
FromSoftware is the most important studio of the last decade

There is a reason why you can compare literally any TPP game to Dark Souls.

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Spurg1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

Without a doubt.
Dark souls was the game of the last generation...the rest of the from soft games that came afterward did not achieve the same the of story and design. Sekiro came close but the story was not as well interwoven and complex as Dark souls

Spurg1621d ago

Care to explain why...better story? Better level design? Better content?

SyntheticForm1621d ago


People like the bizarre, darker, lovecraftian world of Bloodborne - it's interesting and it oozes atmosphere. I really enjoyed it as well, and more than any of the DS games.

Bloodborne is just a special game.

ravinash1621d ago

Demon Souls still hold that special place in my heart.

Spurg1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

"Better story yes"
Not even close. The lore and depth of Dark Souls is unmatched. Dark souls does so much with its story and side quest that it leaves a lasting impression and is the reason why there are 3 games in the series. A small quest from Dark souls has a better story than Bloodborne. Bloodborne starts off intriguing but disappoints in the latter half which is old Yarnham and the nightmare, two of the shortest and most boring sections of the game.
Bloodborne doesn't even have half the lore content that dark souls has to tell a compelling story with a satisfying conclusion.

"the level design is around the same quality"

They are not even close to the same in quality. The intricate and innovative level design from Dark souls has not been emulated in the other games, only attempted but not successful.

"better content"
-Pathetic magic
-Less weapons and items which means less lore
-lesser RPG elements
-Less and inferior Bosses
-No boss weapons or armor which also means less lore
-0 giant boss
-Sidequests are not satisfying

"better atmosphere"
Tombs of the giant, ash lake, Sins fortress are each uniquely different in tone but provide jaw-dropping visual and atmosphere.

Bloodborne has does what it does well but the variety in Dark souls trumps Bloodborne. There are moments on Dark souls that are like bloodborne but there aren't any moments in bloodborne that are like Dark souls.


I 100% disagree. I think Souls is better than Bloodborne.

Spurg1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )


"I’m pretty sure your just being Bias, because it’s a PS4 exclusive lol."
Nah, it's the other way round. Dark souls is universally adored by fromsoft fans. It only Ps4 fans that take Bloodborne to be the holy gospel by Fromsoft.

"I also agree. I love bloodbornes combat also and the level design."

With no context to back this up.

"Facing against another Hunter like lady Maria is just pure art."
Please.....Ornstein and smough was the epitome of the artform and Artorians was the icing on the cake. And facing other NPC was made by prominent by Demon souls and given depth in Dark souls.

"The last boss in bloodborne is easily in my top 5 favorite boss fight of all time.
Bad ass and beautiful at the same time."

Nothing will ever beat fighting Sif after returning from the ending of the DLC.

"Dark souls was dope and all and I did play all of them but man Bloodbornes smooth combat and just the overall look of the game sucked me in."

The combat is the same - some improved animation only.

"I will say Darksouls 3 online is a lot better.
I hope Bloodborne’s online gets better."

This bring me to another point I miss...Bloodborne's online was none existant. Played the game 3 times in a row and only got invaded once. The whole idea just did not fit in Bloodborne and was riding on the wave set by Dark souls.

Dragonscale1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

@Felix, agreed. Tbh the disagree-ers probably never even played BB.

The Wood1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

Spurg. Have you played bloodborne or demons souls? I think demons souls opened the path for those types of games on modern consoles. Took me back to the days of super ghouls and ghosts for difficulty. . Vexation

meganick1621d ago

Spurg said Dark Souls is the game of last gen. Bloodborne is current gen. Regardless, Dark Souls is the better game. But Bloodborne is also great.

xTonyMontana1621d ago

@Spurg for me, it just felt more imaginative. The art direction was top class.

Fluttershy771621d ago

Nah, you are just saying that because it is a exclusive. Dark Souls is the one that influenced the most

goldwyncq1620d ago

Bloodborne pre-DLC < Dark Souls

Bloodborne post-DLC > Dark Souls

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1620d ago
Felix_Argyle_Catbro1621d ago

Better story yes, the level design is around the same quality, better content, yes, better atmosphere

_Decadent_Descent1621d ago

I wholeheartedly disagree. The story is about the same for either but the level/world design is better in Dark Souls and being that your build variety is much greater and deeper in DS, it's also the one with better content. That said, they're both masterpieces.

1621d ago Replies(4)
TheOptimist1621d ago

As a person who played Dark Souls wayyyy after Bloodborne, I have to say, I was literally awed at Dark Souls. Dark Souls is definitely the better game. Bloodborne is great in iyts own right.

goldwyncq1620d ago (Edited 1620d ago )

Dark Souls' level design is still the best in the series, though Bloodborne and Sekiro beat it in combat.

Vanfernal1621d ago ShowReplies(2)
1621d ago
PurpHerbison1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

DeS/DS1/BB are the shining stars. DS1 is probably a safe pick since way more people played it and it rocks but Bloodborne is absolutely no slouch and my personal pick for game of the DECADE. The story/lore is the best, hands down.

