
We Can Finally Explain What You Actually Do In Death Stranding

He’s finally done it. After years of talking about Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima finally showed off a full mission’s worth of gameplay during a live stage presentation at Tokyo Game Show this week. It’s as offbeat, meticulously detailed, and intriguing as you’d expect from Kojima, if not more so.

Jimboms1835d ago

this game is going to be great.

1835d ago Replies(8)
Rambokind1835d ago

Na, it's going to suck when the repetition gets to everyone. Nice try, though. Maybe you're Hideo?

AuraAbjure1835d ago

It doesn't seem repetitive, it seems varied. There's: Exploration, the ability to play and mess with a bunch of crazy items and stuff like whenever you want, multiplayer, combat, probably some stealth game play, and maybe some puzzles too, and vehicular game play.

gintoki7771835d ago

nah, you have no idea what its gonna be like or impact you until you try it. So keep your panties in a bunch and quit beeing spoon fed opinions.

Lord_Sloth1835d ago

I've always wanted to play an action game starring a Bellsouth employee!

Inzo1835d ago

If Kojima's reveals of his previous games are anything to go by I can assure you that we haven't seen anything from DS yet.

andibandit1835d ago

Well I did see some YouTube comments saying it had a lot of recognizable MGS elements. Some even called it Metal Gear Postman.

SyntheticForm1835d ago

"Some even called it Metal Gear Postman."

I lol'd.

Inzo1835d ago

Yes it does give off MGS vibe but of course that is always a very good thing especially considering who the creator of MGS is.

fiveby91835d ago

I think it's going to be a great game. I like it that it is 'different'. Interesting story, innovative mechanics, and not just the same ole same ole shooter. Very much like MGS, which made you think and plan a tactical approach. The goal is not to just kill everything but to survive and aid others. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but at least it's fairly original.

monkey6021835d ago

I adore Metal Gear and I can't wait for Death Stranding but I'll be referring to it as Metal Gear Postman from now on ha

1835d ago
Sophisticated_Chap1835d ago

There is absolutely nothing MGS about this game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1835d ago
formanbradley1835d ago

You mean like when he showed more scenes in the trailers of MGSV than were actually in the game?

Inzo1834d ago

Not just MGS5 but MGS4 too. We hardly new anything about MGS4 before it released.

formanbradley1834d ago (Edited 1834d ago )

No, I got it on launch day. Since you mentioned GZ though...
He showed a cutscene at Camp Omega with a prisoner getting tortured and shot during daytime. Nowhere in GZ, and nowhere in TPP. (Red band trailer)

SyntheticForm1835d ago

It looks deep and complex yet manageable with an interesting premise. I've watched quite a bit of game play now and I'm fairly certain it's worth the buy for me.

Looks like quite the experience.

SyntheticForm1835d ago

It has the same style inventory screens and menus; looks like there's a lot going on. Same smoothness as MSGV, but everything else looks different.

I expected Death Stranding to have similar design aspects, but yeah, that's where the similarities seem to end.

generic-user-name1835d ago

You'd swear the same devs are behind both games.

1835d ago
theshredded1835d ago

It's going to be a legendary game.

Silly gameAr1835d ago (Edited 1835d ago )

It feels like there's a lot of people that want this game to fail. They latched on the "people don't know what this game is" trash, to try to make it seem like it's going to be a terrible game, and I really don't get that stupid ass argument.

I don't know if they just have something personal against Kojima and his games, or it they just hate how respected he is in the industry. Either way, the shit they come up with the try to discredit this game, just seems overblown.

bluefox7551835d ago

Yeah, I don't understand all the downvotes, the game looks awesome.

fr0sty1835d ago

and Kudos to Koji for MAKING SOMETHING ORIGINAL. We don't get enough of that these days.

trooper_1835d ago

It's really annoying how it's getting downplayed.

The game has this cool sci-fi/supernatural/ political feel to it.

The_Sage1835d ago

It's not on their platform of choice, so they're throwing shade.

rainslacker1835d ago

The same people who act like it's going to be terrible have been all over Kojima, his talent, and his games since before he even left Konami. It's pretty sad that they think anyone takes them seriously, when they can't even make any real rational argument about why his games have been bad, or how they could know this game would be bad when they had barely showed anything of it so far.

Steppenwolfmother1835d ago

I have seen the complete opposite. Most people I have seen discussing the game are acting like this is a guaranteed 10/10 before we even new what it is. Kojima has made some fantastic games, I’ve played all the metal gear games since MGS on ps1. But this game doesn’t look fun to me personally. If your sold by what you’ve seen then fantastic I’m stoked for you, I don’t want any game to fail.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1834d ago
1835d ago
porkChop1835d ago

I don't know why you're getting so many disagrees. It's ridiculous that less than two months from release we're only *just* figuring out what the game even is.

harmny1835d ago (Edited 1835d ago )

go play call of duty. i can tell you what the next 10 are about.

this man is hideo kojima.

porkChop1834d ago

What does COD have to do with anything?

Are you suggesting that people don't have the right to understand what they're buying? Because it's Kojima we should just buy it and not ask questions?

Ninver1834d ago

A decade or more ago gamers had no idea about certain games they bought. You had to buy magazines every month to get little info.

Point is that knowing little about a game doesn't mean it won't wow you.

harmny1835d ago (Edited 1835d ago )

n4g: we want new things. we are tired of the same game every year. of developers following trends. of microtransactions.

also n4g: wtf is kojima doing. no one understand what this is... this man is crazy. get out of here

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Juancho51226d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.