
Dreams Has Gone Gold

Media Molecule writes -

We’ve got some exciting news to share, CoMmunity... #DreamsPS4 has gone GOLD!

We’re all set for February 14th, 2020! Thank you for all the love and support you’ve shown Dreams and Media Molecule! We’re so excited to continue this adventure with you!

SmielmaN1721d ago

Going to be wild seeing the creativity of the community.

Muzikguy1721d ago (Edited 1721d ago )

I'd love to get this but not sure I will. Maybe for PS5. I need to attack my backlog

UnSelf1721d ago

I know this is unrelated and as a result will usher in a ton of disagrees, but my new novel comes out on Feb. 14th as well. Any readers in here interested in some dope sci-fi material are welcomed to take a gander if they like.

just search Tactile Therapy: Volume One on amazon

Chocoburger1721d ago

I respect the hustle, gave you an upvote.

IRetrouk1721d ago

Looking forward to this one, cant wait to see what some of you come up with

UnholyLight1720d ago

Agreed, I feel like the potential of this game could be limitless. This game has been one I've really been anticipating for a long time now. To see what some of the creative minds out there come up with!

IRetrouk1720d ago

Yeah, it's probably what I'm looking forward to the most to be honest, little big planet blew me away with what people were doing with it, I can only imagine what's to come.

ApocalypseShadow1721d ago

Awesome. Now let me know when the VR portion is implemented so that I can start making stuff and playing other's stuff. Then it's a buy.

SkatterBrain1721d ago (Edited 1721d ago )

true , i had a hard time sculpting stuff, getting lost in the 3d space, i think in VR it will be Easier for me , cause ill be able to see all around my creation, but i have a feeling this part will really shine on the PS5

b163o11721d ago

Bruh, all I did was hold the option button to re-center my imp, and 45 seconds later I'm centering again. The controller has to be the weirdest way to play. I'd say it'll smart to invest in the move controllers, it's just a better way to create...

SkatterBrain1721d ago

i do have the move controllers but when i thought 2 points were connecting i found out they were far off from each other after turning my sculpture around

1721d ago Replies(1)
jjb19811721d ago

That's what I've been waiting for.

0rbital711721d ago (Edited 1721d ago )

not good enough,a project like this should have targetted the new ps5 hardware

sprinterboy1721d ago

It targeted and met ps4 and 5 from the day 1 of development, wtf you going on about muggins

0rbital711721d ago

muggins you are pal, read up about the ps4 limited thermo, then get back to me

hardcorehippiez1721d ago

Orbital is right. It doesnt take long for your thermo to fill then things start slowing down. There is tricks and techniques you can use to not fill it as quick. A ps5 version would give you more room.

1721d ago
sushimama1721d ago

I spy a troll account. Very new. 8 comments. Already one that is inappropriate. Go TROLL somewhere else

1721d ago Replies(1)
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Dreams Creator Regrets Lack Of PC Versions, Next Project Is "More Of A Game Than A Creation Tool"

Media Molecule director said the studio's next title is more a game & less a creation tool. He also regrets not having a PC version of Dreams.

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-Foxtrot139d ago

If there was one PC version that should have existed it’s Dreams

I’m super glad they will be going back to something more traditional gaming wise.

Cacabunga139d ago

I’m sure they’ll find something creative to implement like Tearaway on vita. What a gem 💎 that thing was!!!

Abear21139d ago

My dream was DreamsVR and creating landscapes, characters, and sculptures using that amazing toolbox in vr, that would have been something imo.

ocelot07139d ago

I thought It has vr support?

Amplitude139d ago

It did but it came out as an update LONG after the game was essentially dead

P_Bomb139d ago

Dreams PC was the dream. Woulda given the game a much needed boost. Here’s hoping they follow it up well.

phoenixwing139d ago

If sony had any sense they'd be making a pc version pronto

mkis007139d ago

They probably ran into the same problem they did with the potential of last of us factions....the support needed was just too much to consider expanding to more platforms for a smallish studio.

Abnor_Mal139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

I use to say this when the game was first releasing, many kept saying it would not be possible, something about the toolsets.

I said this was one game that needed to be on as many platforms as possible, including PC and Xbox just like how Minecraft is everywhere.

Goodguy01139d ago

Creation tools just don't work on console very well. It's definitely more suited for PC, and it's very odd Sony decided not to port it over. Good MM is working on an actual game instead.

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Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno183d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


How Dreams Tren update was inspired by a childhood spent playing with trains

Media Molecule Creative Director John Beech talks about making a very personal project in Dreams, available with PlayStation Plus.

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