
What Super Smash Bros. owes SNK and Terry Bogard

While some Smash fans may have hoped for a more recognizable character, Super Smash Bros. as a whole has borrowed so much from SNK games that Terry is a natural fit. In fact, an SNK character probably should have been included much earlier.

Super Smash Bros. didn’t just emerge, fully formed, as a way for Nintendo to keep contemporary characters in the front of our minds while introducing newer players to classic characters, games, and even music. The series owes a lot to SNK, and The King of Fighters.

Immagaiden1684d ago

Interesting how many elements of Fatal Fury and King of Fighters is in SSB


Masahiro Sakurai Clearly Still Isn't Over Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Cutscenes Getting Leaked

Sakurai's views on cutscenes (and how quickly they'll be shared online) haven't really changed that much in 16 years.

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The 10 Biggest Nintendo Direct Moments of the Switch Generation

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Last week Nintendo held this year's surprisingly packed not-E3 Direct; with a full schedule for this year and a vague promise of a console successor next year, it's very possible that we've now seen our final Nintendo Switch Direct, or at least one with major first party reveals. That makes this a good time to sit back and reflect on a generation of Direct moments, from the shocking and surprising, to the joyous and exhilarating - and, quite often, all at once."

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5 Awesome Video Game Soundtracks You Need To Check Out

Video Game soundtracks are an essential part of the game, setting the tone, warning you of impending danger, or for some of us, useful background music whilst studying or working on projects.

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