
Is It Unhealthy To Be A Multi-Format Gamer In 2020?

Grant Taylor asks: Is it healthy to try to game on every platform, or is it time to pick one format and stick with it?

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Gaming1011617d ago

Quite frankly time is the biggest limiting factor for me. I have a backlog of games on just one console to get through, I don't have time to buy every single game on every single console, one is enough.

Profchaos1617d ago

Looking at the average adult wage and hobby cost it's probably the cheapest hobby I have.

rainslacker1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )


I should feel the same way. But I like to play games, and will play a newer game despite my backlog if it's more appealing to me. This is mostly because starting a new game is not always a linear progression for me, and what I may have been excited to play when I brought the game, may not be what I want when it comes time to actually play it.

System isn't important to me, but I prefer console, and PS4 provides my home gaming needs well enough. Switch, and sometimes Vita, serves my portable needs. Vita is now mostly to play a game in my backlog, which is pretty extensive on the system. I play a few select games on PC....either because that's where they're available(SimCity being a big one), and sometimes games I get from codes given to me by developers that I worked with during their production....although I'll usually buy it if it's available on the console instead.

darthv721618d ago

I love gaming too much to limit myself. Playing the field is part of the fun.

RosweeSon1617d ago

Agreed I love great games currently Xbox isn’t offering any I can’t get elsewhere so 2 consoles is more than enough for me. I had an S for 4 months did all the exclusives I wanted and they haven’t launched any more worthwhile since so missed nothing except maybe gears5 can’t see it being that life changing tho

Double_O_Revan1617d ago

"Playing the field is part of the fun."

For some reason after I read that I just starting hearing some Jersey Shore dude going "What's up Switch? Wanna play? I'll cheat on my Playstation, I don't care"

AspiringProGenji1618d ago

PC is too expensive

Better stick to 2 consoles that do 90% of the same that cost me more than a high end PC including md gen upgrades too

TheOptimist1618d ago

My PC was twice the cost of my PS4, but my PS4 is sitting there unconnected because I tend to do a lot of my gaming on PC. And my PC is around 4 years old at this point. PS4 comes around for the exclusives, so it has pretty much been disconnected after Spiderman and God of War.

AspiringProGenji1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

you’re politics wrong

SegaGamer1618d ago (Edited 1618d ago )

"PC is too expensive"

But then goes on to suggest buying two consoles, which will cost a lot of money brand new. Even more money this gen because of mid gen refreshes.

The parts for building a pc are expensive to begin with, but once you have them, everything about pc gaming becomes cheaper than console gaming. The games alone are much better priced compared to what they are on consoles. The deals from Steam, Humble Bundle, Fanatical, GOG, games with Twitch Prime and free games with Epic just can't be beaten by consoles.

There is also Game Pass on pc, so that is more cheap ways to play games, and even PS Now if game streaming is something people are interested in.

Then you have the bonus of doing so much more than just gaming on pc's.

I'm happy to pay premium for the parts, I get so much more out of a pc than I ever have with a console.

Larrysweet1617d ago

I wish that were true everyone I dont flame these such wars...but I own owned it all ps4 ps4 pro xbox one x and 2070 super pc...what i have left is my ps4 pro pc has lots of advantages this gen anyway...but theres alot of hassel in pc gaming...me I'd load up my pc now I'm kill all background stuff I'm load the game launcher..i gotta load my temp reading tools afterburner..then i click on my game now i gotta get the setting i want for the 60fps or whatever..and this repeats every single game so console is just by far the best to myself even knowing limitations this gen...next gen 4k 60 all ya need pc console wont matter

ninsigma1617d ago

If you gotta check your PC temps every time you turn it on, it might be in the wrong place or wires not letting enough air flow through.

