
The Games that Disappointed You Most this Decade

As much as we love talking about the games we enjoy, there’s always that dark spot in our hearts that hold a grudge against those games that disappointed us, whether because they are straight-up bad or didn’t live up to our expectations. In today’s thread, we’re going to unbosom ourselves of this cargo, so we can pass to the new decade with a revigorated energy, leaving behind all this negative energy!

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UltraNova1735d ago

Mine was Darksiders 3...how could the mess this up so badly I have no idea. I went in the 3rd so excited from the 2nd game and was sorely dissapointed.

Other than that, I was quite careful in choosing my games and avoided major dissapointments.

NukeDaHippies1735d ago

Unfortunately, i had a feeling kh 3 was gonna be bad. None of the trailers were able to fool me. I just didn't expect it to be THAT bad. Was Darksiders 3 that bad? I heard a few people say a good thing or 2 about.

UltraNova1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

I went in knowing opinion on the game was divisive but as usual I wanted to see for my self + I've enjoyed the 2nd game. First couple hours felt weird, unfamiliar even but its new mechanics I need to get used to them - I said to my self. Little did I know that 5 hrs in the game felt even worse. It was disjointed and clunky. Platforming was atrociously unbalanced...combat was ok nothing special, the enemies were some of the most stupid I've ever encountered and the locking mechanic in conjunction with the camera.....oh my oh my....a total distaster!
Fury was a tiring snobby bitch, all the time, non stop...I get it, she is a badass but come-on!

I rarely give up on a game (I complete 99% of all the games I play) but this one...man I couldn't get into no matter what. Its a damn shame.

evilkillerk1735d ago

Fury is based off of different mythologies Famine. The character is typically negative and viewed as a lesser of the 4. No shit she's going to be negative, snarky, and trying to prove herself. So I feel like you went into it with the wrong mindset of what to expect. I can agree with your combat of mobs being uninspiring but some of the boss fights were amusing. Now overall the final boss did feel a bit disappointing but the game did better than I was expecting.

evilkillerk1735d ago

I feel like Kingdom Hearts 3 was only disappointing because of the added pressure for the game to finally release. As the game progressed it felt like it was rushed especially the Pirates and Sanfransokyo worlds. They also knew that there was DLC planned and could potentially resolve some plot issues but I can agree that Kingdom Hearts 3 disappointed me a bit.

NukeDaHippies1734d ago (Edited 1734d ago )

Story was beyond saving and the voice acting was legitimately horrendous. Combat was more like a musou game then KH, with all the spammy crap. No final fantasy Character's. The problems are endless.

I won't deny your point thou. At least half of the games problems, is probably the result of rushing and cutting corners. The other half would probably be Tetsuya Nomura and how far up his own ass he is.

Thank god, he seems to be taken off FF7 Remake. last time we saw him on stage with FF7R, he stood there in the corner and said nothing. At least now, It might be good ....i hope.

TheProfessional1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

Wolfenstein 2, Mafia 3, Uncharted 4 and the last guardian.

Mafia 3 was not a real sequel to Mafia 2 at all story wise which was a massive disappointment. Wolfenstein 2 had a terrible story which introduced awful new characters and bad jokes while trying way too hard to be dark at the same time. Uncharted 4 was mostly average dialogue and box puzzles, minimal action with boring gameplay and a weak story about a brother never mentioned in any of the other Uncharted games. Last guardian was an overhyped letdown in every way except the art style and Trico.

pwnmaster30001735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

Uncharted 4?? Your trippin.
I was gonna reply to your comment but reading through your comment history, it seems like you hate all games lol so nm

ShinRon1735d ago

Rage for me easily, i was so hype for the game... it looked good, long dev time, ids pedigree etc.

what a let down, and one of the worst endings of all time.. like Soul Reaver bad

Domestupidname1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

Red Dead 2, no doubt for me. Clunky, glitchy, terrible controls, formulaic beyond words, awful quests, meaningless collectibles... but hey, the horses can crap and the snow is pretty.

evilkillerk1735d ago

it's like he's never played a Rockstar game before XD

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The most forgotten Pokemon of all time, ranked

NE: "Today, we're going over some of the most forgotten Pokemon of all time."

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We Will Never See A Remake Like Final Fantasy 7 Again

Square Enix says Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth fell below expectations, but it's a special game regardless

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TheNamelessOne9h ago

Still just wanted the original game with much improved visuals lol.

-Foxtrot3h ago(Edited 3h ago)


When we wanted a remake, it was just a remake, what they give us was an over ambitious massive budget styled game split into three parts with a new storyline of a multiversal, split timeline narrative to justify changes.

They are good games but we never asked for that.

Just the original with improved graphics, visuals, voice acting and maybe some expanded upon areas. That’s it.

Hopefully a IX, VIII and VI remake will be simpler.