Do yourself a favor and check out the Bloodborne subreddit with the lore filter on. Dark Souls 1 cannot match the depth. Both great games though.

Spurg1621d ago

If you knew what you were talking about you'll know that Dark Souls has Bloodborne trumped in the story department. Dark souls has more depth than Bloodborne and that is a straight-up fact.

PurpHerbison1617d ago

Not really something I like to admit but I have spent thousands of hours in both Dark Souls 1(360,PS3,PC,PS4) and Bloodborne over the years. I know what I'm talking about.

SolidGamerX1621d ago ShowReplies(1)
LMosche1621d ago

Bloodborne is superior thanks to Sony's budget. Bandai Namco destroyed the potential of Dark Souls, on top of being limited by being multiplatform. Elder Ring has potential IF it's next gen, which I doubt knowing Japanese coders. So there's nothing worth looking at until Demon Souls Remake or Bloodborne 2.

Spurg1621d ago

"Bloodborne is superior thanks to Sony's budget."

Sony's budget...WOW.....so enlightening

SolidGamerX1620d ago Show
Edito1620d ago

What are you talking about?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
ShinRon1621d ago

if not number one then top 5 at least... there are alot of great devs tho

Fluttershy771621d ago

It's also the studio that grew the most

1620d ago
carcarias1620d ago

Stop being so reasonable, factual and fair. How are people going to get angry at each other without hyperbolic article titles such as this one? :)

Unfortunately, although gaming sites like to act superior and look down on fano-boys, they do everything they can to make provocative articles to set people on each other to get clicks and comments.

on_line_forever1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

For me FromSoftware is the great studio of the last decade , Iam very excited right now for Elden Ring and the new Dark souls 4 , demon souls 2 , bloodborne 2 in the future and i wish square enix cooperat with them to make vagrant story remake

CaptainOmega1621d ago

Besides DarkSouls 2 FromSoft has been ontop of it.

LoveSpuds1621d ago

That narrative gets old for me, Dark Souls 2 may be the weakest Souls game, but its still a fantastic game in its own right and better than many of the games that came out in 2014.

carcarias1620d ago (Edited 1620d ago )

Yeah, I don't know why people keep banging on about DS2. They neglect the more well-rounded perspective that, like you said, it's a fantastic game in its own right, even if most people preferred the other two more. FromSoft didn't make a mess of it or anything even close.

It's like saying the guy in 3rd place at the World's Strongest Man is the 'weakest' on the winners podium. So? They're still mightily impressive and achieved a great deal to be admired.

william_cade1620d ago

Dark Souls 2 is a place holder and a janky mess. I wouldn't say it's fantastic by any stretch.

frostypants1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

Dark Souls 2 was fine. I don't really understand the hate it gets...I think people just rank it lower because Miyazaki wasn't very involved, but I actually liked it better than Dark Souls 3. DS3 was especially disappointing to me after playing Bloodborne...it seemed like Miyazaki's heart was more in it for Bloodborne. Parts of DS3 felt very uninspired and boring, like a rushed re-hash of DS1, and even visually it got left in the dust by Bloodborne, despite being newer.

CaptainOmega1621d ago

The connection of the world made illogical sense. (Going from a giant windmill (Upwards) to a lava castle. There being more enemies on screen as to have artificial difficulty. Enemies disappearing if you kill them enough. Enemies followed you across the map meaning you can’t just run past them if you want to skip them, you also have to worry about them following you forever. Unoriginal boss fights.. Combat that feels really stiff.. It’s the weakest ’Souls-like’ game from the company and it’s not just because 1 person wasn’t involved.

1621d ago
1621d ago
goldwyncq1620d ago (Edited 1620d ago )

Dark Souls 2 (the updated version at least) was damn amazing and criminally underrated. The DLCs in particular are some of the best levels FromSoftware has put out.

roadkillers1621d ago

What a stupid article that accomplishes nothing. The Souls franchise is amazing and I hear their new game is just as great. I’m happy for them and enjoy the success they have had by playing their new games.

N4G has so many “argue against this” type articles. Just give me the damn news, sorry but it is News 4 Gamers. Where the fuck is the news...

Atom6661621d ago

In the top right corner, there is a drop down menu that let's you choose just "News" articles instead of all Stories.

roadkillers1621d ago (Edited 1621d ago )

Thank you. You know Atom666, you are extremely helpful... that’s what I appreciates about you.

carcarias1620d ago

Thanks for the tip. I was just thinking how much I hate these 'let's pit gamers against each other' articles.

This article could be just as much of an interesting conversation starter with the title, 'FromSoft is one of the most important studios last decade.', but oh no, that would be too reasonable.

Fluttershy771621d ago

Yeah now that Atom666 show you how to do it, I think we won't see you anymore in the comments of articles and opinion pieces, right?

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gold_drake8h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently


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VersusDMC3h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...