Granted you gotta fiddle with game settings so that each game is running optimally on your rig but that happens once per game. Most games will set recommended setting based on your hardware anyway so you could just leave those 🤷‍♂️

That being said, if you're all round happier playing only on PS4 I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong 😂

SegaGamer1617d ago

"me I'd load up my pc now I'm kill all background stuff I'm load the game launcher"

If you need to kill all background stuff when you load up your pc, then go into task manager and turn off apps that auto start. Also, loading a game launcher takes seconds, that isn't a hassle at all, it's nit picking.

"i gotta load my temp reading tools afterburner"

If you need to mess around with that every time you load up your pc, then there is something wrong with it.

"then i click on my game now i gotta get the setting i want for the 60fps or whatever"

Well, yeah, but I don't see how this is a bad thing. With a console, you can't adjust anything, and most games on them are 60fps. With pc gaming, you have a choice. You can stick with the games default settings, which is 99% of the time what your pc can handle. If you want to push for 60fps, then you can lower certain settings to achieve it. I have seen people use this excuse to criticise pc gaming a lot, and I have never understood it. Having the choice with graphics settings is a massive bonus, not a hassle or inconvenience.

yoshatabi1617d ago

@larry lmao you're nitpicking way too much

sibyl11617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

Larrysweet, that was all BS, you should never need to check your temps, and I almost never close anything. Thing are just off loaded from ram and cached onto the hard drive by Windows and Windows will just prioritize the games active process as a basic function.

You just over dramatize and make PC seem more complicated than it actually is.

Profchaos1617d ago

If you're buying a PC solely for games yes it's expensive but games are only 20% of what I use my gaming rig for I also work on it and use it for furthering my career which is why I'm happy to spend 2000 every 5 to 10 years and just buy a new graphics card every 3 or so I can still play everything and do all I need.

It's a multi purpose tool but if you only need it for gaming I'd agree it might not justify the cost

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1617d ago
PCpower1618d ago

Im glad you understand this. Me as a pc gamer think everyone should be able to play. If you can't afford pc then go console. The issue i have is when sony fanboys get angry when i say sony should release TLOU on pc too. They act like that game is their little precious and think it would hurt sony somehow, when it would double their sales!

froy4021617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

It is and it will, exclusives is a major factor when deciding on a new console, just look at xbox now that you can play everything on PC a lot of people are just going to stick with their PC and not have to go buy the console, where as if xbox hadn't done that and some really good exclusives came out (wishfule thinking) they would be tempted to go out and buy the console.

PCpower1617d ago

Froy402, except the console is not where sony or ms make their profits, its GAMES. Sony owns Naughty dog studios. They would still get profit off that game whether it was on pc or ps4.

AspiringProGenji1618d ago (Edited 1618d ago )

Guess some here didn't get the sarcasm Lol

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1618d ago

You don't have to keep upgrading your PC. Invest 800-1000 bucks now and you're still enjoying it when PS6 comes out. Better graphics, framerates and cheaper games.

CaptainHenry9161617d ago

If you already have a game PC you already know what console you'll be buying

ocelot071617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

PC gaming is to expensive? I's sorry but what? Almost 5 years ago I built at the time a budget gaming PC for around £500. It has a GTX 960, 8GB DDR3 RAM and a i5 6500. It outperformed the base Xbox One and PS4 . Guess what? It is still out performing them today. Sure the initial price of the system was higher at the time (£500 for PC vs £299 for XB1 or PS4 at the time). But the money I saved on buying the PC games cheaper and the money I saved on not buying PS+ or XBL.

Plus if I wanted to upgrade this PC right now I can. As the CPU is still really good for gaming so I don't have to touch it. The CPU is better than what's inside the XB1 X and Pro. So if I was to rip the GPU out and sell it for say £50 and put a extra £250 towards a new GPU (price of a PS4 Pro or a XB1 X these days). I could buy my self a GTX 2060 Super or a RX 5700 XT which destroys the PS4 Pro and XB1 X.

