
Looking back to 2015 and the scary, tense and intriguing Resident Evil Revelations 2

Daniel writes: "Resident Evil Revelations 2 was a fascinating experiment with the episodic structure of games that was popular at the time. This worked to its advantage and tantalising ‘next time’ snippets sparked a community of players to carefully dissect and digest each episode’s contents for a hint at where the journey was taking them."

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CrimsonWing691613d ago

Man, I'm a crazy RE fanboy and I hated everything about this game.

Rebel_Scum1612d ago

What was the setting for this game? The first revelations game was just on a ship right?

I find the better RE games are the one in just one setting with a bit of mystery.

CrimsonWing691612d ago

Some abandoned island. There was an andandobed prison, abandoned village, and abandoned facility.

It was nothing memorable. Also of note, Barry’s daughter has to be the most annoying character ever in an RE game.

AK911613d ago

I really liked where this and the first game went story wise kinda sad they dropped this storyline especially since Rev 2 ended in a giant cliffhanger.


It's Time For Resident Evil's Most Unique Mode to Make a Comeback

With series staple Mercenaries Mode returning to the Resident Evil 4 Remake, it’s time to remind fans of another mostly forgotten mode from the RE series. Reaching the second chapter in the 2012 3DS game Resident Evil: Revelations unlocked something called Raid Mode for players to enjoy. Unlike Mercenaries, Raid Mode is not a time-attack mode and instead operates as a more RPG-lite version of the main game. While players are expected to try and hammer down on a handful of levels in Mercenaries, Raid Mode gives players a much more expansive game type to play around with.

This mode was included in ports released on the seventh and eighth generations of consoles and was part of Resident Evil: Revelations 2, which was released in 2015. However, the Revelations duology is the only time that Raid Mode has existed in the massive Resident Evil franchise, and that should change in some future release.

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ZeekQuattro471d ago

I'd like to raid mode make a return in the future. When Capcom was hacked there was a as of yet announced RE game in there that I was hoping might turn into Revelations 3. There were also reports that whatever that RE game was scrapped and cancelled.


Titles With the Biggest File Sizes on Nintendo Switch

The Switch has been out for a few years now with a large library. Check out the games with the biggest file sizes as of January 2021.

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Ranking 5 Best Resident Evil Spin-offs

Edgar writes: "And so I determined to do just that -- I shortlisted 5 best Resident Evil spin-offs and ranked them from the worst to the best."

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SuicidalTendencies1516d ago

WTF? Code Veronica isn't a spinoff.

AK911515d ago

Games Journalism in 2020 ladies and gentleman.

AK911515d ago

*sees thumbnail*
you had one job.