
DOOM Eternal: The Review - A New Genre is Born | ChartX Games

DOOM Eternal: The Review - Battling a horde of demons will take brains and brawn as you fight for survival in a truly cerebral shooter, as the Survival Action genre is born.

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NewMonday1542d ago

"New Genre is Born" "Survival Action genre is born"

did this guy start playing FPS games last week?

Xb1ps41542d ago (Edited 1542d ago )

This game is great. I am a single player happy gamer and this game just keeps going! I’m loving it right now.. if I had to put up a complaint it would be that the game is so beautiful it’s a shame that the fast paced nature of it gets in the way of its artistic masterpiece.

I don’t want the game to slowdown, it would be interesting to see the game show off its art with out taking its soul out of the game and that is the speed of the game...

Ps....I might be in the few to not want to read it’s story! Give me a full fleshed out story, ok that might be a second complaint...

TrueMetal1542d ago

You can always check out the level when you are near the end of the level and fast travel unlocks. At that point all or most of the enemies should be dead and you can take in all the sights of hell. Amazing game.

Xb1ps41542d ago (Edited 1542d ago )

This is very true and it’s a plan I have in place.. i want to 100%the game shy of the online play only cause I’m not much of an online player..

Only reason why that would be my complaint though is that first time experience, let’s not waste that beautiful art with hopes that I will play the game again, but yes I will play the game again and I’m sure that doesn’t make much sense lol


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Everyone should be ready to shoot their way through humans and demons by reading about the best FPS games on the PS4.

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6 Games That Make You Feel Overpowered As Hell

While some video games overwhelm you with sheer scale, titles like Asura's Wrath and Doom Eternal make you the boss player right upfront.

solideagle26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?


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XiNatsuDragnel94d ago

Doom absolution and 4 would've been nice

DefenderOfDoom293d ago

Midway did an excellent job porting DOOM 1 and 2 , just called DOOM, for Playstation in 1995 .

banger8893d ago

This is my favourite version of Doom. It also had the best soundtrack imo. Very ambient and creepy as f***. I never liked the rock music in the PC version, then again I grew up on the PS1 version so maybe I'm biased towards it.

DefenderOfDoom293d ago

Aubrey Hodges did a awesome job with the music for Playstation DOOM. I really liked the reverb type sound effects when you picked up health and armor in PS DOOM . Did not play PC DOOM until 2006 when it came with the collectors edition of DOOM 3 . I had a lot jump scares from Demons when I played PS DOOM back in 90S and was in my late 20s back then. And remember having nightmares of me being in DOOM , I remember in my nightmares Demons were chasing me and was climbing up ladders running scared from DOOMs Demons. Crazy scary but very fun times!!!