So yer in the long run PC gaming is cheaper. By the way I have a PS4 Pro my self and it's my main gaming system spite me also owning a PC with a GTX 1080ti and a Ryzen 2600 CPU and 16GB 3000mhz RAM.

nirwanda1617d ago

I bought a PS4 at launch over 6 years ago, I have owned psplus since launch and have well over 150 games in my library possibly closer to 200 with all free to play stuff.
Psplus I have got on deals either by cdkeys wallet top up or cdkeys psplus top up roughly around £35 per year
My point is pc gaming for me with a family isn't cheaper
£35 X6 years = £210 + £325 I think it was at launch is £535 plus a small hand full of second hand games you can pick up for pennies cex something you can't do on pc.
To be honest I haven't needed to buy a game for ages I have such a big back log of stuff.

Profchaos1617d ago

The CPU you have is about three generations behind now it's still a good performer but comparing it to the base Xbox and PS is unfair as they were older than the 6500 if they were mobile CPUs form 2013.
Personally.i.just got a 8700k about 12 months ago.

But regardless I think the comparison to PC from console isn't a fair one as Devs can and do spend more time optimising for the console base hardware than PC plus the overhead of the os is more on PC. So in pure specs console always loses but looking at developer optimisation and the playing field changes somewhat.

I had a gaming PC with equivalent base ps4 specs in 2013 and it couldn't play the same games that the ps4 could by 2016 it was struggling on medium for most games

AceRimmer3021617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

You do realize that some people actually make a good living, right? Thus they can afford the latest and greatest.
You do also realize that a PC isn't only for gaming, right? They can do A LOT of other things a console can't do.

MadLad1616d ago

Yeah. I mean, I know not everyone gets to wake up and not necessarily worry about finances. I make good money; nothing insane, but when people go on about dropping 1K + on a powerful gaming rig, acting like it's this roadblock to PC gaming, I guess I should count myself blessed.

bluefox7551617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

I do pc and Playstation. With a little patience and research, $500 can get you everything a console can give and more, exclusives being the exception. If Sony exclusives and jrpgs were all on pc, I likely wouldn't own a Playstation

FreeFallFrenzy1617d ago

This may be a contentious viewpoint, but get a gaming laptop. Tons of awesome options from $800-$1300 these days and you can take your gaming wherever you want to go, and can play every game that comes to PC. Plus, you get all of the other multipurpose features of having Win10. I take the thing everywhere and game everywhere I go. Just keep an HDMI and gaming controller in your bag and you're all set! I also have a PS4 but don't play it much right now because of the laptop.

KwietStorm_BLM1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

PC is cheaper than console in the bigger picture. You don't have to have the most powerful card on the market just because some internet nerds say so. There's many more options available to you first of all, but even if you get a top of the line rig, it might be more expensive upfront, but games cost less, are more frequently on sale and found cheap online, and you don't have to upgrade on anyone else's schedule but your own. There is no "mid gen" upgrades on PC. I get to play every game I want with my PS4 next to my PC, including "Xbox" games. How is PC too expensive, but you justify getting 2 consoles, that apparently cost more than a high end PC, and also do 90% of the same thing?

shauzy1617d ago

once you get past the cost of the systems, pc and console, then its a matter of purchasing games only, thats why i advise buying a high end pc so it can last pretty long, alongside the console

dcbronco1617d ago

You haven't been watching the hardware side of gaming. AMD is releasing some really good apps this year and next year with the move to 7nm+ Zen 3 core and navi on their apps we'll probably see gaming laptops that easily compete with Switch HD for $400-600. And it will still be useful for plenty of non gaming needs.

RevXM1617d ago

A reasonably capable pc is only a few hundred dollars.
More expensive than a console? sure. but a Pc is what you make it. 600bucks or 2 000 bucks.

Also games on PC are pretty much always cheaper than the same title on console and you dont pay to play online unless the game is a pay to play subscription service like WoW.

Im guessing you already have a computer so you have most of the accessories needed but to get going a cheap mechanical keyboard and cheap mouse go a long way. Monitors are one of my biggest gripes with pc gaming though as well ass overpriced graphics cards.

