
Why I Rent Video Games From Libraries and Why You Should Too

When I want to try out a game before playing but can't find a demo and want to save some money, I visit a library and rent the game. So should you.

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Double_O_Revan1713d ago

While that sounds like a great idea, I don't know any libraries in my area that rent video games.

jjb19811712d ago

I actually have one by my house that rents games but the collection is terrible and has several old Wii shovelware and 360 games.

rainslacker1712d ago

Quite a few in my area do. They don't really have a good selection of games though. Usually old, and the good ones tend to never be available. It's a crap shoot on what you can find, and since I don't frequent the library, it's kind of pointless to go. My own personal buying habits for games also make it kind of pointless, and I don't rent games regardless.

ArnoDorian1712d ago

There are a couple in my area that do video game rentals. Yours could as well.

So i guess Libraries today are for us old gen Blockbuster rental users

Christopher1713d ago (Edited 1713d ago )

I guess for older released games, but in general most libraries don't get games until they've been on the market for 6 months. I think things like GameFly (*gangsta sign to gangsta*) are way better for trying out games in general. Delivered to the door, easily mailed back, games available at or near release.

isarai1713d ago

Damn that sucks, my local library gets most day 1, and you can even reserve them, even obscure titles like code vein, RICO, and hell they even have Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap and just about every PSVR title.

Christopher1713d ago

You obviously live in a nice place. At least as far as libraries go.

CanadianTurtle1713d ago

I live in Mississauga Ontario. Our city's libraries get all major game releases on the week of their release, but there's usually like 60 holds on it. When RDR2 came out, it got around 80 holds on its first day, and I'm like NOPE, I'll just buy the damn game instead of waiting that long

rainslacker1712d ago

When I used GameFly, I was lucky to get games day one. Even if they had them, they were usually wait listed. They had fairly recent releases available most of the time though.

With libraries around me, the good games tend to be out all the time. While I could reserve them, I just feel it ends up being more of a hassle. I don't frequent the library anymore though, and since Kindle books are available through the library through their website, I have even less reason to go in now.

nowitzki20041712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

Yeah I have had gamefly on and off about 5 times over the years and never really had a good experience.

Knightofelemia1713d ago (Edited 1713d ago )

My library might rent the odd shitty movie but I have never seen a video game in any library I have been to it would be too easy for people to just borrow the game and walk away with the game and never return it.

isarai1713d ago

Not really, it's checked out under your library card, so they know who to send the bill to

Knightofelemia1713d ago (Edited 1713d ago )

I doubt a library would even take the chance grabbing a bunch of games so people can borrow them with a library card or not easy way for theft. And then if the game is all scratched to hell most libraries would just chuck the disc out. Then you would also as a librarian have a pissed off parent writing a letter because their kid is playing some blood and gore rated M game that they borrowed from your library. There is to much liability for a library to rent out video games. And from a libraries point of view why buy a game that might just get scratched to shit and stolen when we can buy more computers books and pay someone to read story time to kids.

rainslacker1712d ago (Edited 1712d ago )

Not all libraries rent games. Some have varying degrees fo what kind of games they rent. Even within a singular library system, like our state has it set up by counties, different libraries may have different things available.

Apparently it's not that much of an issue. My podunk country town library, which is actually pretty decent with movies and books, does have Switch games, and even Switch gaming events every month. They got a limited amount of money, and decided on the Switch, although I don't know why. Games were donated apparently, and they can be checked out, or played in the library. I think they only allow one week at a time, and if you don't return them, you can't check out anything else, which limits theft. The library itself did away with late fees because they felt it made more sense to get people to return stuff, rather than discourage them from returning it to avoid the late fees. Not sure if that applies to games though.

I think the library close to my work...the largest in the city....doesn't have M rated games at all.

MadLad1713d ago

Thing is, most libraries don't do this.

SyntheticForm1713d ago

They sure as hell don't have video games where I live. Sorta antithetical to a library if you ask me, but I'm not condemning the idea.

CanadianTurtle1713d ago

The Mississauga library has all the major releases, even games like GTA5, Red Dead 2, God of War, etc. It is a desperate attempt to encourage people to use the library system and it worked.

Fist4achin1713d ago

Also because there aren't too many places to rent physical media anymore.

Tross1712d ago

I have actually seen a few local game/movie stores around that do this. They're locally owned and operated though, and are certainly the rare exception. It's also not something I've done in a very long time as there are other options for gaming on a budget in this day and age.

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Nintendo Accused of 'Bullying' in Weak Patent Dispute Over Palworld

The article discusses a claim by an intellectual property (IP) expert that Nintendo likely does not hold patents strong enough to prevent the game developer Pocketpair from creating Palworld, a game that some believe resembles Pokémon. The expert suggests that Nintendo's legal challenges against Palworld could amount to nothing more than corporate bullying, as the patents Nintendo might be relying on are not robust enough to stand up to legal scrutiny. The situation could be seen as an example of a large corporation trying to exert undue influence over a smaller competitor.

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-Foxtrot1d 6h ago

Crazy how far they are willing to go over nothing rather than tell Game Freak to get their shit together and sort the quality of the mainline games out.

Personally I'd drop the two game bullshit, make a full on complete game, and take their time making the best game they can without relying on a silly battle gimmick they'll ditch after one game. Gimmicks out of battle is what they should be focusing on, beauty contests, berry making, secret bases, the underground, Seasons, events during day / night and post game content like travelling to a new location or something.

porkChop1d ago

That's the thing, this is why we're now seeing more serious competitors in the genre. Game Freak has just been coasting by, doing the bare minimum in innovation for the last 20+ years. They need to get with the times. Hire more devs, give more dev time to foster creativity, etc. But now that they can't get away with that bare minimum they're trying to sue their competitors out of existence. It's disgusting.

gold_drake19h ago

been saying this since sun and moon.

gamefreak just isnt used to, still isnt used to, the console market. they did well on the handheld space but as a complete 3d developer z they fail miserable

the last two pkmn gens look like gamecube games. not to mention the bugs at launch.

but uve seen the ridiculous anount of copies sold at launch too.

Profchaos3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Realistically though palworld Pokemon with guns featured so many themes and concepts that Nintendont
There's no way they would make a game where you could use realistic weapons or have pals slaving away.

They're not the same genre at all they just feature similar characters

FinalFantasyFanatic27m ago

I pretty much agree, two editions of the same game shouldn't even been a thing at this point. The foundations are solid, but the lack of content and having a lived in world really let the latest games down.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 27m ago
Valkyrye1d 3h ago

posting articles from msn.com now seriously?

MaximusPrime_21h ago

The article is actually Gamesradar's. MSN just used their page like a URL shortened link.

MeteorPanda4h ago

It's straight up bullying with mooney and using the government laws as a tool to do so. They should be fined.

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jznrpg2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Neat little collection. The majority of Ataris games don’t hold up that well but there are some arcade/console games that I still enjoy. I’ll definitely get this and I’m glad I waited as I wouldn’t want to buy digital DLC for the first collection