
Busting the myth that Japanese games are less political than Western ones

GR: "There's been a popular misconception online that Japanese games developers don't touch on politics while western developers will shoehorn it into titles. That just isn't the case. In fact, they're often more political."

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DaDrunkenJester1723d ago

So cringe. Political statements, product placement with Monster, product placement for Norman Reedus' real life AMC TV show with skins and an actual trailer in game, J.F. Rey Sunglasses, and Acronym.

notachance1723d ago

we get it man, we know by now you utterly hate this game from the bottom of your heart so much you take a big chunk of your time lovingly comment and reply to anything remotely related to this game

take it easy bud

DaDrunkenJester1723d ago

Big chunk? Takes a few seconds to bring up a new article. Also, what am I supposed to do when the entire front page is mostly Death Stranding articles.

CDbiggen1723d ago

The product placement honestly puts me off big time. I didn't like it in MGS either.

1723d ago Replies(1)
1723d ago Replies(6)
1723d ago
bluefox7551723d ago (Edited 1723d ago )

Nothing I've seen about it has been very political at all, more of an observation on human nature and the proclivity for division and the importance of unity and hope. This article is a very low resolution and reductive interpretation of what Kojima said. I guess it's natural for people to prject their own political biases on everything around them though.

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gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.