
Xbox Game Pass Is Microsoft's Biggest Advantage Over PlayStation 5

Escapist: "In the coming console generation between Microsoft's Xbox Series X and Sony's PlayStation 5, Xbox Game Pass could be a major value differentiator."

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Jin_Sakai1667d ago

Gamepass exist now and most are still choosing PS4 over Xbox One.

Neonridr1667d ago

Gamepass didn't exist at the start of the gen though. Moving forward this will play a bigger role I think.

AngelicIceDiamond1667d ago

Depends on how good MS 1st party is in next gen.

Brave_Losers_Unite1667d ago

And yet every month PS4 outsells Xbox by a large margin

ssj271667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

Do gamepass has Horizon's Godofwar's(nothing near) Uncharted's(lara craft is similar but not even near as perfect and now smaller if i am not miataken) Killzone's(noting like killzone
and playstation now has similar to halo's actually from the same original devs) Granturismo's( yes forza) last of us's (nothing even near) demons soul's bloodborne unique exclusive experience that have similar experiences but not really nioh's spiderman's Socom's?

Xbox fanboys think franchises doesn't meter lol most if not all this IP revolution the gaming industry. The only ip i can think it revolution something it was Gears but that was like 2 gens away and no game is using it formula any more because it got bored and outdated. And halo was been done before by many pc games and is also a outdated formula COD is the one that revolutionized shorters genre. Socom did that for tactical competitive online shorter and GG will bring it back to it whole glory starting next gen!!!

So nintendo or plastation fans can care less about gamepass . When games are selling great over 10 million copys most big ips and consoles sale over 100milion who cares lol

bouzebbal1667d ago

Lol sometimes I really wonder if these websites know what they are writing.. Game Pass has so many negative aspects. For once if you have regular game pass you can't play online.. You need ultimate to do so. Second, it's not a streaming service... You need good space to download every game..
PS5 has ps now, which is a far better alternative.. You can steam everything from PS4 or pc or download all PS4 games on PS4. You don't need Ps+ to play now games online..

darthv721667d ago

@bouz... are you sure you don't need + to play the PS4 games with online support in PSNow? I know you dont with PS2 and PS3 because there was no paid online requirement for those originally but with PS4 I believe there is. Meaning only PS4 games offered on PSNow that have online play could (or would) require + to play online.

Unspoken1667d ago

More mad fanboys attempting to discredit the website and author when something positive is said about Xbox. Nothing new here.

gravedigger1667d ago

Gamepass exists for almost a 3 years.....and Xbone sales have never been worse

China will save Xbone, Backward compatibility will save Xbone, Gamepass for 1$ will save Xbone, wait for E3 will save Xbone....Oh wait.

neutralgamer19921667d ago

Until the advantage ms have over Sony are games nothing else will matter. If one year ahead start and launching a broken system to boost sale numbers didn't stop ps3 from outselling the Xbox 360 than gamepass won't be it

BC didn't help
Gamepass didn't help
$99-149 system didn't help

This is gaming and have below average games or sale old same old doesn't help

derek1667d ago

I would be more supportive of the arguments in favor of gamepass if Microsoft was providing hard data to back up their claims.

Kingthrash3601667d ago

Gamespass existed same time as the switch came out...switch surpassed xbox total sales is record time

The Wood1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

1 puff 2 puff 3 puff 4, . . .

. . . . this same movement occurred prior to this gen. . The western media are backing their horse as I'm sure the Asian media are backing theirs.

Have you guys not noticed the ratio of super positive articles for the xbox brand vs Sony's. . . Like honestly you'd think all of these advantages Microsoft has had at their disposal would have prevented them from coming last this gen.

1667d ago
ABizzel11666d ago

I agree with this to an extent.

Gamepass is definitely the best gaming subscription service on console IMO, however, PSNow is slowly catching up, and with a decent overhaul in catalog it could be almost as good come next generation, because I seriously doubt Sony will put their PS5 exclusives on there day 1, but if the majority of PS4 games come and are playable on Now it won't really matter.

The problem is PS4 has over 100 million users, and those 100 million users aren't goin got want to lose their library knowing that they will be playable on the PS5.

S2Killinit1666d ago

But Ps5 will have something very similar in PsNow.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1666d ago
Kumakai1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

gamepass is relatively new and this generation is almost over. xbox services have actually been increasing in users even as hardware sales decline for both ps4 and xbox due to the end of the generation and announcements of gen9. ps4 already had a sizable 2:1 sales lead before gamepass even existed. no way to alter that course at the end of a generation.

xbox will also be launching gen9 with a ton more first party than this gen and they will also have cloud streaming. nothing is set in stone for playstation - especially when you factor in that the Series X console might actually be significantly more powerful than the ps5 if recent rumors/specs are true. thats a lot of sway power for gen 9 imo.

gravedigger1667d ago

Gamepass isn't relatively new. It's on the market for 2 and a half years.

sampsonon1666d ago

do they charge pc players to play online? if no that is a huge amount of money lost.
I still don't see how they will make AAA games at a monthly price and no online fees for pc gamers.
i heard that Gold and PS Plus is in the billions in revenue.