It’s funny because if they just did a straight up remake they could have altered the ending a little to set up more games rather than splitting up the remake into multiple parts to stretch out the story. Having VII-2 and VII-3 would have been a lot better as it would have expanded the story in a better way.

gold_drake35m ago(Edited 35m ago)

me too however, i have played the og more than 20 30 times, im glad we got something fresh

i wish sqaure would have given us an option for atb turn based combat tho.

Einhander19728h ago

I love these two games, and no disrespect for the original which I played on my PS1 and several times since then, I would much rather play the remakes. The game play is just so much fun and the characters just have so much more life and personality plus it has the modern sensibilities that are hard to give up.

It's a shame that they haven't found the success SE wanted, and while people of course want to blame PlayStation I feel like Final Fantasy just doesn't have the effect it used to. Younger people have zero attachment to the series and have zero nostalgia.

And I still think that PlayStation will be the best selling platform by a long shot, FF16 on steam even at $50 isn't selling nearly as well as it did on PS5 where it sold 3.5 million in its first week. Looking at the numbers on Steam if the game has sold 1 million so far I'd be surprised.

jwillj2k44h ago

Thats SE’s fault for not adapting their story telling in a way that resonates with todays times. They attempted with FF16 but too little too late esp with boring game mechanics.

gold_drake31m ago

the issue is exactly what u said, final fantasy doesnt have the oomph it once had.

but why? cause it takes them so long between games.

16 was or could have been a great way forward, but the combat unfortunately, outside of boss battles, wasnt all too goodish

andy858h ago(Edited 7h ago)

It was everything I wanted from it to be honest. And part 3 will expand on that with airship travel. Hope Switch 2 is powerful enough for it, because that's where the sales are in Japan. It deserves success with the love that went into it.

Scissorman7h ago

I think over time, this endeavor will be worth the investment. Part 3 will release, along with the inevitable bundling of all three games on other consoles. I do think it's a mistake to not offer DLC this time around like with Intergrade, that would have been a nice additional revenue stream for SE.

enkiduxiv7h ago

The remake project is so frustrating. For everything they get right, they get something wrong, at least in opinion. I am ultimately glad I stuck with and played both games, but I can totally understand fans who bailed after all the horrible changes they have made to the original story. Still hope we see the combat director for remake give us his own take on the franchise in the future. Also really hope Nomura and Kitase retire after this project is over. They are way past their prime.

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The Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster Proves You Don't Need A PS5 Pro

Why do you need a better PS5 when there aren’t any games that will utilise its power?

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derek10h ago

You technically don't "need" the ps5, ps4 or the ps3, lol. You don't need any videogame console, it isn't a necessity of life. If you want the best playstation console money can by, that would be the ps5 pro.

CS77h ago

While the article is pessimistic and negative, can we agree that typically playstation hardware allowed experiences that no previous generation was able to deliver?

With the PS5 and Pro that's changed and its because its first party are having trouble making exclusives that harnesses the PS5 power. And with so few using the base PS5 to the max, the Pro just seems pointless in a way that no other major Playstation ever has.

Idk, you guys keep defending Sony, first it was covid, then chip shortages, then live service won't hold back single player games. Now here we are with barely any good first party games in sight and the defense continues.

Sony needs to get their head out of their arrogant rear and get back in touch with what gamers want. And it's not live service games and it's not a $700 PS5 pro to see more detailed bleachers in Ratchet and Clank.

And just to rest my case, when you are showing your most powerful system (PS5 Pro) using a last generation game (TLOU2) something is very very wrong.

smashman982h ago

I don't think you quite got it. This isn't the ps3 gen where the cell was difficult to use and there was a period of time where the console just was not being properly utilized. These consoles are on x86 architecture and are performing at or around the level of comparable PC's. Sure there's SSD stuff more 3rd party devs could do but this isn't going to result in a big graphical leap.

_SilverHawk_31m ago(Edited 29m ago)

Drinking water proves you don't need a ps5 pro. Get a brita water filter

5h ago
andy8510h ago

Why does a random remaster do that? There's going to be plenty of games that utilise it over the next 4 years. And plenty already released that will benefit from it. If you don't want one fine, but what's with all the nonsense bashing of it

jambola8h ago

it's like saying "upcoming indie game on steam proves high spec pc's are useless"

Grilla5h ago

Gotta get those clicks. Later they’ll write a “I was wrong..” for more

ClutchManeuvers10h ago

Uhhh. I was going to write something but it's so tedious knowing that everybody will just rip me.

Einhander19729h ago

There are over 8500 games that use dynamic resolution scaling and struggle to hold fps that out of the box will utilize its power.

Games are already lined up for patches and more games that haven't been announced yet will use it.

But of course talking about what it actually does won't get as many clicks.

jambola8h ago

it adds to your opinion
it's doesn't prove anything

and even besides that, one game wouldn't prove that anyway
that's silly

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