
Monkey King: Hero is Back Review — Maxi-Geek

Paul: "Ever since growing up with Monkey (the Japanese adaptation of Journey to the West), there has been countless retellings of the story of Journey to the West and the Monkey King. 2015 saw Monkey King: Hero is Back as the highest grossing CGI movie in China. Now all the way over in 2019, in a somewhat baffling move we get the movie tie-in game. THQ Nordic has helped bring the game over to western audiences. The premise of the movie and game caught my attention enough to want to check it out."

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Monkey King: Hero is back – Review | The Loot Gaming

From the writer; ‘I spent a solid 9ish hours playing Monkey King and that is important to note because I’m not one to put myself through complete hell. It was enjoyable to a point. If you are a child, have a child, are a Monkey King mega fan or only like to play games about 15 minutes at a time you’ll LOVE this.

However, if you want something more complex and less annoying then you can play literally anything else.’

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Monkey King: Hero Is Back Review - Gaming Respawn

Monkey King: Hero Is Back is an action/adventure game based on the successful CGI movie made in conjunction with the movie's producers.

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Monkey King: Hero Is Back Review - BunnyGaming

Since childhood, the fabled Chinese classical novel of the mythical but mischievous Monkey King aka Journey To The West has been told and retold so many times that it has been an important part of my memories growing up. The writer finds himself drawn into watching each series, movies or even animated adaptations each and every time there is a new one, (sorry Bruce Lee, you come second).

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Positivelypositive 1668d ago

I saw the movie, so that made me not care about this game since its the same story but with lower quality graphics.