343_Guilty_Spark1667d ago

That's largely because most chose PS4 early in the gen. Why would you get an Xbox if 9/10 friends have a PS4?

ElementX1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

That's true, only recently multi-platform games have included cross platform online. You had to buy a PS4 because your friends did in order to play COD or whatever.

MS has acquired studios this gen and will have a stronger first party line-up next generation. For people who use the "exclusives sell consoles" reasoning, MS will be in a better position. Fun fact, the Switch has a higher attach rate for exclusives than either PS or Xbox. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was bought by 46% of Switch owners, numbers Sony and MS could probably never achieve.

Kingthrash3601667d ago

Then why did the switch outsell xbox one in the same time frame?

343_Guilty_Spark1667d ago

@kingthrash it's cheaper, and it's Nintendo. It's why the 3DS obliterated the PSP

Ceaser98573611667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

Well this gen Xbox hardly won like max 5 months tops. And Game pass didnt help much to push the console sales either. Xbox fans fails to notice that Since Xbox games are also available on PC most dont bother buying the Xbox. If they want powaah they spend more on upgrading their pc. Also Exclusive games are better on the PS4.

Trust me next gen the scenario will be the same. PS5 will again sell more for the same reason.. Bookmark this post, we will talk around Jab Feb 2021.

ElementX1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

@ceaser Xbox games are on PC for the PC audience. Some PC gamers won't buy a console, no matter how good the exclusives are. Why would they give up their higher FPS, precision controls with KB/M, modding, and better graphics?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1666d ago
darthv721667d ago

Gamepass is a great deal and it wouldnt surprise anyone if Sony followed suit and started pushing even more newer games on PSNow than they do. Maybe they wont go day one but I can see them putting games on it after the first month. If it works out then they will add more and shorten the wait time even further.

People give MS crap for the things they come up with but when you start to see how it effects the others (into doing something similar) you then realize they do have some influence in the industry.

gravedigger1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

"are you sure you don't need + to play the PS4 games with online support in PSNow? I know you dont with PS2 and PS3 because there was no paid online requirement for those originally but with PS4 I believe there is. Meaning only PS4 games offered on PSNow that have online play could (or would) require + to play online. "

If you have a PS Now sub and PS4 games which are on PS Now offer and has an online component - PS+ ISN'T NEEDED. You're an Xbone fan, right? Of course you don't have a clue what are you talking about.

" Multiplayer on PlayStation Now"

If you are playing a PS Now game that includes online multiplayer modes, you'll be able to access these just as you would if you owned the game on disc or download. PS Plus is not required for PS Now online multiplayer."


rdgneoz31667d ago

Gamepass is also on PC... Why buy a Xbox SeX if you can play all the stuff on your PC with Gamepass with better graphics and fps? Meanwhile Sony is releasing games that you can only get on their consoles, which is an incentive to buy their systems.

DaDrunkenJester1667d ago

For the millions of people who like Console gaming over PC gaming and who want 4k graphics without dropping $1k+ on a GPU alone...

ThinkThink1667d ago

That's exactly what Microsoft wants. If you have a gaming PC, they would rather you sign up with Gamepass Ultimate instead of buying a console. If you don't have a gaming PC or a 4k TV, you can go for the Series S ( Lockheart). If you have a 4k tv, go with the Series X. Plenty of options if you're an Xbox/PC gamer.

343_Guilty_Spark1667d ago

Because you can't play all of the same titles between PC and Xbox.

Zeref1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

We don't know the impact gamepass will have yet. It's still young

ThinkThink1667d ago

Like with Netflix, It's going to take more than 3 years to find its true stride. I would think Gamepass would be firing on all cylinders by 2021. By then, the fruits of the studio acquisitions will be much more apparent.

DaDrunkenJester1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

I think it will be more of a draw when choosing new consoles (besides those who already know they want one or the other or both). GamePass you get all of MS's launch games which includes the new Halo and I'm sure they will have other launch day deals on it all without having to spend big money day one after already dropping (likely $500) money on the console itself. It will be better for those who maybe also skipped Xbox One that way they have all MS past games they may have wanted to try, but never bought a One etc.

It's certainly an attractive launch day deal. Depending on what PS5 brings at launch, but if its anything like PS4's launch then I'm definitely going Xbox at launch and picking up PS5 a bit later once the hits start landing.