You dont need the most expensive card just to be able to play games at a reasonable framerate 2-300 dollar card absolutely does the job and a HD/4k TV works with a computer too and entry level monitors are like what 100 bucks just to get going and play games.

From zero to entry having a smooth reasonable experience with current games Id wager were looking at computer 590 dollars(assuming none of the parts are on sale)
Keyboard and mouse 50-80 dollars depending on preference of keyboard membrane/mechanical.
Monitor 100-150 dollars.

Thats 740-820 bucks for a somewhat compoimized (8GB ddr4 and 400-500GB sata SSD) but reasonable and smooth pc experience nonetheless, if you have a powersuply and cabinet and perhaps some already decent components that can still handle gaming you can slash off a lot there and buy whatever youd need at a sale for even lower entry price. if you go with a hardrive you get more storage for the same price but youll be waiting a bunch and might experience some more jank from stuff loading in or stuttering where an ssd would alleviate those issues, but a 400-500 GB drive will do the job and have room for say 4-40 AAA games depending on which ones you pick and when they released. 7th gen era games typically had to fit on dvd's so those will roll in mostly between 5-15GB depending on optimizations, compression, how much extra detail devs put in in terms of assets resolutions and quality, multiple languages etc bit size still varies outside of that like Rage which is 25Gb and Wolfenstein new colossus 40 some GB.(Granted new collosuss was a cross gen game, but still)

This theorethical computer will surely be outdated and perhaps not to happy playing all the coming games when the new consoles come around, but a couple years after they drop you should be able to put a fairly inexpensive computer together again that will play most if not all new releases for a few years as long as those consoles are relevant.
But for now its very doable for every current game and you can pick between waiting or uppgrading this theorethical computer later. if you pick a motherboard supports PCie 4 for perhaps 150 bucks more you are all set and will likely only need to change the gpu, the drive to a faster pcie4 nvme one and add a another ram stick, but you dont have to swap everything at the same time.

Now to offsett the price of the computer the game prices are lower and for most games a subscription fee isnt required
Lets for arguments sake say XBLG and PS+ both are 45 bucks a year while Pc is free.
New AAA releases typically isnt a whole lot cheaper on PC and it fluctuates back and forth between retailers/launcher platforms. funnily enough physical copies tend to be cheaper than the digital one on console.
but older releases are very much cheaper and on steam sales AAA games can be ridiculously cheap.

For example on walmart sniper ghost warrior is like 15 bucks. not an awful price, but its on sale on steam for roughly 5 bucks.
Spec ops the line is like 5 bucks too today, not released on the current systems though but a ps3 boxed copy

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1616d ago
TheOptimist1618d ago (Edited 1618d ago )

Not really. For me, it is about the games. This generation has seen a lot of games come to PC because of how niche they were on consoles. I am not a fan of mainstream titles, so it doesn't matter if I get to play the Uncharteds or the God of War games or Gears of Wars or whatever MS publishes these days, but games like Nier: Automata, Nioh, Yakuza etc wouldn't have come to PC in earlier generations and those games I have adored this gen

Yes PS4 has those odd exclusives like Bloodborne, Persona 5 (PLEASE SEGA MAKE THIS HAPPEN ON PC), Resogun, Spiderman (Yes I know tropey open world, but good Spiderman story after a long time) a few others that I would love and hence own a PS4.

But if I were to choose one platform, it would either be PS4 or PC.

As for Switch, I am kind of mixed on it, because portability doesn't appeal to me and the games I really want on the Switch (Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3 and SMTV) haven't released and don't even have a release date.

syphon321618d ago

Hey gamer, Don't worry about it. Do what you can do and have fun.

Godmars2901617d ago

Problem is not everyone who wants or may want to game is a "gamer". Yet many console and even single game makers have the mentality that they deserve "all the monzies". Want recurring fees and see no issue with "a whale" out tens of thousands over MTs.

RazzerRedux1618d ago

"At the moment, I use Xbox for exclusives and multiplayer, PS4 for exclusives and single player, and PC for miscellaneous bits and pieces. Can I narrow it all down to PS4? Xbox One?"

