
Xbox One Update Allows You To Manage Your Collection More Efficiently

A new update that is just arriving for some Insider Program members shows off some new ideas that Microsoft is implementing.

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Bronxs151651d ago

I like Xbox. But it’s crazy they can’t get a functioning, easy to use UI that works and they can stick with.

1651d ago Replies(1)
TK-661651d ago (Edited 1651d ago )

I literally have no idea as to what makes the UI not "functioning" or "easy to use".

No UI is perfect and constant improvements can always be made. Nintendo doesnt even put half as much effort into the UI as MS does and it shows in how basic features that were requested at launch still arent implemented.

Bronxs151650d ago

Well it’s over complicated. Like when mixer was one of the main pages tabs, why. I didn’t ask for that. They focus on what they want. It’s main focus is to promote their services. Not to mention because of all the changes it’s gets buggy. Just yesterday I tried opening the rewards app and it won’t load.

Why don’t they just have tabs at the top when you turn on the system like Games, Apps , friends or something.

I’m not dumb. I know how to use it. But it hat doesn’t mean I can’t acknowledge that things are buried deeper than they need to be. Truth is if give someone who’s never used a video game system like my mother both a Xbox and PS4 and ask them to find a game or launch an app or change a video setting they’ll probably find it easier on PS4 UI because things are more intuitive and less buried.

Atom6661651d ago

It's always been functional and easy enough to figure out, I just think that memory limitations will continue to make their UI a slow and frustrating experience unless they simplify.

I appreciate the ambition, but maybe just wait for next gen on some of this stuff.

Concertoine1651d ago

What’s annoying is just when i have it figured all out, an update comes and changes enough stuff around to piss me off.

mandingo1651d ago

Lol how slow are you. The changes they make are easy to understand after a few days

Kumakai1651d ago (Edited 1651d ago )

The ui is actually pretty good. Very customizable. Not everything is perfect but if someone thinks the Xbox ui is hard to use, they need an iq test.

Iceball20001651d ago

I think the best UI out there is the PS3. But that’s my opinion.

CaptainCook1651d ago

You probably need to see a doctor if you think the Xbox UI is difficult to use.

1651d ago
Stanjara1651d ago

They can, but they won't. They need to implement all that marketing crap so that you always see more a want more to buy.

343_Guilty_Spark1651d ago (Edited 1651d ago )

It's crazy you think it's not easy to use because it very simple.

Profchaos1651d ago (Edited 1651d ago )

They have always struggled with UI the 360 launched with a great UI "blades" but with windows 8 releasing someone decided it was time to revamp all Microsoft products to use the box style so we got a box type interface they have been refining ever since with a few major overhauls itself but ultimately it's a ton of boxes on screen and it's a cluttered mess.

Nowadays when I fire up my X1 I always feel that initial screen is pointless as my first stop is always my games why not start there why hide games when people primarily turn the console on for games.

But my biggest hatred ever since the days of the 360 ms have been using their interface to push ads every single time you power it on compare that to switch or ps4 no ads at all

KillBill1650d ago

I know right.... why can't they just give us a dull unintuitive UI like what PlayStation uses and be done with it. Why do they need to keep trying to make it better for their users? lol

Shuckylad1650d ago

They peaked with the blades on 360

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1650d ago
MagUk1651d ago

Personally I like the updates keeps the console feeling fresh, the current UI seems basic and fast on the X.

Lore1651d ago

The xbox UI is the one major feature I’ve always preferred over PS3 & 4. Intuitive, innovative and has great depth. It’s the only area I feel Sony needs to improve on moving forward.

monkey6021651d ago

I would seriously hate the PS4 to adopt the Xbox UI.
I can't stand the cluttered look from it and sub menu after sub menu just to get to something simple. The whole thing is an eye sore. I would much rather just have a limited amount of icons for friends/settings/games folder

1651d ago
rainslacker1651d ago (Edited 1651d ago )

I find the simplicity of sonys ui more intuitive. All I do is play games and check out trophies though. Ps4 was a bit much before they implemented folders because you could have a lot of stuff to scroll through. Xbox ui is fine for me most of the time though. Again because all I do is play games and check out achievements, both of which are pretty easy on the system.

All that other stuff is just there, but I never use it. If by chance I do, I dont have any problem finding stuff on either system

UnholyLight1651d ago

@ArmyVetGamer hate to burst your bubble but even my long time loyal Sony or Die buddy thinks they need to get with the times and update their ancient UI. I like it in some ways...I LOVE LOVE LOVED the custom theme things like with the BF 1 preorder where it gave you these cool alternate logos for the different menu options and the cover characters cape moving and the unique music....However I think I have always just preferred Microsoft's way of doing things; constant change and revamping. To me I get the feeling that they actually care and want to continuously change or improve things, while taking in feedback from the user base. Sony's method is much more just like; here you go now deal with it and learn how the menu works cus we aren't doing anything to it.

Lore1651d ago


Be wary as you may come off to some as ignorant. Not only has playstation been my primary and preferred console since PS2, but I didn’t get an xboxone until late 2017. It’s my personal opinion as I appreciate the way Microsoft has handled their interface, which is the only thing they’ve handled well since entering the console space in my opinion. Scalebound was the first reason I was ever given to own an xbox.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1651d ago
drpepperdude1650d ago

I like updates but none of them seem to ever do any of the changes needed to make the UI good.

Firebird3601650d ago

My biggest gripe with xbox interface is adds. Theres no reason we shouldn't be able to disable adds on the homescreen.

KillBill1650d ago

The number of PlayStation users that are in here talking on how bad this is for Xbox is simply amazing. lol

And then most all of them acting as if PS UI hasn't been non-stop lambasted for its failed implementation on both PS3 and PS4 by its own user base.


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montebristo1h ago

I almost bought this yesterday lol. Then I remembered I have 1000 games I need to play and I would probably touch this once.


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