Orionsangel1667d ago (Edited 1667d ago )

If this rumor on backwards compatibility turns out to be true and on top of it Sony lets you keep all of the games tied to your PSN account with PS4 and PS3 then Sony will crush on all fronts.

PS5 will reportedly be backwards compatible with the PS4, PS3, PS2, and PS1:


conanlifts1666d ago

True, but going forward it will have an established library of games and hopefully a raft of new exclusives.

outsider16241666d ago

I mean its nice and all but if i had to choose between Gamepass and GoW2, Spiderman 2, HzD2, Tlou3 or a new ND ip,etc etc.... I'd choose the PS5.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1666d ago
purple1011667d ago ShowReplies(5)
1667d ago
bluefox7551667d ago

Zero interest in gamepass, or any other subscription nonsense. You can keep your GaaS,

MasterCornholio1667d ago

Some people prefer to play multiplayer games on PC to avoid the subscription. That's what I do.

CaptainHenry9161667d ago


That's exactly what I do lol

gangsta_red1667d ago

That's what everybody says to avoid looking like a hypocrite. I doubt that's what most do on here.

It's funny to read how many people don't subscribe to pS+ but then get excited for the free games for that month


MasterCornholio1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )


"It's funny to read how many people don't subscribe to pS+ but then get excited for the free games for that month"

I actually don't have a subscription to either Xbox Live or PS Plus. When u make comments on the monthly game offerings i just state my opinion on whether it's a good month or not.

Like I said before I game on PC to avoid the multiplayer tax on both PlayStation and Xbox. There's nothing wrong with that.


Thunder_G0d_Bane1666d ago

Hahahha got eeeeemm!!

Glad PC is my platform I only play single player exclusives on PS4.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1666d ago
TheHateTheyGive1667d ago

Gamepass is a desperate hail mary to trying to be relevant this gen, also to cover the fact that they dont have exclusives. Personally i love game pass. But i know why it was created.

NeoGamer2321667d ago

Last generation PSN was pathetic to start the generation. PS needed a hail marry to improve their network and they got it by creating PS Plus where they gave away two free games every month with their network subscription that no one was willing to pay for on its own. Companies desperate for customers is a good thing and creates innovation in business models. GamePass and PS Plus are perfect examples of that and would not have existed had it not been for two very important hail marrys by the respective companies.

darthv721667d ago

That is not what + was created for. + was initially a discount subscription service. Like a members only club where members got discounts on games and add-ons while non members paid full price. They added in the free games to sweeten the deal because they weren't getting the numbers like they expected.

PSN as it was did pretty good for itself. Offering online play without the need to pay (and it was obvious Sony couldnt charge for online with the way PSN was bare bones) but this gen they took a que from MS and decided to make their PS+ into their own Gold. Requiring pay to play online and still offering the free games (like Gold). i notice they did away with the discounts aspect. Meaning anyone can now take advantage of the offers regardless of membership (again like Gold).

Sony has basically been following MS lead when it comes to these sort of endeavors.

NeoGamer2321667d ago

PS+ was created to get money to fund their network. It was getting to big and too expensive to run for free and Sony had boldly promised their network would always be free. So, they created PS+ to give some deals to PS gamers on games. It didn't entice enough people to pay so they added monthly free games which sent the service skyrocketing and providing them the necessary funding to substantially improve the network.

In short, it was a hail marry to fund their network because without PS+ the PSN would not be where it is today.

darthv721667d ago

@Neo, you said the same thing I did. But your initial comment made it seem like + started out with free games when it did not. It was for discounts and promos. They didnt add the free games until much later and then when MS saw the numbers increase is when they reacted and gave games away to gold members as well. But yes i agree with the assessment that + (and the free games) was done to spur interest in the PS network and they in turn used those funds to improve things. But this gen they decided to make it a pay to play online like Gold because they felt their network had matured to the point people would be okay with paying. I think it's turned out pretty good for them so far.

IRetrouk1666d ago (Edited 1666d ago )

Few things you got wrong there, first, from your post further up, ps plus is not needed to play ps now games online, never was, second, sony gave out games from day one of the service launching, third, ps plus subscribers still get extra discount, both in ps plus only sales and as an added extra to the other sales, do you actually use a ps4 or any of its services?


I get you have to have a jab at the gamepass hailmary thing, that's fair enough, but use facts, not made up stuff.

darthv721666d ago

I was aware that Now didnt require + for the PS3 and PS2 games that supported online. I wasn't sure if that applied to the PS4 ones seeing as + is required for online play outside of Now. I havent been a + member since 2012.

IRetrouk1666d ago

Fair enough, cant hold that against ya, hate paying for online play personally, understand why we have to though, and the bonus games and stuff are good at times. Swings in roundabouts really.

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