
Fly the Unfriendly Skies With Panzer Dragoon VR

Panzer Dragoon will soon receive a VR game that lets players relive levels from Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, and Panzer Dragoon Saga.

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ApocalypseShadow1565d ago

Any game released now with the letters V and R that has no "VR," is a no buy. Come on Sega. What's the matter with you? Games like this, virtual racing, virtual cop, house of the dead, etc should be in VR already.

AK911564d ago

My god HOTD in VR would be brilliant.

Godmars2901565d ago

Why can't we get a dragon flight sim?

CrimsonWing691565d ago (Edited 1565d ago )

As a fan of Panzer Dragoon and VR, this is pretty awesome!

Edit: Ok... so it’s not Virtual Reality, it stands for Voyage Record. Still interested, but a lil’ bummed that it won’t be Virtual Reality. This kind of game would lend itself perfectly to VR.

AK911564d ago

Yes please I would love to play these games in VR.