
Gods Unchained Stands By Banned Hearthstone Player Blitzchung; Offers Him His Lost Winnings

Gods Unchained developer Immutable offers banned Hearthstone player a way out; offers to pay him his lost winnings reiterating that "no player should be punished for their beliefs"

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PS5 Dominates, Sales Drop for All Consoles - Europe Hardware Estimates for May 2024

The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console in Europe

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GaboonViper3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

PS5 = 300,126
Switch = 158,473
Xbox Series = 68,592

Brilliant sales for PS5 and Switch in her twilight years.
Utterly appalling sales for Xbox, my God.

Xeofate3h ago

Xbox Series X|S sales are down by 49,961 units (-42.1%) YoY.

neutralgamer199242m ago(Edited 40m ago)

It will also be interesting what a potential switch 2 will do to current generation consoles. That's why maybe there is the rumored PS5 Pro. I think MS should have released an updated version themselves especially when they are asking $600 for a 2TB version

Ms should just do their next Xbox as a open platform Pc and charge premium like steam deck. Just do Xbox brand PC's. Xbox as a brand is at its least valuable point. So many of their future games are coming to Playstation too I think once Phil finally decides on halo and gears flood gates will open. Just release a gear of war collection before the next one comes out. Your gamepass users are happy to have the games day one and other platforms pay full price so MS generates more money

mkis00739m ago

That is a rumor going around so maybe. It would make sense with their handheld rumors too.

Einhander197210m ago

"I think MS should have released an updated version themselves especially when they are asking $600 for a 2TB version"

The One X sold 6 million or less and the SX is way underperforming the the One by significant margins at this point. A mid gen xbox console would have absolutely been a money flush. Power is not going to sell consoles for them if a 40% advantage failed so badly. And their most popular console by far is the series s.

I would prefer if xbox stopped making xbox hardware and just became a publisher and stopped doing everything they can to make things worse for PlayStation gamers. I am so tired of the near daily B.S.

They started the console war from day 0 of xbox with the goal of bringing down PlayStation and it can't end until they leave. If there was no xbox people could actually talk about games again and not try to destroy anything that isn't on a platform.

Heck the whole reason we even have these articles about sales numbers is because Microsoft wanted to brag about the 360, no one talked about sales before that and no one wanted too except for Microsoft.

They simply aren't doing anything that is making gaming better for the consumer or the industry.

dveio3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

PS5 only 9% down year-on-year is arguably thanks to their recently released and well-received 2nd and 3rd party line-up.

• NSW down ~57%.
• X|S down ~43%.

Year-to-date, PS5 now has a 5.2:1 sales ratio compared to X|S in Europe.

That's boxslaugther.

S2Killinit42m ago(Edited 42m ago)

300 divided by 68 = 4.41 PS5 consoles are sold per 1 xbox.


Insane? Is this even possible?


War Thunder Devs Apologize for Using Challenger Explosion in Key Art

Gaijin Entertainment, developer of military sim War Thunder, has apologized for using a shot of the Challenger explosion in its promotional artwork.

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romulus235h ago

Things like losing "context" tend to happen when you create your artwork using A.I.

mastershredder4h ago

The slimiest profit mongers of all time are Gaijin. Surprised? Not at all. The apology is about a sincere are their standard asking price. Do it for the least amount (no regard for quality) and sell it for the most profit = Gaijin.


Star Wars: Hunters Review | GamingonPhone

Vince Zyle writes "Star Wars Hunters is a really fun game! It’s not as good as other Star Wars games like Star Wars Battlefront 2 but coming from a developer like Zynga who worked on very underwhelming and low-quality titles before, this is a major upgrade.

There’s not much objectively wrong with the game aside from the work needed to make visuals smoother during animations. That’s one of the biggest issues at present alongside frame drops that occur from time to time when there’s too much going on which isn’t too bad but certainly noticeable.

In conclusion, Star Wars Hunters is a game for arena shooter fans who are looking for an action-filled game. Some of the other issues will hopefully be ironed out with future updates."

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