipe Mania

GI.net: "Pipe Mania is a remake of Empire Imperative's title Pipe Dream, published in 1989 - with more game modes, more themes and a story to go through. The goal is simple. Lay a network of pipes to direct the flow of sewage ... er ... flooze, an amalgamation of fluid and ooze, from the source to the drain. Master plumber Alfonso Senior, is retired now and living like a fat cat on his private island, the Isle of Ducts. Life should be hunky-dory, but no ... cowboy plumbers are on the loose, and the baddest of them all, Buffalo Bonzo is wreaking havoc on the island's plumbing. It is up to Alfonso's children Junior and Fawcett to end these shenanigans and put the plumbing back in order. Thus, your journey begins.

The most elegant puzzles are the simplest. Pipe Mania is simple to learn. Mastering it - ah, therein lies the difficulty. Essentially, I've provided the gist of the game. Lay down lengths of pipes to direct the flow and do it quickly, before it leaks all over the place. Game controls are simple. You have a pattern of squares with obstacles in them where you can't lay pipes, some bonus pipe pieces, a directional source and a drain. Pipe pieces are dispensed one at a time, with a queue of five that are visible. The joystick or directional key moves the pipe pieces, and any of the symbol buttons lays the pipe piece down.

A piece that is already laid but has no flooze in it yet can be smashed by laying another piece on top - for a penalty, of course - and the right button speeds up the flooze for extra points if you've got your pipeline complete. Bonus points also can be gained for length of pipeline and how convoluted it is, with loop bonuses - pipe pieces that are cross pieces, bridges, etc. help with this."

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Zoo Games Open UK Office

Zoo Games, Inc. today announced the opening of a European office in Bushey, Hertfordshire, England. This division will be called 'Zoo Entertainment Europe Limited'. The parent company Zoo Games, Inc. has undergone a rapid period of growth in North America and this new office will enable them to become a major player in the European casual gaming market.

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Worthplaying Review - Pipe Mania

In Pipe Mania you must lay down a pre-ordained set of pipes on a tiled grid in order to keep the constantly flowing Flooze moving for as long as possible without it spilling out. The game requires quick thinking, hand-eye co-ordination, forward thinking and keen spatial awareness.

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WorthPlaying Review - 'Pipe Mania'

In Pipe Mania you must lay down a pre-ordained set of pipes on a tiled grid in order to keep the constantly flowing Flooze moving for as long as possible without it spilling out. The game requires quick thinking, hand-eye co-ordination, forward thinking and keen spatial awareness.

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