
Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 fan reaction shows how little bite there is to consumer outrage

GR: "Recent #BoycottBlizard protests saw people on Twitter swearing up and down that they were uninstalling every Activision Blizzard title from their gaming systems. However, the Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 fan reaction was as positive as can be."

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Thunder_G0d_Bane1725d ago

Not all of us give a fuck about China.

Just cause you’re outraged don’t assume that we all should be.

I cannot wait for Diablo 4 the Druid looks fantastic and it’s a definite day one.

Fist4achin1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

Not pissed at China or at least not much because China's going to do what China wants. Pissed more at Blizzard for siding with China and not supporting freedom of speech. At least pay some attention or one day something meaningful could be taken away from you.

abstractel1725d ago

Ignorant people don't give a shit about the freedom in countries around the world, particularly countries like China given their authoritarian leadership and potential threat. Don't feel so naive in your bubble.

esherwood1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

probably because a lot of this country is spoiled and have no idea how good we have it. Look at all the people praising socialism now.

InklingGirl1725d ago

I totally buy that it was a coincidence these two titles were announced right after the controversy, it's like they knew they could get away with what they did. Hmm...

Anyway, like Gillette and other companies they will not be getting another penny from me again.

FinalFantasyFanatic1724d ago

Already threw away the Gillette razors and products away (safety razors actually work better for me), I've never been a big Blizzard fan, so these games are easy to skip for me.

brrdat1725d ago

gamers are weak. most of them depressed, privileged babies that will throw a tantrum over something as small as the main character of their favorite franchise not being the main character anymore. who really expected them to take a serious stand on something like human rights?

meka26111725d ago

I agree but I'd go further to say that people themselves are weak nowadays. Everyone whines about everything little and stupid but something big that has to do with freedom and no one cares, it's typical unfortunately.

1725d ago Replies(1)
1725d ago
tehpees31725d ago

Not weak at all. The people complaining are not the same people reacting positively. Its 2 different groups of people being generalised as the same group by the author of this article.

annoyedgamer1725d ago

Thats most of the world's population.

CorndogBurglar1725d ago (Edited 1725d ago )

Gamers aren't even strong enough to make a stand on something that directly effects them, like microtransactions.

No way in hell they make a stand for something happening on the other side of the planet that has no effect on them.

That's assuming, of course, that people even believe all this controversy in the first place.

The way I see it, buying a Blizzard game does not mean someone is okay with what is going on in China. They are two different things. It doesn't mean you are against freedom, as I've seen so many ignorant people comment on.

I can understand not being okay with Blizzard bowing to China's demands when they say they want someone banned for saying something like "Free Hong Kong". But do we even know for sure that's what happened? And even if it is, wasn't it their Chinese partners that made the decision? Could Blizzard have even done anything about it? These are legitimate questions I have that we'll probably never know the real answer to.

But all I can say, is that supporting Blizzard has nothing to do with what is happening in China. That would be happening regardless of any of this.

rainslacker1724d ago (Edited 1724d ago )

Kind of disingenous to cite an entire community as speaking with one voice, calling them weak, while also citing a sub group of the community who may react strongly to something that happens, while then going on to generalize the community as weak and depressed.

There is no singular voice within the community, which is what this article is talking about...albeit in a shallow and dismissive way. There are those who are standing on a principal they believe in, or at least support those wronged in this situation. That isnt' throwing a tantrum, that's doing something positive. Some of them are now boycotting Blizzard, and keeping the criticisms up. Then you have others who don't care, or forget as soon as some new shiny comes along.

Yet, you call the tantrum throwing ones as somehow weak and depressed? That seems kind of backwards to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first one to say that gamers, whether as a whole, or individually, are a very fickle bunch. And I'll also be the first to say that anything that is controversial now, or illicits strong reactions, will be quickly forgotten in a week or so. But, some things are more vitriolic, and what Blizzard did still has plenty of criticism going with it. This isn't some random person at a company making a stupid comment that can illicit a console war reaction, but a topic that some people feel strongly about.

1724d ago
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KingOfArcadia1725d ago

I thought everyone knew that the rabid, howling online masses only represent at best 5-10% of a company's consumers.

specialguest1725d ago

A large majority of consumers don't follow gaming news, especially the more controversial stuff. They are oblivious to it. That's going to change in the future though. With social media and Youtube being the main source of news and info for today's younger generation, more people will be aware of gaming issues. Whether they take a stand and take action with their wallet remains to be seen

spicelicka1725d ago

And not to mention that gaming is a pastime hobby. As serious as people act online, no one is going to actively withhold themselves from experiencing something that's supposed to be an ESCAPE from every day life, just to make some sociopolitical stance.

Also at the end of the day, there are honest hardworking people that are actually creating these games. Lashing out at corporate shrills by boycotting their hard work doesn't help as much as people think.

rainslacker1724d ago

5-10% is being generous. Also, have you ever been to Blizzards forums and seen their fans? They are probably the most devout and rabid fans around. not all bad, just they will criticize Blizzard faster than we would over what they did over stuff much more trivial than something like human rights in China. They'll still buy the games and content though.

xTonyMontana1725d ago

Well realistically what do you expect? Has there ever been a time where something as popular as Blizzard IPs lose the majority of it's popularity almost over night due to controversy?

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Overwatch 2 6v6 will be discussed for the first time in years

For the first time in years, Overwatch 2 may be considering bringing back the original 6v6 format that it abandoned in 2022. If this were to happen, what changes would need to be made to make it work?

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vTuro2427d ago (Edited 27d ago )

What ultimately killed the game for me is not the cancer-tier monetization or broken promises, it's 5v5. As a former tank player the game got insanely boring to me so I quit. If they bring back 6v6 then I might be willing to cope with all the garbage and give the game another go. If I'd keep playing is another question ofc.

It's kinda funny tho, if they go back to 6v6 then what even will still be left from the original promise? Besides the cancerous monetization change I mean. 2 gamemodes? Lol.


I don't play this shit and don't care about Blizzard (they shouldn't exist), but Paladins is 5v5 and it works fine.

redrum0627d ago

Bringing back 6v6 would be good, it's what I miss the most from OW 1.


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Chocoburger32d ago

This list is missing Fin.K.L's appearance in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2.



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