Why not narrow down to PC and PS4? You have the vast majority of games covered with those (outside of Switch). If you already have a gaming PC then Xbox One is largely redundant hardware and you are not limited to just to Microsoft's marketplaces. PC opens up a whole new avenue for gaming.

coolastheycome1617d ago

Why limit to just two platforms? You're still missing out on great games by doing that.

RazzerRedux1617d ago

Why buy a third platform when the vast majority of games are available on the two you own? It is redundant and a waste of money unless there is some other need for it.

LordJamar1617d ago

Pc to expensive I’d rather just get xbox series x Insted of paying over 1000$ for the same performance and I’m get a lil discount by selling my old Xbox one s in for credits towards the series x.

RazzerRedux1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

The initial investment in PC is high, but then you have the ability to upgrade whenever you want and are no longer subject the console generation cycle. I can skip the Series X next year and use that money to upgrade my current PC's GPU to something much better (and then selling my old GPU elsewhere). Or wait another year get the newer PC tech. The fact that PC hardware is progressing every year means even if consoles are able to have more bang for your buck at launch, it is only temporary. So no, PC gaming isn't really that expensive ultimately and the competition of gaming markets in PC make games even cheaper.

Having said all that.....some just prefer consoles and that makes perfect sense.

Santouryuu1617d ago

Pc games are cheaper too

RangerWalk2671617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

Anybody disagreeing with you has to be a Sony Fanboy. Because what you said makes absolutely perfect sense

RangerWalk2671617d ago

PC and Xbox is the same ecosystem. At least when it comes to the games they produce. Just like their marketing slogan goes. Play anywhere. Hell, I play their games on my phone. Microsoft is flexing pretty hard this time around. They even have Sony asking them to use their infrastructure

RazzerRedux1617d ago (Edited 1617d ago )

"PC and Xbox is the same ecosystem. At least when it comes to the games they produce. "

No they are not. The Xbox ecosystem exists within Windows. It is not the "same ecosystem". Windows is an open platform operating system and has multiple gaming ecosystems available including Microsoft's own. Microsoft's ecosystem doesn't extend into Steam, GOG, Epic, Ubisoft, Origin, RockStar, etc. Those are all independent. You have many different games coming from many different devs and publishers, most of which have nothing to do with Microsoft or Xbox at all. The Xbox ecosystem is just another part of a much bigger picture when it comes to gaming on PC.

conanlifts1617d ago

"The initial investment in PC is high, but then you have the ability to upgrade whenever you want and are no longer subject the console generation cycle"

This is true but I think people often overlook game purchases on PC. Games are admittedly often cheaper on PC, but they are digital only. On console I can resell my games which mitigates the cost further. For those that resell games consoles can be an more enticing.
Pros and cons to both in the end though.

RazzerRedux1616d ago

True. Used games are not a thing on PC. Definitely an advantage on console for those who buy physical. But then no online gaming fees for PC. Like you said....pros and cons.

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Anime Games Need A Break From Arena Fighters

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Huey_My_D_Long1d 3h ago

I think Arena Fighters are the worst fighting subgenre to go to. Why havent the west gotten Shonen Jump games in the style of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2? Or Anime fighter like DBZ Fighterz but not just dragon ball? Arena Fighters just arent very good fighter imo. Even the best Arena Fighter series Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm I feel is pretty mediocre as a fighting game

-Foxtrot1d 2h ago

We need more AAA anime games that are single player story driven, like you are experiencing another arc or something within that show. It's either fighting games or games that feel shallow with not much going for them, the kind which are made for the sake of it because the fanbase will eat it up anyway.

I want to see a proper well made game by great studios of Cowboy Bebop, Tenchi Muyo, Sailor Moon, Dirty Pair Flash etc

S2Killinit2h ago

I would like a pokemon smash style anime inspired games.

Flewid63831m ago

The entire fighting game genre needs a break from anime.


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